Bad Mummah Ch. 15 (FluffyChimera)

Loretta waited patiently at the front door of a lavish multistory house. She’d messaged ahead to make sure her close friend, Lindsay, knew she was coming with Lady Bell in tow. They’d agreed to make a date of it and catch up over some tea and lunch.

After hearing some frantic footsteps and a clatter of objects being tossed or scooted around, the door unlocked and opened, revealing a rather bubbly blonde woman in a fruity, custom made dress.

“LORETTA!! Ohmygosh, It’s been SO LONG since we’ve had time to hang out!!” She greets cheerfully, giving Loretta a hug before gesturing her to enter the house. "Eeeheehehee~ I’m so excited! Come in, come in! Pardon the mess, I’ve been dealing with a CRAAZY shipment of new materials for a big wedding order and I haven’t been able to move the finished products to the store just yet. Bride wants her fluffies to have matching outfits as the ring bearers, it’s gonna be so cute!"

“It’s lovely to see you too, Lindsay.” Loretta smiles, feeling her mood lighten with Lindsay’s contagious giddiness.

She follows the seamstress inside, being mindful to not bump Lady Bell’s carrier against any of the numerous carefully, stacked boxes of sewing materials and finished outfits. Once they reach Lindsay’s dining room, she sets the carrier down and takes a seat at the table. Lindsay rushed into the kitchen before shortly returning with a large tray laden with a platter of delectable, assorted sandwiches, cookies, and an ornately flower patterned tea set.

Ugh, you will never guess WHO is working at the vet center downtown now.” Lindsay groans, rolling her eyes as she sets up Loretta’s saucer and cup, pouring her tea.

“Mm… Devon. You’re a little late on that news…” Loretta answers, taking a couple of the sandwiches for herself.

Lindsay pauses, bewildered that Loretta had already known. “Oh, fudge. How did you know already?!”

“He was unfortunately the only one available to take in the emergency appointment for one of my foals and Bitchy Bell here…”

Lindsay gasped in a mildly offended manner. “Hey, language!” Her chiding tone is immediately replaced with a worried look. “That must’ve been so stressful though, I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

Loretta shrugs, stirring in a few cubes of sugar and milk into her tea. “It sucked, for sure. Nothing I couldn’t handle though. Even worse, the experience did nothing to curb this one’s behaviour.” She sighs, lightly kicking the carrier and causing Lady Bell to make a startled cry.

“HuuHuu… Pwease, Mummah 'Wetta, nu wan sowwy boxie! Wady Beww pwomise tu nu gib tawky box bad poopies 'gain. Pwomise!

Lindsay’s attention immediately locks onto the carrier, her eyes filling with an ecstatic glee. “Oooo~ This must be the Lady Bell you told me about, right? Oh, I can’t wait to meet her!”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t get too excited. She blew her last chance with me by biting my tit and destroying my phone yesterday after seeing her alicorn foal on it during a video call…” Loretta explains, glaring at the carrier bitterly.

“A sweet little fluffy angel did all that? I can hardly believe it!” Lindsay exclaims, appalled that a fluffy could commit such violence. That’s not what they were made for, after all.

“Well, believe it. She’s one of the worst cases of BMS I’ve seen so far, even for a show fluffy…” Loretta says, sipping her tea. “I almost started getting headway in her behavioral reprogramming, but the moment her foals enter the picture, she regresses right back to square one. Even claimed to have a secret bestest babbeh that I wouldn’t have found out about if she hadn’t outed it herself during her tantrum.”

“Oh my! Well that just won’t do at all!” Lindsay huffs, shaking her head. Reaching over, she pats Loretta’s hand. “Don’t you worry, Loretta, I promise I’ll do everything within my power to help you rehabilitate her.”

“Thanks, Lindsay, I really appreciate the help.”

“May I ask why she had such a strong reaction to seeing her own alicorn foal?” Lindsay asks, neatly biting into a sandwich.

“Honestly, not sure. Her reaction goes beyond the normal fear most fluffies have when confronted with them, especially since she should be desensitized as a show fluff. It’s pure hatred, murderous even. I’d keep her isolated from any ‘munstah babbehs’ you might have, lest she actively attempt to kill them.”

“Goodness, I’ll certainly keep that in mind…” Lindsay murmurs, thinking carefully as she sips her tea. “Can we let her out now? I’d like to get a good look at her.”

