Battle Flufies Round 2 BattleSheet (AMDk7)

Round 2 match up !

Get your game face on fluffiy stompers the list is here !
I will note each and every one of you, with the details of your match up.
The fights are not in order.
So just keep them coming till we are done.

Fight 1
Fluffy 13 Tortle powah vs house fluffy 10 The Janitor
Drawn by : 13 Chartreuseshroom


Fight 2
Fluffy 11 Hotrod vs house fluffy 8 Vanetka
Drawn by 8 RustyNickel

Vanetka !

Fight 3
Fluffy 15 Clacker vs house fluffy 7 Pot Poker
Drawn by 7 Nekuchan


Fight 4
Fluffy 2 Crimson vs house fluffy 9 Moron Eel
Drawn by artist 11 Lothmar art by Tia

Moron-Eel !

Fight 5
Fluffy 4 Headcanon vs house fluffy 6 Burnie hurties
Drawn by 5 Swiftbitches ( turned over to @PeppermintParchment )

Fight 6
Fluffy 5 Roscoe The Ruiner vs house fluffy 11 Bulldozer
Drawn by 6 Mexi

Fight 7
Fluffy 6 Snaggletooth vs house fluffy 14 Mr Chomp
Drawn by 15 Infraredturbine

Winner Mr Chomp

Fight 8
Fluffy 9 Horny Paladin vs house fluffy 13 Poopie Penetrator
Drawn by 16 Karn\P3

Fight 9
Fluffy 14 Crapodile vs house fluffy 12 Bowser Buzzsaw
Draw by 10 BFM101 ( alternate artist Tia )

Winner : Crapodile !

Fight 10
Fluffy 7 max1 vs house fluffy 3 Swish
Drawn by 3 Federalchemical1728

Winner: Swish

Fight 11
Fluffy 16 Sgt Tuffles vs house fluffy 5 PeeTyphoon
Drawn by 14 thatmotherfluffer

Fight 12
Fluffy 10 Rocketman vs house fluffy 16 Toxic Fumes
Drawn by 12 Reddit-Word_H83r

Winner : Toxic Fumes

Fight 13
Fluffy 3 bockscar vs house fluffy 15 the piercer
Drawn by 9 troubled veteran (alternate artist would be swift or myself)

Fight 14
Fluffy 8 Tur Byne vs house fluffy 4 pepsi power
Drawn by 4 Carniviousduck

Winner : Tur-by-ne

Fight 15
Fluffy 12 sewage tank vs house fluffy 2 riket the tenderizer
Drawn by eded_ted

Winner : Sewage Tank !

Fight 16
Fluffy 1 Nuke vs house 1 fluffy 50 cal
Drawn by Motowhed

Winner DRAW !

Post your match with a poll so the community can decide who wins.
Add a referee if you like.
The poll closes after 3 days !
Good luck !
And don’t forget to @ me !

Winners round 2:

Battle fluffies
Sewage Tank

House fluffies
Pot Poker
Toxic Fumes
Mr Chomp

The house fluffies are in the lead !
But anything can still happen !

Its here fluffy stompers !
Battle Fluffies Round 2 starts today !

The rules and layout are simple so let me run them past you again
We have 16 Battle fluffies
The 16 Battle Fluffies will go up against the 16 House Fluffies
Winners go on to Round 3 to meet the survivors of Round 1

Losers get enfed !

Not really

So every artist can have a go at drawing a match
Each and every one of you, the contestants will choose a number between 1 and 16.
I will run this number through an random number generator, to determine what match up you will get.
You will draw your match and hold a poll to let the community decide who will win !

When it’s all said and done we will move to the next round !

The Round 2 Battle Fluffies !

