This is a continuation of the over a hundred different stories I will list them chronologically in a future edit once I compile all the names , sorry for the inconvenience. Please be patient
1 Odysseus by(that1hugboxer)
2 The hurdles of raising Odis by (that1hugboxer)
3 My sweet Odis by (that1hugboxer )
4 Quicksilver’s return by (that1hugboxer )
5 tiny terrors by (that1hugboxer)
6 Secret agent G.U.M.M.Y by (that1hugboxer)
7 Moment of truth by (that1hugboxer)
8 The Queequeg incident parts 1 & 2 by (that1hugboxer)
9 Queequeg’s lair part 1 through 5 by (that1hugboxer)
10 Beware of fluffy parts 1 through 4
by (that1hugboxer)
11 Canary Dance part 1 by (that1hugboxer)
12 Vicky’s farm part 1 by (that1hugboxer)
13 Canary dance part 2 by (that1hugboxer)
14 Vicky’s farm parts 2 through 4 by (that1hugboxer)
15 Scot free! Part1 by (that1hugboxer)
16 Scot free? Part 2 by (that1hugboxer)
17 Scot free… part 3 by (that1hugboxer)
18 Canary dance part 3 by (that1hugboxer)
19 Vicky’s farm part 5 by (that1hugboxer)
20 Home at last by (that1hugboxer)
21 Lone fluff and foal by (that1hugboxer)
22 Canary dance at the river Styx by (that1hugboxer)
23 Hasbiotaur parts 1 through 4 by (that1hugboxer)
24 Labyrinth club by (that1hugboxer)
25 Galatea by(that1hugboxer)
26 Broken monster parts 1 through 3 by (that1hugboxer)
27 Distribution disruption parts 1 and 2 by (that1hugboxer)
28 Exodus Heist parts 1 and 2 by (that1hugboxer)
29 The cookout by (that1hugboxer)
30 Distribution disruption parts 3 & 4 by (that1hugboxer)
31 Terry and the fluffies by (that1hugboxer)
32 Jaingo by(that1hugboxer)
33 Thank you a thousand times by(that1hugboxer)
34 Crossing Rubicon parts 1 through 3 by (that1hugboxer)
35 Zoey & Jaingo by (that1hugboxer)
36 A simple solution parts 1 and 2 by (that1hugboxer)
37 Pete by (that1hugboxer)
38 Life of Pete parts 1 through 5 by (that1hugboxer)
39 Grendel parts 1 through 3 by(that1hugboxer)
40 Nothing but nothing By (that1hugboxer)
41 A fate befitting by (that1hugboxer)
42 The twisted one parts 1 through 4 by (that1hugboxer)
43 Grendel’s mates by (that1hugboxer)
44 A use for bestist babies parts 1 and 2 by (that1hugboxer)
45 Home on the Range by (that1hugboxer)
46 Hasbio official product line the siren series by (that1hugboxer)
47 Siren Gilda by (that1hugboxer)
48 Jaingo and Pete by (that1hugboxer)
49 Gilda’s patrol by (that1hugboxer)
50 Gilda or me by (that1hugboxer)
51 Mamma Joleen by (that1hugboxer)
52 Pete’s babbies by (that1hugboxer)
53 An unwelcome visitor by (that1hugboxer)
54 Blame yourself parts 1 & 2 by (that1hugboxer)
55 Sugar bell’s babies by (that1hugboxer)
56 Pickman by (that1hugboxer)
57 Pickman’s Unfortunate circumstances parts 1 through 3 by(that1hugboxer)
58 A line crossed by(that1hugboxer)
59 Fluffnoccio part 1 and royal purple by(that1hugboxer)
60 SGT Buckle-boy by (that1hugboxer)
61 The playdate by (that1hugboxer)
62 Grandpa’s joy by (that1hugboxer)
63 Carlo’s job by (that1hugboxer)
64 Dagan by (that1hugboxer)
65 The hand that feeds you by (that1hugboxer)
66 Ballad of sun Goddess parts 1 and 2 by (that1hugboxer)
67 The Atlas case files parts 1 and 2 by (that1hugboxer)
68 Stone in the river by (that1hugboxer)
69 How the mighty have fallen parts 1 and 2 by(that1hugboxer)
70 Archibald by (that1hugboxer)
71 A much needed break parts 1 and 2 by (that1hugboxer)
