Bathory Side Story: The Gig (by Pwuppy)

“Mummah suuu pwetty! Baffwee nu can wait fow Gigglies!”

Ariadne almost drew across her face with her eyeliner, caught completely off-guard with a guffaw! She fanned her eyes to try and keep them dry (how does that work?) as she laughed.

“Bathory! It’s a Gig, silly!” She grinned and ruffled the Pillowfluff’s glam, back-combed mane. She’d managed to get it huge! He was sure to fit in with all the other nonconformists at The Cesspit, her favourite venue in the city. “Hang on, mommy’s got to do her eye.”

He loved making his mummah laugh. The sound of pure joy was what kept Bathory going, her conversation a pleasure but her laugh? Gosh, it was something else.

“Wiww Daddeh-Mummah be thewe tu?” Bathory asked and stretched his stumpies, pushing himself up with his strong shoulders. Fully-grown, he was a handsome, somewhat chonky stallion and had no problems getting around. Between doing the wormie-squirmie, tumbly-rolling and using a lowered pillowboard so he could push himself along on his stumps, he stayed in as much shape as he could and managed to avoid too much muscle atrophy. If he’d been able to keep his legs, he would have been a buff lad!

Ariadne nodded in reply with an ‘mm-hmm’ as she pencilled white onto her waterline. Bathory cheered! He loved getting to see Iris, Ariadne’s partner, as well. She always looked so cool when they went out!

“What colour lipstick should mommy wear?” Ariadne asked and held several tubes out towards the Fluffy. “Black, bright red or dark red?”

“Hmmmm…” Bathory studied the three and reached his neck forwards to sniff them. He rubbed his muzzle on each tube, examining the different textures of the products and their fancy packaging. “Dis wun feew nicey, wike nice scritchies…” he mused, as he ran his nose up and down a pyramid-studded tube. “Den dis wun smoof an’ shinee,” he continued, feeling a slender, elegant bottle. “An’ dis wun smeww wike…?” He paused, sniffing the tube closer. “Fwowews?”

Ariadne opened the last one and let Bathory smell the lipstick properly. It was a beautiful deep red, scented with roses.

“That’s right! Good nose, Bathory!” She said, congratulating him with a pat under his chin with one finger. “That’s rose. We saw a rose bush in the park last week, didn’t we?”

“Ohhh, yus! Su many fwowews, su many smewws!” Bathory wagged his tail, a huge white swathe of silken fluff.

“Lots to remember. So, which one?”

Bathory thought for a moment.

“Bwack! Den mummah match wiff Baffwee!” He giggled and bobbed on his front stumps, in place of tapping his hooves in joy. It was the studded lipstick tube— Ariadne held it out for him to feel again, then popped the lid off and smoothed it over her lips. A beautiful shiny black matched everything between them and the sight of his mummah looking even more like him made Bathory all the prouder of her. “Wiww yu weaw da pwetty cwiss-ull wock neckwace?”

“Hmm, I wore that last time we saw the guys. How about the spider?” Ariadne replied, as she painted a layer of glossy lipstick sealant on.

Spider…? Bathory thought hard, trying to remember just what that was.

Ariadne opened one of the drawers on her vanity table: just like a sewing box, several compartments rose from it which held her ‘Fluffy-Safe’ jewellery collection. She put a fake tattoo choker around her neck first, then produced a large silver spider on a chain.

Ohh! Weggie-fwend!” Bathory gasped! “Baffwee wub weggie-fwend, tank ‘oo mummah!” He bobbed again, eager to nuzzle up next to it on Ariadne’s chest when he was in the Fluffsling.

Ariadne stood up and went to the closet. It was none of the colours of the rainbow, a glorious spectrum of black, black and more black. She pulled out a tight dress that showed off her legs, some cute socks and honking great boots, then laid the clothes out on the bed and went back to Bathory.

“Alright, big man, time for good poopies and pee-pees, then your diaper. And you know what that means?” She asked the excited Fluffy, who wiggled in anticipation.

