Autopsy- Goretober Day Five (By: PeppermintParchment)

Goretober Day Five. The prompt was “Autopsy”. I didn’t like the prompt so I didn’t put much effort into this one. My idea was something along the lines of a Baby’s First Autopsy playset, but I think I approached it wrong. If I could redo this I would do something like an Operation styled fluffy.


It seems mildly inconvenienced if anything

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It’s just a little boo boo, not even a big deal honestly. Fluffies are so dramatic.

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‘Operation: Fluffy Pony Edition’, available for a limited time, only from Hasbio!


I LOVE this premise! Kid’s first dissection with live fluffies! It’ll fly off the shelves I’m telling you!!


I shoved that MLP Cupcakes creepypasta into the back of my head for years but this reminded me about it. You always do such a good job with hair!

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Mmm… tummy sketties…

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