72 Seppe’s new friend by (that1hugboxer)
73 Duncan’s date by (that1hugboxer)
74 Out of the frying pan by (that1hugboxer)
75 Into the fire by (that1hugboxer)
76 Ugwy Daddeh by (that1hugboxer)
77 Esme’s scorn by (that1hugboxer)
78 Kaïs’s checkup by (that1hugboxer)
79 Sen’s choices by (that1hugboxer)
80 Tahmores’s wheel by (that1hugboxer)
81 Sins of the father by (that1hugboxer)
82 Duncan’s spiral by(that1hugboxer)
83 Just below the surface by (that1hugboxer)
84 Thank you strangers by (that1hugboxer)
85 The houseguest by (that1hugboxer)
86 Pieces of the puzzle by (that1hugboxer)
87 Working Štěpán by (that1hugboxer)
88 Geiswell acres by (that1hugboxer)
Beneath Geiswell acres by (that1hugboxer)
There is no Geiswell acres by (that1hugboxer)
[Redacted] report 1 by (that1hugboxer)
The sons of 64 by (that1hugboxer)
The Klondike special by (that1hugboxer)
Guys night by (that1hugboxer)
G.I Hell gremlin by (that1hugboxer)
Ouida’s looking glass by (that1hugboxer)
More than meets the eye by (that1hugboxer)
[Redacted] report 2 by (that1hugboxer)
The hounds of ??? by (that1hugboxer)
The man named Skip (that1hugboxer)
Back in the skillet by(that1hugboxer)
To gaze upon them by (that1hugboxer)
Master of the Hounds by(that1hugboxer)
[Redacted] report 3 by(that1hugboxer)
Ms Lindberg by (That1hugboxer)
Operation shattered mirror by (that1hugboxer)
A dime a dozen by(that1hugboxer)
89 Unfriendly Rivals by (that1hugboxer)
90 The Labyrinth crumbles by (that1hugboxer)
91 A little respect by (that1hugboxer)
92 Old friends by (that1hugboxer)
93 Just in case you ever wondered. By(that1hugboxer)
94 A step in the right direction by(that1hugboxer)
95 If I could turn back time. By (that1hugboxer)
96 Much merriment afoot by (that1hugboxer)
97 The words don’t exist by(that1hugboxer)
98 The Illiwara curse by(that1hugboxer)
99 The Everywhen by(that1hugboxer)
100 The Bawky babbeh by(that1hugboxer)
101 A slower life by (that1hugboxer)
102 Štěpán & Mammoth by (that1hugboxer)
103 A long way from Brisbane by(that1hugboxer)
104 If hatred had a face by(that1hugboxer)
105 Fluffies in disguise by(that1hugboxer)
106 Kookaburra save some there for me by(that1hugboxer)
107 Hoagie’s hero By(that1hugboxer)
108 Biwds ov a feathah by(that1hugboxer)
109 Don’t be a baby by(that1hugboxer)
110 Bambam’s shame by(that1hugboxer)
111 Beau Did i scare you?by(that1hugboxer)
112 Hide and seek by(that1hugboxer)
You pick up your little Puce and watchet Fluffy holding her close to your chest.
“Shh…shhh. It’s ok Beau Daddy’s here.”
Beau looks up at you with her good eye.
“Beau sowwy see pwace nu wowk wight.”
You are Duncan, you currently have your hands full with your newest fluffy Beau . Beau was heavily abused by her previous owner. You say abused but it went much further than that, Her eyes barely work from being forced to stare at the sun for God knows how long, one of her wings was ripped off like a hangnail, her ears barely work from having the mummah song blasted into them at full volume for hours on end,Her legs were left in tact so her previous owner could set up obstacles corses for the nearly blind and deaf Beau to stumble through as entertainment .
The only thing Beau wants is to be with you at all times and you do mean at ALL times.
Beau was advertised as a happy well adjusted fluffy who just needed a good home.
