Bad Mummah Ch. 11 (FluffyChimera)

It’s been two days since Spaghetti Day, and Loretta has scheduled a routine for Lady Bell.

Every day the mare is locked in solitary confinement, forced to listen to the constant messages of how to be a good fluffy and good mummah. Her breakfast is a single scoop of low grade kibble. A little while after that, Loretta takes her out to bring her to the workout room again to make her run. Something about needing to be ‘healthy’ and ‘exercise’. Whatever, as long as she didn’t have to be stuck in that dumb room listening to recordings.

After exercising, it’s back to manners training, but without M&M to help. Loretta apparently didn’t trust Lady Bell around him by himself. She couldn’t fathom why. After training, it was lunch time. More dry, low grade kibble.

Once lunch was over, it was straight to the milk pump to ease her sore milkie places. Lady Bell despised every second of it and demanded to see her babbehs. She was denied every time. With her milk stolen, it was straight back to the solitary confinement room with a dinner of another scoop of low grade kibble.

Rinse and Repeat.

After the first day of this, Lady Bell had started to noticed her tummy wasn’t feeling very good. She ached, only a little at first, but a little while longer it ached more. She had to make poopies, but every time she tried, she only made peepees instead. She couldn’t even muster a fart.

No amount of straining helped, and the tummy hurties were only steadily growing worse. She deduced that maybe she just needed to eat more to be able to make poopies. She tried to demand more kibble to eat, claiming she was hungry, but was denied.

After the second day of no poopies, Loretta knew something was wrong.

She followed the routine, opening the solitary confinement room to find Lady Bell squatting by the litter box, trying her hardest to shit with no luck. She watched the mare for a bit, seeing her face turn different shades of red as she strained, only managing to squirt out a few dribbles of piss. It was obvious that she was constipated from the shit quality kibble. Her sensitive pedigree stomach hadn’t been accustomed to the dry grit that it consisted of.

“Having trouble?”

“Huuuu… Wady Beww nee’ poopies, bu’ poopies nu come ou’!!” Wady Bell cries, panting as she gives up on trying to shit.

Loretta crosses her arms, unimpressed. “Mhmm, I can see that.”

“Dummeh mummah! Wady Beww nee’ nummies! Hab tu make poopies fo’ poopie pwace tu wowk!” Lady Bell demands, waddling to the food bowl before kicking it.

“Yeah, more food is not gonna help you, and while seeing you explode from being full of shit would be hilarious, I’m not gonna give up just yet. Come on, I’ve got something that’ll help…” Loretta says, picking up Lady Bell’s squirmy body, bringing her to the prep room to pull a bottle of pills out of a cabinet before bringing her back up to the workout room once more.

“Here, eat this. It’ll help with the tummy hurties.” Loretta explained as she opened the bottle. Lady Bell was skeptical at first, eyeing the red pill with disgust. However, after giving it a sniff, her mouth watered. It was sketti flavoured! Without a second thought, Lady Bell scarfed down the medicine, trying to savor the taste on her tongue.

“Wady Beww hab sketti tweaties! Wan mowe!!” She shouted, excited despite her physical discomfort.

Loretta rolled her eyes. “Those are not treats. Do good with today’s training and you might earn some though.”

Lady Bell, of course was hardly listening. Her eyes were locked firmly on the loosely closed bottle placed by the edge of the nearby table. She wasn’t even paying attention to how Loretta moved away to bring in M&M.

“Alright, buddy, you ready to help teach manners again?” Loretta asks him, scratching his scruffy mess of a mane.

“Y-Yus, Mummah 'Wetta… Am w-weady…” He shakily answers, nervously looking at Lady Bell.

Lady Bell snapped out of her hungry craving upon recognizing his voice. Her head turning to look at him with mild surprise. She didn’t think she’d ever see the dumb, ugly stallion again.

“Good boy, now don’t you worry, I’ll be right back with Oreo.” Loretta assures, stepping out of the room to retrieve the fluffalo.

And awkward silence passes between him and Lady Bell before she asks him a question that’s been bothering her since the last time they saw each other.

“Wai dummeh stawwion nu wan speshuw huggies wib Wady Beww? Sai nu am ugwy, was nicies, bu’ nu wan huggies. Wai?” She allows a bit of her hurt emotions to leak through her frustrated confusion. M&M’s nervousness intensifies as he tries to think of an answer that won’t set Lady Bell off on him like last time. She really didn’t handle the truth well, but he couldn’t lie either. Good fluffies never lie, that’s part of the Rules.

