Ask bluey! By:eded_ted

That’s why I wrote it

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Do the nae nae


Have you ever noticed things Ted could not see such as lights, levitating objects, ripples in space/time, or Fluffies who don’t look quite right?


Uu… thats a good one!

But i dout that, since teds a cristian (like me!)

But we will see!


hey bluey, what type of spaghetti is your favorite? (angel hair, thicc, etc)

I suppose a good follow-up would be something on sin, morality, and fate which coincidentally ties into a lot of Abuse scenarios.

“If a daddeh who knows everything decides to put you into the exact setup where you would do something bad because he knows you would do the bad thing, do they have any right to be mad at you when you do it? Do they have the right to be mad without actually making you do it, because they know there is a way that you would do a bad thing? Is it their fault for not helping you be good? Do you have a right to be mad at them for not being a good daddeh and helping you be good too? Does anyone have any responsibility to help anyone else or are you only bad when you do something bad?”

There’s literally no answer that won’t make him imply something bad here.



whats your favorite color.
mine is blue

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I change mine to this if Pinky is in the room when he answers.

Dear Bluey: I love brown fluffies so your answer made me have heart hurties. Huuhuuhuu. But I still wub you.


Do you know ho dumbest poopie babie is?

Or rather was?


Hey Bluey, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

I thought it was Sargent Dookie.

do you like turbines ;

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What about gladiator movies?

Oh, I stand corrected!

Silly me.

May I revise that to:

“Do you and Pinkie have heart hurties thinking about Sargent Dookie? Wub you both.”

My apologies for the misunderstanding on my part! Bluey is a good fluffy :slight_smile:

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What are your favorite kind of skettis?


Did you hear about what I did to my Ex’s fluffies? I wonder what your eyes taste like? Hers tasted like mochi. Screeching, pain riddled sweet agony. And a bit like lavender as well.

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Hehe… The name is miss-leading, but when you see her, you wish you could punch it :slight_smile:

I have found her!

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