Avocado - Chapter 2 - By Oculus (with art by Carpdime)


A tribute to Carpdime’s Avocado

Chapter Two: Avocado’s first word


(continued from Chapter 1, with information from “Growing Up” )


Avocado needed warmth. Our little green foal was clinging to the finger of his owner, as the fluff on a week-old foal is not fully grown and thus would not be enough to keep him warm. A full feeding of milk, as well as the initial warmth had put him to sleep. However, our sleeping foal started to cry as he felt things were getting colder.

“Eep! Eep!”

Although blind to the world, Avocado, being a fluffy pony, was able to start using his legs. Moving blindly, he could feel a large warm thing nearby. He was mostly using his forelegs, as his hind legs were still weak, and every time he tried to walk with his hind legs, he kept stumbling. He was not sure what this thing was but, it was warmer than the earlier soft and warm thing than he clung to. The surface of this thing was hard, unliked the previous one, but it was warm. Feeling more comfortable, Avocado huddled beside it, and fell asleep.

Eventually, he could feel being inserted into a soft area, with something else soft covering him. Being a blind foal that could only reach out to anything that would be like a mother to it, the foal instinctively though of this covering as being in the warm presence of its mother. ( >>23340 )

“Coo…. Coo….”

Feeling snug and safe beneath the covering, Avocado fell asleep once again.


Our young man had his work cut out for him. The video that the young man had watched mentioned that the foal had to be kept warm and recommended a specialized incubator designed for foals. He initially had placed Avocado in a small Chinese takeaway box. However, Avocado started to cry when things got cold. He then placed Avocado near a coffee mug that was starting to cool. The foal crawled his way to the coffee mug and started to huddle around it.

The man quickly checked his smartphone for more information, and then realized that, although he thought of Avocado as being one week old, in truth our little green foal was two weeks old. This is because Avocado had aged by a week within the can. Of course, there was also the two weeks he spent in the vending machine but, that could be attributed to a form of cryogenics (or cryonics) that kept the foal in a form of induced hibernation, as well as slowing down his aging and metabolism while his can was in the vending machine. Remembering his bedroom sandal, he placed Avocado within the sandal, and noticed that foal fit well into it.

As Avocado slept inside the sandal, the man kept watching the video, and the video recommended a basket lined with soft material as bedding for the foal. The basket needed to have some pillows as well as be large enough to have an area where a small litterbox could be placed. A hugtoy was recommended so that the foal would not suffer from separation anxiety. At this stage, the foal was still very vulnerable and thus it was recommended that the foal did not play with toys such balls and building blocks, as they would be more accident prone.

Our young man looked sheepishly at the products he bought. During the week while Avocado was still in the can, he did buy the specialized bottle for feeding the foal. However, he had gotten the blocks and ball too early. He didn’t have a hugtoy for our dear Avocado, nor a litterbox for his toilet training. Another trip to the Fluffmart was needed while Avocado was sleeping in his sandal.

After all, and seeing a brown stain on the sandal, he realized Avocado needed his own bed.


“I didn’t know you had a fluffy!”

She was a cute girl with blonde hair who was living two doors down the hall from the young man.

“Oh, what gave that away?” he asked.
“I saw you carrying a hugtoy, as well as a box of Fluffmart litter the other day.” She smiles, as she continued, “I happen to have a fluffy of my own!”

“Mummah! Mummah!”

A gleeful voice could be heard coming from behind the blonde’s door.

“Don’t worry Princess, I’m here.”

She was a pink fluffy with a purple mane. Her body was a bit longer compared to other fluffies the man had seen, and her legs were not as fluffy. As the girl held the fluffy up, the man could see that the fluffy had light mauve spots across its fluff, as well as blue eyes. On her head was a little tiara. On her flank, you could see a little cutie mark of a spoon. This fluffy might have been expensive.

“This is my Princess. She’s a little bit needy, but she’s well-trained.”
“She’s beautiful!”
“She is! And she’s very talented too!”

As the girl says this, she placed her fluffy on the floor. The fluffy proceeded to stand on her hind legs, and walk like as though she were a human, before quickly returning to all fours.

“It takes a while for fluffies to do that. Some of the more agile fluffies are capable of dancing for up to half a minute on their hind legs.”

“That’s impressive.”
“Nah, that’s simple. Now here’s a real trick.
Princess, do a flip.”

The girl said this, while drawing a circle in the air with her index finger.

Princess nodded. Standing on all fours, she slowly bent her legs.

She then sprang up! Her body flipped backwards in the air, as she landed again, safely, on all fours.

The young man was a bit amazed.

“I didn’t know fluffies can do that! I thought they’re fragile!”
“They’re not that fragile. They’re kind of like rabbits. Or guinea pigs. It also depends on the breed of fluffy, as well as what you feed it. I wouldn’t recommend letting any fluffy do this trick though, as most fluffies tend to be fat and clumsy. A trick like that backflip could kill a fluffy if it is not careful.”
“Well I know beans about fluffies. I only just got mine recently.”
“Princess here is my second one, and I still remember the first one I had as a kid.”


It was about the fourth day when Avocado came out of his can.

He was nestled in a pet bed, hugging his hugtoy. The local Fluffmart at the town was a small affair, and didn’t sell pet beds, so our young had to buy a pet bed off PeeBay. It was in a puke green colour, as it was the cheapest. However, this bed had enough soft material, as well as a place that a litterbox could be stationed. With careful guidance, the young man had taught Avocado how to do his business in the litterbox, like all good fluffies should. His hooves and skin sensing the coarse material, Avocado slowly learnt to feel for the area that could be assumed to be fluffy litter.

