Bad poopy pt 4 (TheBigBrother)

I’m at a convention for work sadly I can’t draw as much as I’d like but I’d love to have ideas on what should happen to the remaining 4.5 the .5 being the dying pink one :slight_smile:


maybe this mummah is actually very loving to all her babbehs including the poopie one but the poopies is the most accident prone poopie ever and he in each frame somehow manages to kill each of his bruddah and sisters in accidents. maybe resulting in his mummah abandoning him, maybe giving him forever sleeping i dunno :shrug:


And the poopie has the audacity of putting a " i didn’t do it" face…

Thats the face of evil. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL


Poopy should get scared that they’re gonna get in trouble and run away, only to run directly into Blue and break their neck.

But Poopy doesn’t realise, and in their panic they accidentally stomp Blue’s, continuing to break their neck even more with every frantic push against their sibling.

Whether Blue dies instantly or lives through this I’ll leave up to you


But Mother loves ALL her babies. Surely, poo-er, Choco baby can`t be an inherently BAD BABY!? She, as best she can, recalls how her previous litter was wiped out by confetti in a mild breeze. These things happen to fluffies, she painfully ponders.


Where’d he hide the glass?

I like red best. “Bleh.” You said it, kiddo.


Place your bets! Mare is too stupid to put two and two together Or She ends the shit foal!


Can I put a bet down for “both”? Like, she never suspects it, but she ends up killing it anyway, completely by accident?