“Am 'gainst da wuwes. Onwy Mummah 'Wetta sai when to gib speshuw huggies! Nu can make babbehs wivout puh-mi-shun.”

“Dummeh am siwwy! Jus’ bweak wuwes! Wady Beww bweak wuwes, den hab bestest feews and babbehs!” She explained as if it really were so simple. “Nu teww dummeh mummah, su nu get in twoubwe!”

M&M shuffled his weight on his hooves in distress. She really didn’t seem to get it. “N-Nu. Jus’ nu wan speshuw huggies wiv 'ou… H-Hab favwitest speshuw fwen! N-Nu wan gib speshuw fwen heawt huwties.”

It was almost as if glass shattered. Lady Bell felt her anger spiking. Why did every stallion she wanted to have babbehs with have to have some stupid special friend already?

“Oh. Weawwy. Who… Who am speshuw fwen?” She asks, gritting her teeth. She slowly steps towards him, making him step away as he shuddered nervously.

“S-Speshuw fwen am Oweo. She am suuu nicies, gib da bestest heawt happies! Em-an-Em wuv Oweo mostest of aww!” He answers, smiling the more he thought about Oreo.

Oreo. Lady Bell knew what to do if she met this ‘Oreo’. She’d already dispatched of one special friend to get what she wants. She could do it again. Maybe there wasn’t a vroomy monster to do the hard work for her, but there were other ways to make accidents happen, right? Or if push came to shove, she could just as easily stomp this ‘Oreo’ to death with the worstest sorry hooves. Then she’d be able to get what she wanted. Rules or no rules.

As she was mentally fuming, Loretta returned, bringing another fluffy with her. Or at least that’s what Lady Bell thought, until she actually saw the ‘fluffy’. It was the biggest, Fluffiest creature she had ever laid her eyes on. Sporting two long horns on her head and a tail that didn’t look like it belonged on a fluffy pony. Even her hooves were different, being two digits instead of one. The way they clicked heavily against the floor made it clear that they were tougher than regular fluffy hooves. Far stronger than Lady Bell’s.

“Hey, we’re back. Now I want y’all to show me your Good Manners, alright? That means no fooling around, you two.”

“Yus, Mummah 'Wetta.” Oreo answered. M&M’s entire demeanor changed at the sight of the fluffalo. His scruffy nub of a tail wagging as fast as it could as he practically pranced around her in greeting. All his shy nervousness seemingly vanished with a new found confidence in the presence of the huge mare.

Lady Bell, however, practically shrank as all her enraged bravado melted away into fear and dread. Had she been able to shit, she would’ve dropped a load right there on the floor. “D-Dat… Dat am…”

“Dis am Oweo! Em-an-Em favwitest speshuw fwen!” M&M proclaims, giddy as can be. “Mummah 'Wetta say Em-an-Em am Oweo’s… uhm… Oweo’s…?”

“Showt King.” Oreo answers.

“Showt King! Wight!” M&M nods, delighting in his title.

Oreo looks at Lady Bell with a swish of her long tail. The aura of intimidation radiating off of her makes Lady Bell sweat nervously. Bypassing M&M, the fluffalo approaches Lady Bell, towering over her. She smiles down at the bald pegasus, though it is far from friendly.

“Hewwo, nyu fwen. Am Oweo, 'ou am Wady Beww?” She lets out a snort, the warm air brushing over Lady Bell’s face, making her feel so, so uncomfortably small. “Nice tu meet 'ou.

“N-Ni… Ni… m-mee…ee…eet… 'ou…” Wady Bell could barely respond. Her tongue kept fumbling between her teeth as any proper sound in her throat died before it could be made. Oreo seemed to relish in watching her squirm.

“Oweo heaw wots ‘bout You. How ‘ou wan speshuw huggies fo’ makin’ babbehs~” Oreo continues, her smile clearly forced as she flicks one of her ears. “'Ou kno dat am 'gainst da wuwes. Mummah 'Wetta sai su, and Em-an-Em sai he nu wan. Wight?”

Lady Bell can only manage a squeak in response.

