Be careful when washing fluffies in the sink (by recreationalsadist)

Soda was a fluffy.

A pegasus fluffy.

Soda liked it when his owner picked him up, it made Soda think he was flying.

One day Soda’s owner Greg sniffed. He smelled something bad.

Greg realized Soda smelled bad, Soda hadn’t been bathed recently and the area around his anus was smeared in both old and new shit. It was really gross.

Something had to be done about this.

Greg picked up Soda.

“You need a wash.”

Soda squealed in glee as he was picked up.

“YAY! Soda am fwying! Wub fwying!”

Then Soda realized what Greg had said.


“No, it’s okay. It’ll be good water and I’ll be there to ensure you’re safe.”

Greg managed to calm Soda down.

Greg carried Soda to the sink, then set him down as he started the water running.

Unfortunately Greg had forgotten to put the drain cover down in the sink.

This meant that when Greg held Soda over the sink to start washing him a giant crab-like claw shot up out of the sink’s drain and snipped off Soda’s testicles before vanishing down the drain again.

Fluffies hate it when that happens and Soda was no exception.


Greg shook his head at his own foolishness.

“Well, that’s on me.”


Realizing there was no way to undo what had been done and that even after Soda calmed down he’d be too terrified of water to ever be washed again, Greg drowned Soda in the sink.


Saved everyone a lot of bother, for once.
Do hope codpieces for humans are fashionable around those parts :japanese_goblin:


Well then


For the better.

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