Loretta shrugs, obliging her friend and leaning down to open up the carrier. Lady Bell hesitates to exit.

“Helloooo~? Are you in there?” Lindsay asks with a giggle. “You can come out now~”

“M-Munstah M-Mummah, nu gon’ gib h-huwties?” Lady Bell asks.

Lindsay spares a cross look at Loretta, silently chiding her for any remotely abusive treatment Lady Bell may be implying she did. She coos softly to Lady Bell. “Of course not, sweetie, here, I’ve got a yummy, tasty sandwich you can have~”

She offers the treat, wagging it a little to entice Lady Bell to come out and eat it. Lady Bell, smelling the food is instantly coaxed out into the open, scarfing down the sandwich with no care for anything else.

“Oh my! She looks much different than what I imagined! What happened to her poor little foot?”

Loretta shrugs, finishing off her own sandwich as she looks unimpressed at Lady Bell’s piggish behavior. “Trixie degloved it after we caught her trying to kill one of the foals. It’s healing fine, just needs more time.”

“Ohh, poor baby! Come here~” Lindsay scoops lady Bell up, scratching under her chin. Lady Bell, squirms, unsure of how to feel about being lifted until she realizes that she’s actually being doted on affectionately for once. Without hesitation, she melts into Lindsay’s touch, a stupid, crooked grin growing on her face. “It must be so hard having to take care of a sick little baby on top of all the rest~ It’s just too much stress for a gorgeous little mummah like you, huh?”

“Yus, am tuu hawd! Sickie dummeh babbeh am tuu woud an’ make aww of mummah’s miwkies intu sickie wawas! Sickie babbeh nu desewb mummah’s miwkies! Bestest babbeh desewb miwkies mowe!” Lady Bell sniffles miserably. “Mummah miss bestest babbeh… Babbehs nu 'membah mummah nu mowe… Nu wub mummah huuuu…”

Lindsay holds her close, shushing the bitch mare and coddling her with comforting coos and pets. Loretta rolls her eyes at the sappy, unjustified display. “Well, don’t you worry your pretty little head, you’re gonna be staying here with me for a little while~”

“W-Weawwy?” Lady Bell asks.

Lindsay nods with a cheerful smile. “Oh yes, you’re gonna have so many new friends, and toys, and love-”

“An’ sketties?!” Lady Bell asks, her eyes shimmering with anticipation.

“And sketties, but only on Fridays. That’s Sketti Day.” Lindsay giggles, watching as the pegasus flaps her pathetic excuse for her wings and cheers in excitement.

“YAAAY!!! SKETTI DAAY!!! Dummeh munstah mummah! Wady Beww nu nee’ you! Hab bestest Nyu Mummah nao!” Lady Bell gloats, sticking her tongue out at Loretta. Loretta simply finishes her cup of tea before pouring some more.

“She’s not your new ‘mummah’, idiot.”

“Aww, but she can call me Mummah, if she wants! All my other fluffies do~” Lindsay giggles, much to Loretta’s dismay. Lady Bell nuzzles Lindsay, giving her the biggest hug she can as she sticks her tongue out at Loretta.

“Mm… Why don’t we put her in the play room? Then we can talk business.”

“Oh! That’s a great idea!” Lindsay exclaims before loudly calling out. “Ohhh EMPEROOOOR~ Come here, please~!”

There’s a moment of quiet before the sound of hoofsteps grows louder. Soon, a large stallion trots into the room, his movements practiced and calculated, as though he were trained to be a model of poise and elegance.

Lady Bell’s mouth drops open, her eyes wide at the site. He was possibly the most handsome creature she had ever laid her eyes on. His golden fluff shimmered in the light, his black mane and tail were long and flowing, his face was strong and masculine, but what caught her gaze most were his glorious, HUGE wings. The plumage was a rich red, fading into bright platinum gold tips. The were glorious, the envy of any runway. There was no doubt in her mind that HE was the PERFECT special friend for her.

She wanted wings like his. She wanted her babies to have wings like his. She wanted his babies and she wanted them now. Squirming out of Lindsay’s grasp, she flops and bounces onto the floor in a very undignified and clumsy manner. It doesn’t matter to her though, she needed him. Without wasting a moment, she turned and presented herself to him. “HEWWO! Am Wady beww! Be speshuw fwen an’ gib bestest speshuw huggies fo’ hab babbehs wiv bestest wingies!!”

