Anyone wanna collab? (SpaceFluff)

One of the most hilarious thing I know is fluffies on drugs!

fluffy on the left says: “wOAAHhh… aM Su fUGgEIn hiIIIigH…!”

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I absolutely love that the fluff on the right is so high he forgot how to use a bong XD
I’ll get started!

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How would you guys like to work together on something? I bet the three of us could come up with somethin awesome.

I would like to try a collab ( never done one before).

How about we send each other sketches and then color them in? Would you be okay with that?

If you’d like anything specific ( hugbox, abuse,…) please let me know, I’m open to anything.

I’d like to color in some abuse if possible.

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Hey that sounds great! Abuse sounds good, anything specific in mind?

No, but don’t hold back on the gore.

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Aww sweet, this’ll be fun.

What would you like to color in?

I’m absolutely down for a big collaboration.

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