Battle Fluffies Round 2: Fight 16. by Motowhed

Might have jumped my place in line a bit. I present

.50 Cal v. NUKE

The fight opened a bit slow, with .50 Cal gnawing on his little trigger pull handle and Nuke asking the crowd if anyone needed thier snacks warmed up. Then .50 Cal pulled a bit too hard and his gun went off, striking an audience member and scaring the bejeezus out of Nuke He responded with a blast of radiation in .50 Cal’s general direction, and succeeding in blinding the front row. At this point its still hard to tell who will win. Its anyones game. Its battle, its a war!

War…war never changes.

  • .50 Cal
  • Nuke

0 voters

Get your votes in kids!


There is no line.
Artists upload their piece when they finished it.


.50 Cal is the best fluffy ever.

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Everybody dies.
The end.

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I think nuke could just vaporize the bullet from midair.

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I feel that way too. Though .50 seems like he has little to no control of the gun. This one might come down to sheer dumb luck (or a draw given the votes at this point).

In the event of a draw do both fluffies lose?

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They both get mauled by Vanetka, Riket or Swish.


It’s a draw !


Yeah. I’m working on a comic but its taking forever. Lol.

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deh fugetti?