“Wooput’s Daddeh hab wots of fwee time sinz Mummah Katya gu bacc tu Woa-maney-uh.” The plump little blue fluffy stallion was very proud of how well he could pilot his wee little mech suit, “En gots Jamba Joofsies on deh wey heow. Hydwashun impoow-tan.”
“Wow! Look at all that gear! I’m glad someone is profiting from your parents’ divorce. Cotton, is this even legal by the rules??? You certainly look ready to kill some fluffies in the arena, your highness!!”
Rupert looked shocked, “Kiww?! Foweba sweepies?! NU! Nu Wooput nu do dat! Nu gamesies Wooput pway EBBUH!” the regal pudge ball scowled, “Wooput gun take Woa-bot toysies en gu homesies. Nu pway foweba sweepies gamesies.”
The hydraulic legs of the mech suit pounded loudly as the Mecha-fluffy stomped away from the competition.
“Well, shit. Nevermind then. I guess Prince Rupert withdraws before the games begin.”