“Yus. Su Wady gon’ fowwow wuwes, an be gud fwuffy. O’…” Oreo leans closer in Lady Bell’s face, baring her teeth. She slowly paws the floor with a scrap of her hoof to punctuate her next words. “If ‘ou wan speshuw huggies su bad, Oweo gon’ gib 'ou speshuw huggies wiv hoof…”

With Lady Bell thoroughly intimidated, Oreo leans away to fall back in line with Loretta and M&M, giving him a little kissy-lick on his cheek as she did. Loretta smiles at the aftermath of the fluffalo’s handiwork. Lady Bell wouldn’t dare to lay a hoof on M&M now, and if they were lucky, maybe Lady Bell would actually improve on her behavior training.

An hour passes, and Lady Bell has finally managed to speak somewhat humbly, at least on command. It was marginal improvement. She at least learned to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when requiring or giving things. So, it’s a start.

Still no sign of her being able to poop, despite her attempts in the nearby litter box. She kept eyeing the bottle of sketti flavored pills on the table near the door though.

The door bell rings, causing Loretta to order the fluffies to stay put and behave. The moment she left, Lady Bell went into action.

“Whu’ Wady Beww doin’?” M&M asks.

“Wady Beww been gud aww day! Desewb tweaties! Wan nummies!” She explains, trying to reach up the table leg for the bottle.

Oreo rolls her eyes with an unimpressed snort and a flick of her tail. “Dummeh mawe makin’ twouble 'gain… Nu wisten tu wuwes…”

“Oweo jus’ jeawous! Nu smawty 'nuff tu get nummies wike Wady Beww! Oweo am stupi, FAT, munstah fwuffy!”

“WHA’ 'OU SAY?!” M&M shouts, instantly ready to stand up for his favorite special friend. Lady Bell gives a snooty giggle, strutting up to the small stallion as if this were a backstage pageant tiff. A terrible, horrible idea in her mind.

“Oweo am dummeh, stupi, fat, ugwy, munstah fwuffy, an ‘ou a teeny, tiny, babbeh cowt wib a babbeh peepee. Nebah gon’ hab babbehs wib big munstah, am gon’ be bigges’ saddies, an’ hab nu gud feews o’ babbehs. Gud thing too, ‘ou babbehs gon’ be poopie munstahs anyway!”

M&M took a moment to process the absolutely heinous insults Lady Bell just threw at him, his breathing quickening with anger. Oreo got up from her comfy spot, moving in front of him before he blew his top and started sputtering anything he could rhyme off the top of his head. She could handle being insulted, wasn’t anything new to her whenever she met an ornery fluffy, but to speak ill of M&M and curse their potential future children? Those were fighting words.

“Say sowwy.”

“Wai? Gon’ gib enfies wib yo ugwy hooves? Am ‘ou angwy Wady Beww am wight ‘bout wittwe babbeh speshuw fwen? O’ am ‘ou head stickie pwaces jus’ tuu heaby fo’ yo poow dummeh thinkie pwace tu make thinkies?”

Oreo let her frustrations get to her, charging head first at Lady Bell. Lady Bell, despite her insulting bravado gave a fearful screech, dodging the hulking fluffalo as quickly as her bloated ass could. Oreo went sliding past, her head ramming straight into the table leg at full speed, cracking the wood and knocking her for a loop.

“OWEO!!” M&M gasped loudly, rushing over to Oreo to make sure she was okay. Oreo, despite the horrible aching pain radiating through her skull, was padded with enough fluff that the only real damage she sustained was a nasty bump on her head right between her horns. “Uuummuuhuuhuuu… Wostest head huwties…”

M&M wrapped his arms around the fluffalo the best he could, trying his best to comfort his behemoth of a special friend. “Nu cwy, speshuw fwen, am hewe. Gib huggies, fo’ feew bettah.”

He glares over at Lady Bell, letting go of Oreo to stomp his way over and dish out the meanest, nastiest rhymes he could think of. Only to stop as he realizes the bald pegasus is giddily dancing around the bottle that had successfully been knocked off the table. “Heeheeheehee~ Wady Beww sketti tweaties! Am suu smawty!!”

He sweats, eyeing the ‘treats’ spilling out onto the floor. Memories of those pills rendering all thoughts of rhymes mute as he nervously shrinks away. There was a rule to never eat food off the floor, or else… A rule he vowed to never break again after personal experience.

“'Ou nu wan num dose tweaties, am 'gainst da wuwes…” He tries to say, only to be interrupted and shouted over by Lady Bell.