Emperor blinked, taken aback by the forceful demand. The mention of ‘bestest wingies’ causing his mouth to twitch with a scowl. He flicks his tail in agitation as he looks from the mare’s back end to Lindsay.

Lindsay bursts into surprised laughter, highly amused by Lady Bell’s sudden and outburst. “Goodness, she certainly doesn’t hold back, does she? Being a pageant pony, I’d have thought she’d be more of a picky lady, or at least have the restraint to ask him his name first~”

“You’d be surprised to hear what she does to get what she wants…” Loretta grumbled, shaking her head at the pegasus’ shameless display.

“Emperor, this is Lady Bell, she’s our new guest. Why don’t you show her around while Loretta and I discuss business.”

“Yus, Mummah. Come, Wady Beww. Fowwow Empewow…” The stallion orders, leading the way. Lady Bell doesn’t have to be asked twice. She quickly hobbles after him, hearts practically floating around her head.

Loretta watches until the fluffies are out of sight before turning back to Lindsay. “I take it that job offerings in the bio-engineering field are still hard to come by?”

“I don’t know what they want out of me! Hasbio’s application requirements have gotten so uppity nowadays…” Lindsay’s cheerful mood sours, giving a pout as she dunks a cookie into her tea. “They don’t even give me a chance anymore! They just skim over my notes and resumes and tell me ‘Thank you for applying, but we’re afraid we cannot hire you due to creative differences’, whatever that means…”

“Mm… Maybe that’s a good thing, considering Hasbio barely exists outside it’s name any more…” Loretta hums.

Lindsay sighs. “I’m just glad I was able to fall back on my tailoring skills to pay the bills… So, what’s the ground rules for treating Lady Bell?”

“Dis am biggest safiewoom EBAH!!” Lady Bell shouts, delighted at the sight of all the toys around her. There were piles of stuffy friends, balls of various sizes and colours, blocks that had all sorts of shapes, a little slide, chew toys, and so much more than she’d ever seen in her life! It was paradise!!

“Dis nu safewoom. Am pwaywoom. Safewooms awe down the haww…” Emperor corrected. He sat by the door, watching as Lady Bell looked around and sniffed as many new smells as she could. When she realized he was watching her, she blushed and batted her eyes.

“Fwuffies am awone nao~ Du Empwah wan be Wady Beww’s speshuw fwen an’ hab guud feews?”

“Nu.” He curtly answered, not moving from his spot.

“W-Wha?! Wai nu?! Am gib bestest huggies! Am guud fwuffy!” Lady Bell’s flirty delight quickly shattered, her heart aching as she suddenly underwent a whole range of emotions. Huffing and pouting, she plops her butt down, upset by the rejection. “A-Am it 'cuz Wady Beww am ugwy? Wady Beww pwomise fwuff gwow back! am twy weaw hawd! Meanie munstah mummah stowe fwuff! It nu am Wady Beww fauwt-”

“Nu.” Emperor interrupted. “Empwah nu awwowd tu hab speshuw huggies wiv bwoken mawe.”

“B-BWOKEN?!” Lady Bell exclaimed, insulted and confused by the word. “WADY BEWW NU AM BWOKEN, DUMMEH!”

“Miss 'Wetta onwy bwing bwoken fwuffies tu Mummah Windsay.” He explains, folding his wings closed. “Wady Beww am nyu guest, am bwoken. Mummah Windsay make Wady Beww bettah, wike oddah bwoken fwuffies.”

It’s clear by the look on Lady Bell’s face that she doesn’t understand what he could possibly mean. She doesn’t even know what about her could possibly be broken. Unless…

“Mummah Windsay gib Wady Beww fwuff backsies? An take 'way hoofsie huwties?!”

Emperor stares at her for a moment before simply answering. “Yus. Mummah Windsay make Wady Beww bettah.”

That was delightful news! Lady Bell quickly regained her excitement. To imagine, she’d get back all her beautiful fluff and feathers, her hoof would be completely healed and all the hurties would be gone! Then, she won’t be broken anymore and she could get Emperor to be her special friend and give her the bestest good feels and bestest babbehs! And then Lindsay would give her the bestest sketti nummies for being the bestest!! It was perfect!

