Basil the Basilisk-fluff (Poopiest_of_bebbehs)

A stupid idea I had when I woke up today .


It Looks so cursed…

It really does. I’m pretty happy with how this turned out, considering it took 7 minutes on the bus.

That being said, I think the old lady sitting next to me was rather concerned.

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OK who gave Basil the forever weed sketties?

Basil! So rude! When good fluffies rip one, they say, “TAAADAAAAAAA!”


throaty serpentine hiss

“ehh… Close enough”

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This does not spark joy

somehow, of all the things i’ve seen on this fucking website, this is the worst (complementary). neat

Aww come on, he’s just a little goober, a scamp, a little ragamuffin.

Just look at that smile, that’s the smile of a good boy.

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just. be sure to equip high curse resist gear before getting too close. and maybe a respirator, unless you like silicosis

I’m almost tempted to draw him a mimic fluff girlfriend.

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jesus christ how horrifying. do it

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Nothing quite like playing through a new fromsoft for the first time game and running into these bastards again

Someone draw a fluffy the dying from the death blight instakill animation in Elden ring.

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cough cough “daddeh! Pwincess nu wike scawy fwend! Nu can bweavies! Smokie nu sneww pwe-”

“ok I’m back, princess, what’s the-OH MY GOD!”

"SCREEEEEEEE-gurgle-EEEEeeeeee… "


feels small tap on leg


“it am otay Daddeh, Pwincess took widdle sweepie at da site-ob-gwacie ober dewe…”

“so you’re immortal now?”

“Pwincess tink su?..”

“I… have some mixed feelings about that”



There goes 20 years of memory suppression.

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Fwuffy give Deathroot Ailment and take all the runes!

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