He was not gonna stop her. After that blatant declaration, M&M decided it wasn’t fucking worth it. She’d learn one way or another, and honestly, no rhyme would be mean enough to top what Lady Bell was about to go through.

So he went went back to Oreo to deliver more comforting hugs and kisses, while trying to hide the small smile on his face.

Rushed footsteps could be heard running up the stairs and before too long, Loretta was in the doorway, staring down at the fluffies.

“What. Happened.” Her words were terse. She would not tolerate nonsense.

“Wady Beww say meanie things!” M&M answers, beating Lady Bell to the punch thanks to her still in the process of swallowing a mouthful of medicine.

“Say howwible meanies dat make Oweo an’ M&M weawwy angy! Oweo twy tu make Wady Beww sai sowwy, bu’ meanie mawe make Oweo su maddies dat Oweo twy tu gib sowwy owwies! Oweo sowwy owies go tu tabwe, an’ gib wostest huwties tu Oweo’s thinkie pwace!!”

Loretta’s eyes move over Oreo, who continues to sob from the pain of her aching head, to the table with a now cracked leg. She quickly kneels down to check the damage, praying that Oreo didn’t accidentally derp herself. She sighs in relief that she didn’t and that the bump on her head isn’t as bad as it could be. Thank fuck that fluffalos were tougher than the average fluffy.

M&M continues to relay information to Loretta as she inspects Oreo’s injury. “Wady Beww twick Oweo an’ M&M! Made Oweo gib huwties, su couwd hab sketti nummies fwom da fwoow!”

Loretta quickly snaps her attention to Lady Bell at that, her eyes wide as she spots the bottle of sketti flavoured laxatives that the pegasus is quickly trying to hide under her ass. “How many did you eat?!”

“Nu kno… Em-an-Em am w-” Lady Bell shrugs, trying to lie only to stop short when looking at the other two fluffies glaring at her. Realizing that it’s not going to work, she puffs her cheeks defiantly. “Wady Beww desewb sketti nummies fo’ bein’ gud! Nummed AWW da tweaties!”

She reveals the bottle, kicking it towards Loretta. Sure enough, the bottle was empty.

“You stupid, stupid thing…”

Loretta wastes no time in grabbing Lady Bell, carrying the screeching mare out of the room and into the nearest bathroom. Without a word, she drops the bitchmare in the tub, not giving a single fuck to the cry of ‘owwies!’ as she landed. Lady Bell panics, quickly scrambling in hopes of finding a way out of the tub. “Nu!! Nu wan baff!! Wawa bad!!! Pwease, Mummah ‘Wetta! Wady Beww nu kno wha’ du woong, bu’ pwomise tu nebah du it ‘gain!! Pwease!! Wan ou’!!”

“No. You were told to behave and be nice. You did neither. You failed. Again. You didn’t eat treats. You just ate half a bottle of ‘Poopie Medicine’ to help make you shit. So you’re gonna stay right here until it’s allll out of your system. Good luck, dumbass, you’re gonna need it…”

With that, Loretta leaves Lady Bell to wait for the inevitable.

Oreo and M&M were brought back to the primary safe room, with Oreo receiving an ice pack for her head. Hearing more details about what Lady Bell had said to them made Loretta seethe. The stupid bitch mare potentially sowed seeds of stress inducing trauma for the two that would no doubt crop up again when she did decide to breed them together. She gave some extra reassurance that any babbehs the two might one day have will not be monsters, and if they were, Loretta would love them all the same.

It only took thirty minutes for the screaming to start. Lady Bell felt her tummeh hurting worse than she could remember. She had to make poopies so badly, but there was no litter box. It would be bad poopies. She didn’t wanna make bad poopies!! She was a good fluffy! The bestest fluffy!

She tried to hold it in, but eventually she couldn’t anymore. She made poopies. The worst, most foul smelling poopies in her life. Worse than the night the lights when out and she was forced to eat them. It was as if all the rotten, poopie babbehs in the world came together to spill out from her ass.

At first, she was relieved to have finally pooped, but then it didn’t stop. She tried so hard to stop pooping, but more just came out. It was awful. Her muscles clenched, forcing her stomach to seize in agony as a second torrent of shit sprayed out of her ass with a long, wet fart. She cried and screamed, humiliated, horrified, and in pain from the uncontrollable cleansing her body was going through.