“So you still want to breed her, despite everything?” Lindsay asks, taking the dirty dishes and setting them on the counter by the sink.

“Or at the very least harvest her eggs for future projects. BMS or not, I can’t deny the pure potential of her genes. Multi-color mane and tail, two-tone fluff, possible cutie mark designs. Only one out of six surviving foals were born with any noticeable defects, the three dead ones she killed out of negligence. Doing the math, she’s got incredible potential.” Loretta explains, helping Lindsay clean up.

“I understand. She really does seem like she’d be a perfect little angel, without the BMS of course.” Lindsay smiles, gesturing for Loretta to follow her to the playroom. “Luckily, there’s a whole host of methods I can utilize to fix her up! Before you know it, she’ll be right as rain!”

“Glad to hear it.”

Entering the playroom, they are greeted by Lady Bell and Emperor. Lady hobbling up to Lindsay, excitedly demanding for the wonderful new fluff and fixed hoof she wanted. “Mummah Windsay! Mummah Windsay!! Wady Beww wan nyu fwuff nao! Wan hoofsie huwtries tu gu 'way tuu! Nu wan be ‘bwoken’!”

Lindsay gives a bubbly laugh and scoops the mare up, joyfully ticking her belly. “Don’t you worry your silly little head, my precious darling! I’ll fix you up, better than new!”

“Yaaay!!” Lady Bell cheers, nuzzling into Lindsay’s chest. “Wub 'ou nyu mummah! Wub 'ou suuu muchies! Mowe than dummeh poopie meanie munstah Mummah 'Wetta!”

“Lady Bell! That is not how a lady talks!” Lindsay softly chides.

“Nu cawe! Wady Beww HATE Mummah 'Wetta! Hatechu! HATECHU!” Lady Bell spits, glaring at Loretta.

Lindsay tsks, shaking her head and giving Lady Bell a snuggle and kiss on her head. “Well don’t you worry, dear, I’ll make sure that whatever big, bad Loretta did to you never bothers you again! We’re gonna have so much fun!!”

Lady Bell giggles in delight as she’s set back down on the floor. “Why don’t you keep exploring and introduce yourself to the rest of the family? It’s about time for me to feed Emperor anyway~”

“Otay!!” Lady Bell cheerfully complies, excited to have free reign of the house. She hobbles out of the room, anticipating meeting the other fluffies. She never really got to meet many of Loretta’s fluffies, and unfortunatelly they already had a bad opinion of her when they did meet. Hopefully, these new fluffy friends would be better and nicer. Then she could show them that SHE was the real pageant queen of the house and deserved to have their respect and adoration!

Following the hallway, she remembers Emperor’s directions that the saferooms were down here. Entering the first door she finds, she looks around, but she doesn’t see any fluffies. Just a bunch of glass enclosures. Some with water, some without. Looking up in one tank, she sees a large fishy! Except…

It wasn’t a fishy.

It was a fluffy, floating in the water, but that didn’t make sense! Water was bad for fluffies! It’s back end seemed mutilated, it’s hind legs cut off and a fish tail where it’s fluffy tail should be. It’s front leggies were broken, flattened and bound to wooden sticks. It’s hooves splintered and fanned out like a sickening keratin pancake. It stares at her though the murky water, it’s breath quickening as it looks at her in fear. The mask strapped to it’s face clouds with each panting breath.

Lady Bell doesn’t like this room. She’s terrified of that… that thing in the fishy tank. She slowly backs away, trying to keep from making scaredy peepees.


The sound of something hitting the glass of the enclosure beside her startles her, causing her to yelp. She looks over and sees-


It breathes heavily on the glass, it’s mandibles twitching as bloody venom and drool oozes from it’s fangs and gaping maw. It’s many mismatched hooves scratching at the glass. Cloudy, uncoordinated eyes struggle to focus on her.

Lady Bell screeches in fear, scrambling out of the room with a trail of scaredy poopies behind her. She blindly scurries across the hall, panting as barges into the next room, squeezing past the partially open door.

She’s only stopped when she runs face first into the grate of a pen. Shaking her head to clear the whiplash of her sudden stop, she looks around.

