As much as I’m having fun imagining what’s going to happen once the truck reaches its destination, I find myself wondering how many of them can fit in that trailer.
my best guess is that they’re being brought to a particularly batshit insane PETA member who wants to shove the foals up their ass
The little fluffy storage in the back is so weirdly cute for me ^^’
judging from the lack of blood on the other tyres, that fluffy dodged 6 of them before getting nailed by the last one.
Who said the number 7 was lucky?
This is a really long fluffy
Summer isn’t truly over until you’re reaching bare-armed into a fluffy cervix fishing for an alicorn. The hype is real!
Good stuff, Duck
Say i pull a foal and i get a poopie or a alicorn, if i pay extra can i choose to make the mummah have to keep it and look after it forever.
i like to play the longer game