She thought she was done after a little while, turning around to see just how much feces she had compiled, only she wasn’t done. Her ass was leaking, even as she moved, and much to her horror and disgust, she was smearing it everywhere in the tub. Another wave, another flood of fecal matter.

She begs Loretta to come save her, she pleads for her poopie place to stop, but Loretta doesn’t and neither does her ass.

She doesn’t know when she’s pissed herself, but she did. Her hoof slips on a pile of shit, and she tumbles, landing in more. She flails, trying to right herself up only to slip again. Her body slides around the tub as she screeches. Her face lands in a big pile. It gets in her mouth.

Loretta waits another 30 minutes after hearing the commotion before donning a face mask in hopes it helps block out the grotesque stench. The opens the bathroom door and steps inside, recoiling at how bad it is, despite the buffer. She looks in the tub to see the damage.

Lady Bell is frantically sobbing, covered head to toe in crap. the porcelain is so slick she can’t even hope to find purchase to stand, so she continuously flails in a desperate attempt to move away from the torrential flood of waste that’s still spewing out of her back end.


Loretta stares for a minute, watching Lady Bell’s suffering. The mare almost manages to stand, only to slip ass over tea kettle, sending her rear in the air and spewing more chunky, liquid feces directly onto her head as if she was some kind of fucked up shit fountain.

Without a word, Loretta leaves the bathroom and turns out the light, listening to Lady Bell scream for her to not leave until the door clicks closed. She’ll check back in after another half hour.

Loretta and her fluffies belong to @UndercoverPallasCat

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Serve your right, you frikkin bitch! Bath yourself with your own shit! :laughing::rofl:

What a cute couple for M&M and Oreo :heart_eyes::two_hearts:


This has been a great story with excellent art. I love how so many of Lady Bell’s troubles could just be avoided with a little manners. I hope she never learns!!!


Thank god Loretta shaved her. I can’t imagine trying to wash all this out of hair.


unnamed (33)~2
IT’S SHIT SHOW TIME~ :poopies:


A Fluffy threatening to fist-fuck another mare. Not what I expected on my Bingo Card but there it is.

I knew immediately that the treats were laxatives, and it made Lady Bell’s quest for more all the sweeter knowing the shitty end it would be coming to


I hope lady belle never manages to hurt any of the others. I know it would be good for the plot, but I like them, a poorly executed attempt, and a death sentence by hoof in ass.


Well there’s no point punishing her as she’s already done it to herself. BUT! There’s always room for more poopies in the tub. Time to make the tub the new litter box for the day for all the fluffs. Nothing says humbling like being the new shit target for the day.


Ever have those moments in life where youre really thankful not everyone was an unsupervised chronically online child?

Bc the setup was tub girl, but the author went there anyways. Some of us had that extra layer of tension the whole story.


You made Lady Bell such an irredeemable monster that I’m always excited to watch her get her shit kicked in.

Also I love Oreo and M&M’s dynamic so much. If they have foals I hope one of them gets named Skittles or something


before donning a face mask in hopes it helps block out the grotesque stench.

Forget a facemask, for laxative induced fluffy poop, she needs a full-on NBC rated ABEKP3 respirator.

I like the Oreo/M&M dynamic, just a little concerned about the *cough * logistics of it. M&M is going to need a fairly tall and sturdy stepladder, unless Loretta is planning to hold him up during the entire act.


I… what? I am chronically online but what is this… tub girl?


Artifical insemination is also something Loretta does.

Trixie is the primary recipient of that however, as she doesnt uh… do well with stallions.


Oh sweet summer child. Don’t overthink it. Don’t look it up. Forget the weird old man said anything at all. Waves hands wizardly this is not the ancient lore you were looking for.


Too late. Googled. I have regarts


Lady Bell’s like a shit-filled balloon that was just let go. It’s flying all over the place.


Please don’t look up ‘2 Girls 1 Cup’, ‘’ or ‘lemon party’ either.

Jesus, I feel old now…


I have seen all those. Hell, eel soup belongs up in here too.

I just did not know about tub girl. The regarts are big, but this had to happen to understand the horror y’all went through


Are Fluffulo and Fluffy compatible enough to have heathly babies? Here’s hoping they are for Oreo & M&M sake.

Serve that bitch right. Hope she literally shits her tiny brain out.


I laughed at this way harder then I should have