Anyone know any good comics or art where a mummah has her foals taken away or killed in front of her as a punishment? Or at least any where the foals get taken away and the mother is still devastated?
That’s a very, very common trope, especially when it comes to killing their foals in front of them. Pwease Nu Huwt Babbehs and Cancer Babies by FoalOut4 are great textposts about it.
As for images and comics, I would highly recommend BESTEST NO MORE by Innshiprion. Bitchy mare is restrained as her bestest smarty foal is tortured and killed in front of her. You should also check out PETN’s work.
Yea but I also wanna know everyone’s favorite. And thank you so much, I’ll look into those
I did a short story with something like that ages ago, featuring a mother who gets to watch her baby expire: