Babbeh Dreams, by DA

Night night, babbeh!
Inspired by @Larur’s “Mo’ Hugbox.”


This implies that the love of sphagetti is genetically ingrained in fluffies and not learned. Interesting.


Poor little bastards gonna have a bad time when he wakes up and realises he’s still a milk-drinker.

I mean you don’t need many teeth to eat spaghetti but I’ve no doubt the kid would choke to death on the noodles if if he tried munch on them at this age.

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But can any sketties he eats ever take away the pain of never having the perfect dream sketties? We had a good hour of arguing with our youngest last week about the green beans not being “good” like the ones he dreamed about. Seems like something that might crop up in something designed to think on the level of a small child.

I too dream of skettis,little babbeh.

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