The first thing she notices is how much darker it is. It’s scary, but there’s a blue light. Trying to calm down from the terror of seeing the room with the monsters, she hears a faint, throaty whisper. That’s when she sees near the source of the light, another fluffy.

“H-Hewwo? N-Nyu fwen?” She hesitantly asks.

“Wan die… Wan die… Wan die…” The mare softly whispers over and over.

“Am Wady Beww, nee’ hewp! Dewe am munstah! Am tuu scawy!” She pleads, calling louder in hopes of gaining the other mare’s attention.

“Wan die… Wan die… Wan die…” It continues, seemingly ignoring Lady Bell. This irritates her, and she slaps a hoof against the pen, demanding the fluffy’s attention.


The mare suddenly stops, turning her head to look at Lady Bell, only to reveal that she wasn’t an ordinary mare. Her jaw limply hung open, as if it there weren’t really any jawbones to give it proper structure. Her legs were gone, replaced with stitched over stumped that were mostly hidden by her long fluff, but under her… Under her was a bunch of littler legs. Foal’s legs. Too many of them for Lady Bell to count.

Before Lady Bell could even process what she was seeing, the monstrous mare scuttled towards her with a screech.


Leggies gif

Lady Bell gave a blood curdling scream, scrambling head over heels as the creature advanced towards her. Slipping and tripping a few times, she finally managed to get her limbs under her in the proper order and scrabbled out of the room as quickly as she could. Her back hoof felt like it was touching white hot metal with every step, but she couldn’t dare bring herself to slow down.

The creature didn’t get past the pen, of course, but Lady Bell was too frightened to look behind her to see. All through the hall, Lady Bell left a trail of piss, shit, and bloody hoofprints.

By some miracle, she managed to backtrack past the playroom, through the parlor, and back to the dining room, where she saw Emperor, Lindsay, and Loretta.

“EMPWAH! MUMMAH!! HEWP-” She cried, cutting herself off as she slid to a halt. There she saw Emperor, eating out of a food bowl. But it wasn’t kibble, nor was it sketti.

“B-Booboo juice…” Lady Bell whimpered, feeling nauseous at the sight of that perfect, beautiful stallion eating tummy sketties. But it wasn’t just tummy sketties. The stench hit her nose, and she fought to keep herself from retching.

He was eating foals.

Lady Bell felt her heart pounding in her ears. Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath. Everything felt like it was too slow and too fast all at the same time. She could barely form the words to speak.


“Oh, welcome back, Lady Bell~ Did you meet the others?” Lindsay asked sweetly.

Lady Bell looked at her with wide eyes, tears streaming down her face. How could Lindsay be so cheerful?! Did she not see what was happening around her?! Was she not aware of the other monsters in the house?! Before she could utter another syllable, Loretta spoke, startled.

Jesus, is that Hackjob?!

“Oh! Yes, it is!! Hackjob!! Stitches!! Come here, sweeties~!” Lindsay calls, waving to something behind Lady Bell. Loretta looks disturbed, crossing her arms.

“I thought he died last month?”

“Oh, he did! I brought him back~ Just needed a new heart and some extra implants to help him along~ He’s a big boy, so he needs some extra circulatory assistance.” Lindsay explains.

Heavy hoofsteps grow closer. Lady Bell feels a puff of hot air grace the back on her neck, as whoever it’s from gives a muffled wheeze. Trembling, she turns to see what this ‘Hackjob’ is.

Words cannot describe the terror that clutches her heart. The fluffalo before her was bigger than Oreo, his stance lopsided from the mangle of twisted, vestigial limbs growing out of her shoulder and upper leg. The face of a partially developed unicorn apears melded within his fluff. A few of heis legs are mismatched, as if they originally belonged to a different fluffy and were sewn onto him.

His face is covered by a terrifying mask that wheezes with every breath he takes, and though she cannot see his eyes, Lady Bell can feel him staring daggers into her.


Looking further up, the mismatched torso of another fluffy sprouts out from within Hackjob’s shoulders. It looks deranged, it’s maw elongated and splitting down it’s neck, held together by a mess of elastic stitches. A long tongue lolls from it’s mouth over rows of sharp, crooked teeth. It cackles, it’s derped eyes struggling to focus on Lady Bell’s form.

“Is… Is that a fucking cannibal on his back?” Loretta asks.