“It taiw time!” Bathory cheered! He wiggled around for Ariadne so his big, fluffy tail hung over the side of the table.

Carefully, Ariadne braided Bathory’s tail and wrapped the extra fluff length up so it would stay clean if he needed to go in his diaper. He very rarely did, but it helped with cleaning him up significantly— his tail was ninety percent hair! She worked as quickly as she could, humming to herself while Bathory tunelessly sung a tail song.

Taiw time! Taiw time! Keep taiw cwean an’ comfy time! Taiw time! Taiw time! Poopies off Baffwee’s taiw time!

At least he was entertained.

When the braid was done, Ariadne loosely folded it up to where Bathory’s tail finished and bound it in vet wrap to protect it. When she was done, she ruffled a hand down the Fluffy’s back and picked him up.

“Poopies time, yay!” Bathory wagged his snugly-wrapped tail as Ariadne carried him to his safe room and put him down on his open-ended litter box. He knew the feel all too well and while his owner busied herself setting up his changing table, Bathory took an all-too-famous Fluffy shit. His tail raised nice and easily and he cracked off a huge fart, followed up by surprisingly well held-together turds for a shit-machine stunted pony. It helped that he ate well! Blowout diarrhoea was a thing of the past for him, but a diaper was just a matter of politeness in public spaces, especially those not designated specifically for Fluffies.

He lifted one back stump to pee and not sit in it and by the time he was finished, Ariadne plucked him from the floor and had him on the table to clean his bum-fluff and belly with a wet wipe. She gave Bathory a pet for doing good-poopies and pee-pees, bagged and binned the litter and wipes, then returned to Bathory.

“Diapey time!” Bathory cheered and wiggled his stumps as he rolled over onto his back for his mummah. She ruffled his belly-fluff and lifted his butt to slide his specially-made pillow diaper under him. “Baffwee su su su ess-ited tu see mummah an’ Bafwee’s fwends!” He chattered, as Ariadne put a bit of barrier cream on his back stumps. “Gun’ wissen tu mew-sick an’ dancey wif fwends, sippy mummah’s dwinkie an’ daddeh-mummah’s dwinkie an’ see da fwashy-wights!”

Ariadne just smiled as she did up Bathory’s tapes. The puffy white diaper was cosy and comforting, which especially helped when meeting new people and being in such an overstimulating environment. She scooped Bathory up when he was finished and carried him back to the bedroom, then popped him down on the bed while she got fully dressed and brushed her hair. All the while, he babbled on about what they would see and do, who would be there and what they looked like! She listened and nodded when she needed to, vocalised when she needed to and spritzed on some perfume, zipped on her hefty boots and checked her handbag.

Phone. Wallet. ID. Keys. Extra diapers. Wipes. Fluffy snacks. Fluffy earplugs. People earplugs. Fluffy water bottle. Tampons.

Finally, she could put on the Fluffsling!

Ariadne wrapped the black cloth around herself and her shoulders a few times until it was sturdy, then got Bathory snuggled into the front of it against her, wrapped it a bit more, tied it and bam! One very comfy, content Pillowfluff ready for a night out. Ariadne’s leather jacket went on over the top and hung open, then her handbag on one shoulder.

“Ready, Bathory?”

“Yus, mummah!”

“Nothing else before we go?”

“Nu, mummah!”

“Sick. Let’s go!”

Iris was waiting outside The Cesspit, smoking a cigarette while talking to some other crusty punks and goths. She was impossible to miss with some eye-gouging spikes on her shoulders, rail-thin and lithely muscular. It took a double take to clock her soft jaw and thick eyelashes, a stone cold butch to the core. She’d traded her work boots for slightly more ornamental boots that put another few inches on her and put her on eye line with the tallest man in their group— she seemed to enjoy it and knuckled his shoulder while both of them laughed.


