Bad Owner, by RQ (FB ID: 53167, 53168)

Hail, mighty keyboard warrior! honestly the only way it could have been better was if it was still alive when she found it


(post deleted by author)

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So she’s Elmyra? Is that what you’re saying?

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That was a brutal-looking fall - reminds me of my childhood. Hope she did not get fluffy feces in the wound :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:


RQ, still amazing content, as usual!

I mean it was going to probably starve to death in a bin anyway but damn


Just like in IRL ants are very fast to find whatever you dropped to the floor, Geez.
I feel really bad for the mom :'c she was a good mummah just with bad luck

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Damn, that’s a nice ass comment right there.

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There are only a few things that truly boil my blood, and one of them is kids doing stupid shit because they’re kids and still learning. 0 patience.

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If health and safety has taught me anything, is that there are no accidents, only incidents. Accidents are things you have no control over. Some may say they’re ‘acts of god’ (:face_vomiting:).
Incidents can always be prevented. In this case, the girl wasn’t watching where she was going. Her eyes are glued to the foal she abducted while running home and didn’t notice the can on the sidewalk. Had she been less preoccupied, she had a better chance of seeing the can to avoid it.
(we could even go a step farther and ask why the can was on the sidewalk but that’s getting away from the main point, that this was an incident and not an accident)

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Why the vomit face?

Sorry if it offends. I’m a queer agnostic who’s fed up with religious rhetoric in just about everything, so I find people using ‘act of god’ instead of ‘act of nature’ to be especially frustrating.

I kind of get that, queer-bashing and science-bashing are two of the reasons I stopped going to church. This may just be due to my neurodivergence, but I’ve actually come up with a rather unique belief system of my own. I believe that there is one capital G God, many lowercase g gods who serve him/her/them/it, and that the countless scientific processes we’ve discovered—and more that we haven’t yet—are how they show themselves to us. Not sure where fluffies would fall into that, though.

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i cackled like a maniac at that last panel

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Henotheistic Deism is rather unique, at that: one can imagine why :alien: :ghost: :robot:

Of course, I am the sort of intellectually languid fellow that merely chose to become member of a church not run by complete barbarians, rather than starting again from scratch :smiling_imp:

I would assume, from what little Revelation you have made of your theogenesis, that fluffies would be a sign from the God of Mortals Are Insane Bastards: depending on whether you take suggestions.

Agreed, I’d rather have ants than fluffies.

That’s not a bin, that’s a Bush.