Art/writing Requests? (Star-The-Alicorn)

I’ve been in a bit of a creative funk recently, so I’m in need of some ideas to get my gears turning. I have a few rules, though.

  1. No hate art/writing. That would include things like LGBT+phobia, racism, sexism, ableism, antisemitism, etc. This would also include things like abuse of characters where the creator doesn’t allow abuse, or box-shaming.

  2. No sexual abuse with a lot of details. One singular chapter in Tidepod’s story is the only exception I will ever make. The perpetrator of the sexual abuse cannot go unpunished, either. When I write it, sexual abuse stories are about the victim healing from their trauma, and the aggressor being severely punished.

  3. Nothing that breaks site rules, such as non-fluffy animal abuse.

  4. No pornography or genital abuse.

  5. No abuse of anthros.


A story revolving around a fluffy that has absurd food cravings and somehow manages to get them, and the aftermath.

Too much cheese, ate a jar of pickles, mayonnaise and cough drop sandwiches, etc.


Oddly enough, I can spew forth a lot of ideas when given a prompt but these kind of requests usually make me go “…uhhh” .

So I don’t know other then have a go at drawing my kitsune fluffy Rambo doing something ?

I’ll try to think up something better.


what if a microfluff goes in between two crackers and looks like smores
bonus points if it got a lil chocolate thing too

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…Mein gott, that already sounds like a nightmare right there !


Oh this one sounds like a great moronbox humor fic! Lovely idea.


…Thanks, now I got the idea of a micro fluff eating little chocolate coins in my head.

Edit : I did draw one eating a tic tac.


There’s an idea.

a micro fluff eating little chocolate coins in my head.

Someone’s gone insane from working long hours at Fluffmart and believes there’s a microfluff living in their head and eating chocolates.


Guy tries to start Fluffy fight club after hearing how vicious they are to each other. He sets up a webcam for a pay-per view system

Literally every Fluffy he pits against each other just want to hug and play with each other.

Guy realises that he’s getting more money from hugbox donations that he would’ve as a fight promoter. Gives up on the fight club and opens a Fluffy Daycare channel with 24 Hour live footage


But what if he is NOT insane and there is one ?!

It’s living in his ear.

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The name of the place should be FightCare.


I’ve always wanted to see more content of fluffies having pet “siblings” that aren’t the conventional pets like cats or dogs. Something not covered in fur.

Like for example…
Fluffy watching their lizard sister eat “Hiss Hiss sista sure wub numming buggy munstahs!”
owner laughs “Yeah, she does! Those crickets taste like SKETTI to her!”

Or “Wub watchin’ fishy bwudda swim! Suu fast! Su pwetty!”


And he only notices when he stops hearing on one side cuz of the poop clogging up his aural canal.

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Dog sledding, but with fluffies


A mile long harnass filled with fluffies, to pull one sled with one man and some "luggage"through the snow.

Mush MUSH you little bastard rat horsies !

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He mistakes that for earwax.

He also hears voices but that’s the microfluffy talking.


And of course it’s dark in there so it’s scared all the time.

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Untill it found a miniature miners helmet with a light attached to it
But the fluffy leads a lonesome fearful life.


And then it devolves into a surrealist tale of this microfluffy going deeper and deeper into the dude’s mind and has a spiritual journey which ends with it climbing out his nose as an enlightened individual and accidentally being eaten by him during the night.


Or getting hit by something or the bloke wiping his hand, sweeping the fluffy away which then gets eaten\carried away by a horde of rats in HTF style.