In addition to what’s been said I personally feel the only thing stupider than fluffies in the setting are the humans.
Im guessing he counts premature/stillbirths.
Why wait for the next litter? What if as an incentive cuts off an ear, so you will feel more pressure that mare SF
You don’t need legs to breed in the first place.
feeding a thing that looks like a shit turd, needs constant supervision or extra lounge since it will get bullied by literally every other fluffy otherwise, for weeks until it reaches breeding age, only on the off-chance of it maybe producing better colors?
You do know that fluffies are really not that rare in most canons, right?
From a cost-benefit perspective alone it’s most likely more profitable to simply throw shit colored foals away (if we are talking a big industrial breeding mill). No recycling into kibble, no killing mechanism like an industrial crushing machine. All those would bring in additional costs for very little benefit. Nope, simply throw them in the trash and explain to the new employees why the trash bins make “huu huu” noises every once in a while.
Furthermore, despite previous posters saying that it is primarily luck, I’d like to argue that similar to the “wan die” state that severely depressed fluffies fall into, breeding mares can fall into a “shit factory” state. Usually, that happens after many many litters as some sort of exhaustion, but it can also happen to relatively fresh mares.
That last point is kind of head canon territory, though.
Correct, and with no legs, that mare takes less space. Which would allow even more mares shoved into the same space.
There is profit in suffering.
Ah a fellow of culture I see-fixes monical twirling handle bar mustache
Ah another fellow of culture
Most of the time, I really only see mares getting punished for bad litters.
In actuality, the bad colors might be from the stallion. I guess the only way to know if a mare is a non-profitable breeding mare would be to try a different stallion each time.
May I please direct folks’ attention to…
VERY good.
How many fathers were involved? Maybe they’re the true culprits.
After 15 batches, I don’t think it would be the stallions.
Milkbagging a Rainbow Dash fluffy? Fuck that, MLP fluffies are valuable! Rehabilitate her and sell her to some rich guy.
…Then again, her mane is in the wrong style and I can’t imagine she’s in good shape physically or mentally after having 15+ litters back-to-back. Maybe milkbag her after all.
honestly fucking love how you draw chirpies
Well you could just make the breeder a high-end one who sells only exotic colors, thus the pressure to produce high quality foals.
Otherwise yeah it’s dumb and is there just for suffering.
15?! and bad colors?! one more?! dude she would be mince meat after the 3rd
Turn this bunch into supercommandos!