Everyone looked up and towards Ariadne and an incredibly excited Bathory when he squealed in joy at the sight of his second mummah. He wiggled his fore-stumpies and hind-stumpies at Iris and their friends, facing outwards from his cosy place on Ariadne’s front in his Fluffsling, going absolutely ballistic in joy.

“Heyyyy, big man!” Iris shouted over to them. “Bring your mommy over here!”

“Mummah!! Huwwy! Huwwy!” Bathory peeped excitedly at Ariadne as she strode over. “Daddeh-Mummah!! Baffwee wub 'oo!!”

Iris leant down to hug Ariadne and gave her a careful kiss as not to ruin her makeup, then planted a smooch on Bathory’s forehead.

“Hewwo!! Mummah an’ Baffwee saw two an’ wun Fwuffies on da way hewe! An’ a bawkie-fwend! An’ a nice wady said mummah wook nice an’ dat Baffwee hansum!” He chattered excitedly, as Iris stroked his mane and their friends came to say hello to him too. “Hewwo Kwaven! Hewwo Cowpse-soddum-eye-zow! Hewwo Ub-siddy-un! Baffwee wub ‘oo tuu!”

Craven was a lanky punk who worked with Iris at the lumber yard. His Mohawk was the kind he could sleep on for days and would never go down, mostly because that’s what he did. Corpsesodomiser was the big guy, with long, dark, tangled hair and a trench that screamed ‘active shooter’. The dude was chill as hell, though and wrote databases for banks. He had Fluffies of his own at home who he doted upon, but his wife preferred to stay home with them these days instead of go out gigging. Obsidian was shorter than Ariadne, but her tits were three times bigger and she’d been practically sewn into her jeans. She cooed at Bathory when it was her turn to say hello and nuzzled him with her face. Her band shirts were always stretched like hell at the chest, so she’d started buying extra-extra large ones and tied them at the waist. Finally, you could read the spidery doom metal melting branches sludge fonts!

“Hey, babes! Not been up to too much without me?” Ariadne asked, as they joined the line for the venue.

“Nah, just catching up,” Obsidian grinned. “Finally getting out after two weeks on the early shift. My boss is such an asshole—“ (Bathory gasped!) “— but I’m free now! Are we gonna find Crave someone nice to settle down with tonight?”

Craven scoffed. Ariadne snorted. Iris rolled her eyes. Corpsesodomiser shrugged.

“Dunno, depends on who’s enough of a pig here,” Corpsesodomiser said, which pricked up Bathory’s ears.

“Piggies hewe? Cows an’ chickies tuu?” Bathory asked, excited. “Gigglie has fawm?”

Even Craven smirked at that one, while everyone else creased up. Bathory looked around, unsure of what he’d said. Obsidian petted the Fluffy’s head.

“No, baby, no……. no, not that kind,” Ariadne tried to clarify, able to feel Bathory’s tail wagging against her belly. It stopped. “But Craven likes his kind better.”

The line was moving healthily and before long, they were at the bouncers. They all showed their ID and Bathory gave the brick shithouse metal dudes a sunny hello. Pretty much everyone who worked at The Cesspit knew Bathory— Ariadne brought him since he was a foal, always swaddled up on her chest, diapered, polite and well looked after. The bouncers both gave him a pet and let the group in.

Ariadne tucked their ear plugs and her phone into different parts of the Fluffwrap so she could check her handbag along with her coat. The goth chick on the cloakroom told Bathory all the numbers that were on their tickets for him to try and remember, even if he wouldn’t. What was important was his trying, right?

Even the bartender wanted to say hello to the Fluffy as well! Bathory loved the attention from the different staff he knew, especially when the bartender gave him a little ‘pee-nut’ nummy from behind the bar. Everyone got a drink and found somewhere to stand together to talk while waiting for the music.

