Just some more in-depth information about by Dragon Fluffies. I kinda view these things as the Actionman to Fluffy’s Barbie, Dragon Flyz to their Sky Dancers, or He-Man to their She-Ra.
Oh and the dragon fluff heads to the side there are to show what dragon fluffs have the potential to look like, those specifically being designer specimens. Most that are sold to the public tend to have much more simple horn arrangement.
Feel free to make your own if you wish.
Oh ho DND dragon flufffies
a hole appearsbefore you, it’s dug out like something vibrated through the earth.
I was really hoping someone would notice that.
tack a fluffy change every thing that makes a fluffy a fluffy away call your new thing a fluffy donut steel one o one
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Theres a wild population of these too?? Dammit PETA haven’t you learned your lesson?
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Actually, these weren’t released into the wild by PETA. They’re kinda like pythons in the everglades, irresponsible people just release their unwanted pets into the wild.
I have some questions.
*) Do these fluffies use fluffspeak and have a lisp like the base fluffies do?
*) Could you show us how the ones that are usually sold look like? (Since the examples are designer fluffies)
*) Are the “manes” actually manes made of hair or is it something else? Like long scales or something.
All things concidered, its not that far fetched.

*) yes they still use fluff-speak like normal fluffies, but their voices are quit a bit deeper than your average fluffy.
*) the one on the left is actually more or less what your average Draco-fluff looks likes. Usually, they will have simple horns on their heads with a few on the side or along their jaw. Some frills aren’t too uncommon but they tend to be small near/on the ears.
*) the mains are actually hair like a normal fluffy, they just pretty much always grow in a Mohawk. Some do have frills or “spines” inside the hair going along the back but those tend to be only found on the designer Draco-fluffs.
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