Bad chirpy got a kid in trouble! (Annakenzie)



She’s got the right idea, but if you’re going to punish a fluffy properly, a flick on the snout or a good pinch on the hindquarters will do. I wouldn’t recommend holding or pinching a foals genitals because a) it may cause permanent issues such as incontinence and more importantly b) it’s unsanitary and more likely to cause greater mess. In general, punishing chirpies is not very effective, they are blind and unable to comprehend anything, at best you’ll have a traumatized foal at worst a bloody mess for the biowaste bin. Unless, of course, abuse is your goal. I myself prefer a good hard pinch or a flick on the ears. Enough to have them cry in pain, but not too much as to have their suffering end too early.

Side Note: For any parents out there reading, I highly recommend against getting an expensive foal for a child, it will just be money thrown away. Also, do monitor the foals treatment from time to time. If you notice that your child has been causing extreme/graphic/sexual abuse to fluffies and foals, consider a counselor for them, as prolonged abuse has been noted in several studies as a possible symptom of conduct disorder, personality disorders, and especially autism.


If he’s mad that a living thing poops, how did he live with a child?

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…He loves his child, presumably?



Dumb Human tag. So accurate.


How come we spend hours reattaching severed limbs of ER patients but throw away broken sporks instead of trying to fix them?

Fluffies are disposable.


Testicular abuse is always appropriate punishment for a male.

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The way his reaction was phrased sounded like he was mad that poop was present rather than its source.

The fluffy is a female

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Right, that’s why I specified males. I don’t know how to properly punish females.

Yea because kids are always like “Can I have X? I totally promise that I’ll do Y and Z” and then don’t. We were all like that. Kid almost certainly got a fluffy on the condition they clean up after it.

Tbh the kid is probably trying but the fluffy is being disobedient and pooping everywhere despite receiving litter training because they are self entitled vermin.


Just sayin’, if you’re not prepared for poop to exist, don’t bring a thing into your home which poops, especially not since he must know fluffies are hard to train.

dumb human tag.

Humans in basically everyone’s headcanons are woefully uninformed on fluffy behavior.

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Prominent genitalia on Fluffies is always disgusting and this applies tenfold for fillies. Nothing is more hideous than a foal with a pair of swollen, bald lips sticking out from between her legs. Even worse that it’s a chirpy, and even worse than that, a fucking hoof-suckler. Her legs are the perfect length for you to grab them by and swing her body against a wall.

Note: this was a compliment to the artstyle.


Kids are living things. Toys shouldn’t make messes. Simple as.


You could say she’s a Lego. As in let go of her legs. OK, that’s a horrible toy pun.


Kid’s kinda gross for being so willing to pinch a piss covered vag like that.