B.C.S. or what I call as Baby Craze syndrome (thank you FluffyChimera) idea (By 7svendye).

Hey everyone been on this site for a while now been mostly an observer and reader of both comics and text and haven’t really been as much of a contributor as I like to be.

A while back I got some advice from Mr_Owl Formatting my idea into kind of like a college paper/thesis that a student is trying to turn in for his Veterinary degree but unfortunately, I kind of hit a roadblock and overall I’ve been busy with other things.

So I just kind of want to put my idea out there if anyone wants to use it so to speak as the name implies from the topic that I made from what I call delusional baby syndrome or delusional Mare syndrome is that I’m taking on the concept of a fluffy wanting quote on quote babies but there is something I wanted to touch upon what happens when a mare who runs away from home and wants babies but she’s not seen as pretty by other ferals and she gets so desperate to the point of wanting babies that she resorts to stealing other fluffy Young which in turn often leads to them dying in horrific ways and also killing the delusional mare who desires them.

I got inspired by this idea from a comic and others like it but the story was named Candy as she suffered through BMS and because of that she lost her babies and it got to a point where she tried to get pregnant multiple times however she got fixed by her owner and it got so bad for her that she ended up stealing other Fluffy’s babies starving them and having a mountain of corpses underneath her.

Plus after seeing the fate of Petal how she was so desperate to keep her babies that even though she wanted them to stay by her side they were essentially too big for her now and rather than being a good parent and letting them go she got so desperate to keep them that she ended up hurting another person’s pet fluffy and letting out all her friends into the wild that got killed in the process

Overall when it comes to fluffy mama’s who want to protect their babies they are the ones who end up killing them in both dumb and horrific ways.

Edit: Forgot to add in some of the contributions of this disease which are the separation of the young foals from the mama way too soon, the loss of the children due to death or accident, to even a mutated form of BMS (mostly ones who got fixed) where a mother fluffy believes that it is a way better mother than that of the birth mother just some general ideas on what can contribute to this disease that I made up

Another contributing factor that I forgot to add is that it can stem from hasbio Purpose of keeping female fluffy ponies as a means to keep the population from spreading, but due to generations of breeding and sometimes incest resulted in the program of fluffy, loving all their babies resulted in this disease

(Last edit and I’m done: so with DBM the name implies of wanting babies and in turn will do anything to get babies let it be murder, kidnapping, and even keeping the corpse of dead foals. So now back to the shadows from where I came.


Who let this man cook?

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eh it was just an idea real life dragged me in


You know that? I like it, many fluffy moms are willing to sacrifice their babies in order to live, this is a good opposite end of the spectrum where they are so desperate to have babies they often end up hurting them. Bitch mares are easy but these seem like they would be desperate for any baby, even a poopie or a munster baby. I can see them being used and abused as nannies and bait for ferals. Good job


Thanks, It’s just that I seen the trope of. I’m a good mom a lot of the time that I kind of got inspired. I kind of suffered from writers block though so I can’t make a story if anyone wants to use this go ahead


Would it best be called Delusional Baby Syndrome or Delusional Mare Syndrome? The foals aren’t the delusional ones.


That is true, to be fair I kinda struggle with the name


What about Delusional Parentage Disorder? It gets the point across, and I can see feral stallions stealing foals for a special friend who died while pregnant. It broadens the condition, and clarifies the situation at a glance.


Or Delusional Parentage Syndrome (DPS) so we can make some gaming jokes as well :smiley:


Another name I could use is delusional desire baby Syndrome (D.D.B.S.) ether way this is a disease that kills delusional mares and innocent foals that are either abducted or biologically related to the mare

I like this idea not just for mares but for grieving stallions who lost their loved ones what makes it worse is that the abducted blind chirpy would try and nurse from the Dead mare


O podria amamantar algo mas jajajajaa,lo publique en español por que es un chiste muy malo


if a mare has Delusional Mare Syndrome would it be best to have her put down?


yes and no, for vets they want to try and understand the disease because in my headcanon its this sickness that results in Mares running away from home


Baby stealing is very common in penguins, a couple that failed to hatch their egg properly, or their young died too early, have a hormonal imbalance, which encourages them to steal chicks, but when the effect is over they forget about them and often die of hunger or cold.