Art style test (Originally drawn by: EzPete) - Lineart and colorfill added by: KCpw

I was around in the early days of the fluffy pony posting when fluffybooru first went online, what feels like 10 years ago. It was really neat to run into this community again and see new artists and all the cool art, stories, voice acting, games, etc that have been made since then!

I love everything from hand drawn sketches, to charming ms paint comics, to full blown stories with dozens of chapters, abandoned games being picked up by new developers, and just the general feeling of people adding what they can where they can to expand this universe.

Back when I first got into the OG MLP:FIM community, I started doing vector line art and tracing scenes in the show, and later tried my hand at digital art and drawing with what I had which was basically a mouse and paint. I did do some fluffy art but nothing really all that noteworthy.

I decided I kind of want to get back into that again and I think doing the lines and color on some sketches, after seeing some of EzPete’s, I figured his sketches would be a good place to start and dip my toes back into it. The original post is here.

Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy!


I think the community cal always do with more creators


Looks great. I’d caution against touching someone’s work except for shitpost edits without messaging them first in the future.

I was actually thinking about making this specific foal light blue.


Welcome aboard, mind the piles of shit everywhere