Babbehs Make Everything Better. Right? #17 - 18 (by: FallenAngel)

are you too much scarface movie

At least Forrest got what he deserved. Very late, but he paid

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Burn it

I’m opting for rolling over - you expect that fat shit to work for their pwecious milkies?

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are you too much scarface movie

@dolewnderful What?

using f word and word

Fat ain’t a swear word.

Edit: lol you were referring to a different post. Not sure why the swearing bothers you on a site that features fluffy-mini-horse things getting fucked over in brutal ways.

Welcome and yes I think he need death not you green ass over there

We need to eat the green one

You wait until Scarlett has her introduction in the next story.

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another F word: fuck, you too much watch scarface movie

Never even heard of the film Scarface, until you mentioned it.

Scarface is movie from 1983, the actor is Al Pacino as tony montana.

i just need to know what happened to clover honestly

Same to be honest

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