Did you know they make baby bottles that look like boobs…? Well. Here’s a fluffy babbeh using one!
You are a freakin’ metronome, man, flipping from one side to the next. I don’t think I’ve seen someone who so consistently puts out BOTH hugbox and abuse. That’s impressive. I have to stick to sadbox cuz my hugbox sucks. Makes me happy to see someone who can do both and do them well
Wow! Thanks! I really do enjoy all boxes in the community. So I try to draw as much different stuff as I can.
I wonder if widdwe babbeh poopies are anything like human baby poopies. If so, then combined with the prodigious defecatory abilities of the fluffy species in general, babbeh fluffy poopies would have to be positively vile.
Hope that diaper can handle what’s coming its way.
It’s hideous but also cute. You’ve got a knack for this, Dan.
Baby poops within the first few days of life are very nasty.
Be prepared to never look at hummus the same way again
Well. I would argue feeding a baby corn for the first time, them pooping and corn getting everywhere was pretty bad. I still have a hard time eating corn.
I…wow…yeah, that’d ruin corn for me, too.
Kids are kinda good at making you desensitized to gross stuff. The newborn to toddler stage is full of nasty things.
It has such a sickly sweet face. Jesus!