what is at the same time a hilarious, a classic and something that does not involve permanent injury? And a prank for someone ho is dumb? Aaaaand fat?
for the april “foals” day.
what is at the same time a hilarious, a classic and something that does not involve permanent injury? And a prank for someone ho is dumb? Aaaaand fat?
for the april “foals” day.
Run, you adorable fatass!
Get recked
Hilarious and good for him in the long run.
Ha, long run
Swear that wasn’t on purpose
Is the whole room shaking when he runs or is something in the picture frame wanting to get out?
I’m pretty sure the joke is that he’s that fat.
It’s no joke. He’s fat.
i approve this message.
the prank: ruined treadmill
Me: (sees the brown streak)
Oh no…
Good thing it’s not moving any faster, or else the fluffy might not be the only thing getting flung.
(Adds shredder to the back of the treadmill)
“I’ve added a stick to the metaphorical carrot.”
This is perfect! Moronbox combined with well-intentioned abuse in a perfect loop of hilarious fluffy incompetence!
well intentioned because this fat little man is gonna be toned as fuck by the time this stops being entertaining
Look how his fat cheek bounce, he really need to go on a diet.
Ah, since they have no concept truly of time, you can say it’s April Fool’s Day all the time, til he’s no longer a cankeled foal.
That would be a bitch to clean up all that shit on the treadmill after he’s done his run for the day.