He was told he was going to be a supreme stallion. All mares are going to be enfied by him. Human never told him about the dummy thicc mommy munstahs. His body is saying “yes dis am besses mawe ebbah, hab enfie times fow many bwight times!”. Meanwhile this is not what is going on in the brain “oh no. Munsahs. Pointy hewties. Dewpy wings. Wai nu nu stick wising. Stahp. Bad! Das a munsah, nu mawe! Wai munsah smew su pwetty? Su makies heawt happies? Wai munsah su meanies?? Stahp, nu wan enfies, bu wan enfies, hab tinky pwace hewties!”
Hoof job is best abuse
the stallion: put me down as scared and horny
Part of me thinks this would be just as funny but in a very different vibe if they were stallions instead of mares. ~Chuckle~
ah yes, two munstahs lads and their twink
Well, it wouldn’t be out of character here. But it would be on controversial. With “impending doom” tagged on.
the impending doom of his ass and throat
I thought they were older. I thought Earthies were the larger type?
I’m now remembering an episode of South Park where Ike and his hot teacher have an affair. All the adults who find out are like, “Nice.”
What about horrorbox
Ah xD You made the reference, that’s awesome.
General fanon is Earthies are the largest of the three more common types, but alicorns are a whole scale bigger again - enough so that some authors believe the ‘pointy wingies are munstahs’ primarily comes from the size difference.
two grown mares and a foal? i wonder if this image fit on the weird-box category.
Somebody save the blueberry boy! He might not be able to handle it!
The sizes usually go Alicorn > Toughie Earthie > Regular earthie > Unicorn > Pegasus > Mini > Toy > Micro > Cottonfluff. With there not being huge differences in the species for Mini, Toy, and Micro sizes except for Alicorns.
I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
Nice one, Foxhoarder! Kinda wish I saw this earlier.
Different kind of ball busting