Karn with Nuke Nuke joins Battlefluffs by Karn/Princess Purrpaws
BFM101 with Crimson Battle Fluffs Round 2 Round Up Closes Today (AMDk7) - #6 by BFM101
Eded_ted: Bockscar
Reddit-Word_H83r : Headcanon ARF
FederalChemical1728 with Roscoe The Ruiner
Thatmothefluffer with Snaggletooth Battle Fluffs Round 2 Round Up Closes Today (AMDk7) - #14 by Thatmotherfluffer
Rustynickel with Max
Infraredturbine with TurBy ne
Nekuchan Horny Paladin
Lothmar Rocketman
Motohewd with HotRod on his way to VALHALLA ! Battle Fluffs Round 2 Round Up Closes Today (AMDk7) - #18 by Motowhed
Carniviousduck with the new and improved Sewage Tank !
Swiftbitches with TORTLE POWAH
Amanda (Mexi) with an exceptionally touched in head fluffy Crapodile !
ChartreuseShroom with a very crabby boi.
TroubledVeteran with Sgt Tuffles Battle Fluffs Round 2 Round Up Closes Today (AMDk7) - #29 by TroubledVeteran

The Opposition

The House Fluffies !
Riket the Tenderizer Quick n' Dirty Battle Fluff: Riket the Tenderizer (federalchemical1728) Gon gib su many gud hurties !
Pepsi Power
Pee Typhoon
Burnie Hurties
Pot Poker House fluffies for Battlefluffs [Eded_ted]
Vanetka* -BATTLE FLUFFIES- Toxic Fumes VS Vanetka
and the Janitors House fluffies for BF (RustyNickel)
Bowser Buzzsaw the original house fluffies !
Poopie Penetrator Battle Royal (carniviousduck)
Mr Chomp
The Piercer
Toxic Fumes Recruiting for BATTLE FLUFFS (carniviousduck)
50 Cal -50 CALIBER- House fluffy for Battlefluffs round 2 [Eded_ted] One shot , one kill. (whether that’s him or another battle fluffy is not entirely clear.)

Artist pool:
1 Eded_ted
2 Motowhed
3 FederalChemical1728
4 Carniviousduck
5 Swiftbitches
6 Mexi
7 Nekuchan
8 Rustynickel
9 TroubledVeteran
10 BFM101
11 Lothmar
12 Reddit-Word_H83r
13 ChartreuseShroom
14 Thatmotherfluffer
15 Infraredturbine
16 Karn

Sgt Tuffles is an edge case.

His creator is a writer not an artist so somebody is going to have to pull double duties.
Or I will have to draw that match up myself.
Let me all know what you prefer.

And that’s it
Fluffy gnashers get your numbers in and get ready to start the mayhem !

Vanetka Technicalities

(Technically Vanetka won a fight in Round 1 but he is also a house fluffy so I need him same goes for toxic fumes who got dusted off)

Special Thanks to

@RustyNickel for creating house fluffies we can use

Any Questions ?
Sound of in the comments.
Otherwise get your game face on and get ready to hurt some fluffies !


I donate the cloud so other artists can suffer drawing them.


The Cloud went through to round 3, so others wil suffer like G did.

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Hooray! I’m glad I can bring pain to the community.


Let them suffer.
And the fluffies too.

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I could use the other fluffy for this that I was going to use as my round two fluffy, but ended up using bockscar. but I have already made 3 house fluffies so…?

for the last house fluffy, would i be able to enter a fluffalo? i’ve got a dumb idea that i think will be funny

EDIT: ALSO ill take number 3 lol

I’ll take Number 2!

Also i’ll volunteer to fill the house fluffy spot if needed.

I’ll take all three !
Ive learned that I can never have too many house fluffies.
Might even swap out Vanetka for one of the new ones.

Updates :
Added the first 3 numbers.
the other artists can now pick between 4-to 16.


Wooo! Let’s go! Looking for the matches to be decided to start mine!

Don’t forget to pick your number so I can run the RNG.

ok, hmmm… can I pick 7?

You don’t have to pick consecutively just between 4 to 16.

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I’ll take number 5…cause I really like the number 5

I’m partial to uneven numbers myself
3 5 …7 …obviously.

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I shall pick the lucky number 13 :slight_smile:

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Added your number.

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I’m gonna go for 6 again.

Six it is.

Might need a few bandages and some repairs.