Bathory got to try a little lick of Ariadne and Corpsesodomiser’s sweet soda drinks, while the others were alcoholic and not good for Fluffies. He understood that, but Ariadne gave him a little bit more of hers to make up for it. Several people came over to say how cute he was and asked to say hello and pet him! Bathory was a little shy with the people he didn’t know and buried his face in the Fluffwrap, but Ariadne coaxed him out and the concert goers were very kind and let him sniff them thoroughly first. He let the lady pet his fluffy cheek, then her boyfriend got to stroke his mane! They liked how much he looked like Ariadne and it made him feel so proud of his mummah!

When the stage cleared and the music in the background stopped playing over the sound system, Bathory knew it was time for his ear protection. He turned around so that his tummy was against his mummah; Ariadne got Iris to hold her drink and carefully fitted the soft earplugs into Bathory’s sensitive ears until he couldn’t hear her voice, only feel the reverberation of her speaking. He snuggled down against her as Ariadne stroked his head with one hand and sipped her drink with the other, Iris’ arm around her shoulders.

He could hear his own heartbeat and the murmuring of the venue, until the lights went down and he could feel the people cheering! Bathory nuzzled against Ariadne and felt her spider necklace with his snout, enjoying how the outside of it was cool but the tips of the legs were warmed by her skin and the different textures of its body. He could smell her perfume, too, the same one that soothed him during all the hugs when he had hurties and after his surgery, when he had scary night-pictures of a dark place with lots and lots of Fluffies.

The music thumped heavy in the air around them and he could hear enough of it to enjoy it and wiggle and rock to, moving his shoulders and his stumpies against Ariadne to the driving beat of a local metal band trying to make a name for themselves before the main act.

Everything was so exciting that Bathory tired himself out! Sufficiently dampened by his ear plugs, the music didn’t bother him when he closed his eyes and had a little snooze against Ariadne. He woke up again to the feeling of Ariadne whooping at the band on stage and Bathory joined in!

He turned halfway around to watch for a little while and wave his stumpies around— Iris caught eye of him doing so and tickled him under it to make him giggle. By the end of the set, he’d fully turned around and was thrashing around as much as he could to the beat, going as nuts as a well-contained Pillowfluff could do so!

It was so much fun!

Bathory was exhausted by the time it was over and he cheered his little heart out for the band when they finished up.

Content, he closed his eyes and when he opened them, it was time to say goodbye to everyone!

“Good dawk-time, fwends! Baffwee had suuuu mush fun!”

He fell asleep on the walk home, listening to his two mummahs talking and laughing. When they arrived home, he was gently woken up for a little snack, more good poopies and pee-pees, cleanies and was put into his co-sleeping bed next to Ariadne and Iris’.

Tucked in under his snuggly blanket with Pwuppy the huggie-barkie, Bathory was out cold before the lights were off.


The thought of a headbanging Fluffy was my inspiration to write this one. :black_heart:


This is absolutely wonderful and it’s great to see a Pillowfluff that lost their limbs for a medically sound reason and isn’t just a constant barrage of “how time tiww weggies? Wai nu weggies?”

Plus… I’m pretty sure I knew these people in college.


Thank you! I like thinking about disabled fluffies having lives. While I also like to see them be utterly annihilated, I think some of the other lads here have that base very well-covered. :slight_smile:

And we all knew these people. I was these people. I still am these people. We all have dogs or cats instead of Fluffies, though, only a few of my mates have kids and we’re in our thirties now, lmao. We’re the ones holding the balance of people not breeding to people who are, y’know?


You full on brought out and fired the wholesome cannon.


Bathory is adorable & so are his mommies. :smile_cat:


Okay, I’ve fallen completely in love with this series and have just devoured all of it at once, so I was going to comment to tell you that anyway, but what REALLY made me comment was the description of a “pyramid-studded tube”. Oh, those old KVD lipsticks, it’s got me all nostalgic! Anyway, Bathory is such a sweet little dude and I’m on the edge of my seat to see what happens to Zebra next.


From one solely pet parent to another, love this story! Makes me wish I could give my chihuahua a scene kid glow up lol

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Such a cute story! I hope Bathory got to keep his lumps. Despite being inbred, his colors are great, and some non related mares could have pretty goals with him!

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