“Oh! Good heavens, no!” Lindsay chortles, shaking her head. “Gosh, what I’d do to get my hands on one… No, I just surgically implanted dog teeth in it’s mouth while I was reconstructing them. I figured Hackjob needed a living sibling to help keep him going for another couple of years, so I made Stitches! Aren’t they just the cutest?!

“They are certainly something.” Loretta nodded, checking the clock for the time. “Ah, I’d better get going. Got a schedule to keep and fluffies to wrangle.”

“Aww, well it was wonderful having you! We should do lunch again sometime!” Lindsay smiles, walking Loretta to the door. “And don’t worry about Lady Bell, she’ll be just fine~

“I have no doubts about it.” Loretta grins.

Lady Bell, finally snapping out of her petrified daze, notices Loretta leaving and realizes that she did not want to stay here. “W-WAIT- MUMMAH- MUMMAH 'WETTA NU GU!! TAKE WADY BEWW!! SABE WADY BEWW HUUHUUUUHUUUUUU!!!”

She scampers past the amalgamated behemoth, towards the front door. She’s too slow though, her hobbling pace hindering her as the blood soaked bandages cling to the raw, exposed nerves. She cries, begging for the door to be opened, for Loretta to come back, and screaming how sorry she is, promising that she’ll be good.

Her snot filled tears and hiccuped sobs are interrupted by the softest, sweetest laughter. Looking up, she trembles at the sight of Lindsay smiling down at her.

“Don’t you worry, Mummah Lindsay’s looking after you now~”

“Welcome Home, Dear~”

Loretta and Lindsay belong to @UndercoverPallasCat

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Lady Bell: About to become a mix match abomination that wants to die but can’t

Rainbow: probably watching Kermit the frog on sesame street with Jitters as that’s going on




What i just read…

It’s like the Thing got into an orgy with the human centipede, the color out of space, splinter, and The Fly…

And they did the deed on a pile of fluffy corpses…

Half the shit that Lindsay did would make Victor Frankenstein, proud


Is Emperor a warhammer reference?


Ok, I was wrong, there’s something worse than being a breeding mare. It’s being in the care of a surgeon who’s a Cronenberg fan.

I love that scuttling mare - it reminds me of those Korean webcomics that you don’t realise are animated until they jump scare you with it.

@FluffySiren Certainly looks like the God Emperor of Mankind, just mirrored from that famous picture of him squaring off against Horus over the broken body of Sanguinius.


Ding Ding ding! We got a winner!

He is the Emperor of Fluffkind lol




I have been sitting here cackling. We have had Lindsay planned for months.

She is a sweet little thing, isn’t she?


Thank you so much ;w;

I spent so much time on that gif, my wrist’s been aching something fierce… animating all those little foal legs and making sure to coordinate their colors was a lot harder than I initially realized…


Reminded me something out of dead space, If I saw that thing sprinting at me, I would be shooting erratically everywhere wasting ammo

Like a scared little child

Also, I’m starting to see why hasbio Rejected her offers of employment, I guess even evil multimillion dollar corporations that created chimera have their own limits


Sweet Fucking Christ.

I was waiting for the shoe to drop and show what Hell Lady Bell was in but I did not expect Dr Cronenberg to show up.

But goddamn the creativity in the body horror is fucking perfect. This is exactly where Bell needs to be


To be fair, they were making these chimeras to be marketable to children. What Lindsay creates would give the parents nightmares


Get Cronenberg’d Bitch Bell


Get fucked lady bell hehehe


How many psychic fluffies are sacrificed to Emperor each day?


Well done! My missus has done traditional animation in the same way (ie manually drawing every frame) and I remember her complaining about the time and effort it took. Now she just puppet warps everything. :stuck_out_tongue:

@BFM I would expect Josef and Lindsay to get along like a house on fire, talking shop about how best to keep a fluffy alive to extend their torment and other tricks of the trade.

@FluffnStuff Well, fluffies were genetic chimerae before; Lindsay just made the outside match the inside. :slight_smile:


Geez there’s a future for this young woman in genetics. I’m interested in seeing her resume!


1,000. Only way to keep him alive.


I’m sorry if this is a stupid question, but what will Loretta and Lindsay do when they harvest Lady Bell’s eggs? Will they put them in another mare like Trixie?