And then, one of Avocado’s eye lids started to move.

Realizing this was the moment, the young man brought Avocado on the table, placing him on the beach sandal.

Slowly, Avocado opened his eyes, and for the first time, saw his father figure.

“Chirp…. Chirp….”

Avocado could not understand what he was seeing. Being only a few weeks old and having never been raised by his actual fluffy mare (or stallion), this human being, this creature, was the only parental figure to greet him.

“Hey Avo. Its me.

Your daddy.”

“Chirp…. Chirp…”

Avocado nonetheless reaches his hooves out. Slowly walking, stumbling but steady, he crawls up to the young man, who now had placed his face on the table. Avocado, to the best of his effort, wrapped his hooves around the man’s face. Closing his right eye, and Avocado was hugging the area, he said softly.

“My dear Avo.”


“They have growth spurts. After about a month, they will be about as big as a guinea pig. Then, their growth will be slow for about six months. That is why so many fluffy foals remain at that size for a good while. By the end of the sixth month, they’ll be twice the size of a guinea pig, and then they’ll start having bigger growth spurts again. They will reach adulthood about a year from birth and by then, they’ll be about the size of a small cat or dog, depending on the breed. Some breeds may read adulthood by nine months, some seven. It also depends on other factors like hormones, environment and so on.”

“That’s all very helpful information!”

“Remember to keep feeding your fluffy! They’ll need milk within their first month, but after a month, you’ll be able to feed them kibble. And remember not to feed them oily or fatty foods, especially as a foal. They may want spaghetti, but they’re too young to eat that.”

The young man raised his eyebrow by the mention of spaghetti. At the current moment, he was unaware of the infamous fluffy addiction for this Italian food.

The two college students had met up from time to time for the next two weeks. The girl, being very knowledgeable about fluffy pony care, gave a lot of helpful advice and tips. And as always, she reminded the young man to keep feeding Avocado.


And the one day, something awkward happened.

Carrying Princess in her arms, the blonde starts to tickle her fluffy’s belly.
“Hee hee! Siwwy mummah, dat tickwes!” laughs Princess.

“I still remember Princess when she was just born. My family is in the fluffy breeding business, and when I first held Princess, her hooves were still a bit fleshy. Even though they have DNA from other animals, fluffy ponies are based off horses, and like horses, the foals will have eponychium on their hoof areas, until their hooves start to harden. However, since fluffies were created by Hasbio to be domestic animals, they don’t walk within a day like normal horse foals.”

“Ah, so that’s explains why Avocado’s hooves were so soft and kind of squishy when he came out of the can.”


She looks at the young man. The smile on her face was starting to disappear.

“Yeah, I got Avocado from one of those Foal-in-a-can vending machines. Bought him about two weeks ago.”

Her face was blank as she kept staring at the man. Looking at her face, the young man started to feel awkward.
“Well, I better go. I got class in about half an hour, plus I need to keep Princess entertained a bit.”
“Sure. I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah, sure,” she said, very curtly.

And in a hurried manner, she closed the door.

Class at this hour? Bullshit, scoffed the man in his thoughts. It was 8pm.

That girl never spoke to the young man again for a long time. Judging from the masked odium she had, she may have been one of those people who objected to the practise of selling foals in cans. Or perhaps she was a stuck-up elitist who felt that her fluffy was far superior to a cheap foal purchased in a can. For the longest time, the young man could only speculate.


Three and a half weeks had passed.

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Avocado was no longer crawling now, as he was starting to walk more confidently. He was now about the size of a guinea pig. He was still drinking milk, but the young man knew that he had to slowly wean Avocado off his reliance on milk formula. It was why Avocado was now wearing a pacifier from time to time.

The young man had kept away the hugtoy that Avocado had been hugging while staying in his pet bed. Now the size of a guinea pig, Avo could be placed with a cardboard box, where a ball and building blocks for his size were placed. This box was his playpen, and the place where he was going to stay while waiting for his owner to come back from classes.

During this time, Avocado kept making ‘da’ sounds. Remembering what the girl had told him, the young man kept teaching some basic words to Avocado, like ‘milk’, ‘ball’, ‘poopies’ and

“Da! Da!”

It was unmistakeable. That was the best Avocado could manage. But the young man kept at it.

“That’s right Avocado, I’m your da da! You’re daddy!”

“Da! Da! Dada!”

Beaming, our young man fed Avocado his bottle of milk. Upon finishing the milk, Avocado said “Dada!” happily, before letting his owner place the pacifier in his mouth. Feeling a little accomplished, our young man gave Avocado his hugtoy back.

Feeling happy, Avocado hugged his dear toy, and slowly, fell asleep.

22395 - artist_carpdime chirpy_babbeh foal foals growing guide keeping_foals_with_carpdime little_avocado newborn safe talkie_babbeh wagging_tail


Pastebin entry: Avocado - Chapter 2 - Pastebin.com

The second part of Avocado’s story, which was previously posted to the subreddit as well. Aside from references that are linked within the narrative, most of Avocado’s growth within his first month is based off this picture Carpdime did in his keeping foal series. For the sake of consistency, and noting certain images @Carpdime did of Avocado as a foal, I am setting the age it takes for a foal to reach adulthood at at least six months or more.


More chapters with avacado and pictures?


Guess designer fluffy girl has decided she’s out of his league.


There will be more, yes. I just uploaded an Avocado chapter that Carpdime himself wrote. You can read it here. Chapter 3 is up now

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There’s a bit more to her story, according to Carpdime. I’m hoping I can convey it effectively.


ooooh! yay