You knew the first time you saw her that the ad was a bold face lie .
But you also knew if you didn’t adopt her you would regret it forever.
“Beau I told you that it doesn’t matter if your eyes don’t work right, I will never stop loving you.”
You hand Beau her blankie.
“(Sniffle sniffle) Tanku Daddeh.”
You take Beau and Odis with you to fluffy mart to run some errands.
As you get into the checkout line Beau situated next to Odis in the chest mounted baby carrier asks you the question you’ve been dreading.
“Can beau huggies odis?”
“Oh…. No Sweetie not right now he might accidentally get hurt .”
Beau begins to sob.
“Jesus Christ! Shut up!”
The woman behind you in line yells out impatiently.
You gently pat Beau’s head.
“I promise when we get home you can get as many hugs from Odis as you want.”
“(Whimper) Otay daddeh .”
Beau sucks on her hoof in an attempt to self soothe.
“How the hell do you put up with that thing?!”
You turn around to see a for lack of a better term drop dead gorgeous black woman in expensive business attire behind you.
“Excuse me?”
“That little shit stain is the worst Ive ever seen. I mean at least with a smarty they are semi independent but all that one does is cry and beg for hugs.”
Your composure slips momentarily and you clench your fist.
The woman lets a mocking chortle then continues.
“ is the big strong man going to fight me over a bio-toy? No? I thought so.”
She then pretended to end the conversation only to swiftly turn around hands raised like claws and roar like a monster in Beaus face.
Beau beings sucking her hoof faster and faster trying and failing to keep herself from crying.
“(Whimper) Hu!!! Hu!!! Beau (Chirp) wan’ (chirp) Huggies!!!”
The woman starts mocking Beau.
“Wahhh!Wahhhh! Fwuffy Wan’ Huggies!”
The woman smirks noticing Beaus singular wing, then looks up at you with a mischievous expression.
“Hey… would you rather have my number or let the shit rat keep its wing?”
Everyone else in the store is rightfully looking at her as if she’s lost her mind.
You look her dead in the eyes, smile and in a calm collected tone give her an ultimatum.
“Mam I am going to say this one time and one time only. Stop harassing my fluffy or we will throw hands.”
The woman gasps turning around to the other people in the store then pantomimes a very nasty series of insults amounting to “You think because you’re a light skin, you can talk to me like that?!”
“Mam I don’t care if you’re light skin, dark skin , hell you could even have purple skin with neon green polka dots , I’m an equal opportunity Ass whooper.”
The woman for the briefest of moments looks as though she’s about to call your bluff but in the end backs down.
You smile.
“The forum has 24 hours to take my fluffys off the dead pool or the next person who comes after me will have a one way ticket to Jesus courtesy of the John Moses Browning .”
You check out and head home.
“Beau Nee’ use wittah bocks”
You place Beau in the litter box and turn your back to give her some privacy.
“I’m still here pumpkin.”
Beau begins to cry.
“What’s wrong Beau ?”
“(Sniffle. Sniffle) Beau am Wowstes’ fwuffy ebah!”
“Beau! Don’t ever say that again! It makes daddy sad. You are a good fluffy.”
You bend down and wipe away her tears.
Beau finishes using the litter box.
You are a man of your word and for the next 3 hours Beau snuggles gently next to Odis in your lap, finally at peace for the first time all day.
You begin to sing softly.
“Baby of mine. Sweet baby of mine. Drift off to Dreamland now. And when you dream. What will you be? A princess? A queen? I wonder. And when you wake. Your hoof I will take. And keep you safe for always.
Beau and Odis begin to drift off to sleep.
“Hnnnnn! Hnnnn!”
You look down to see Hoagie pushing a massive balled up blanket towards the couch.
“Whatcha doin Hoagie?”
Hoagie looks up at you cross eyed and wags his little tail in excitement.
“Hoagie make nestie fo’ bwuddah an’ sissy!”
You smile.
“Thank you Hoagie”
You transferred both Odis and Beau to the makeshift nest. One by one all your other Fluffies , Atlas, Trantor , Zoefie, Olga , Queequeg, Jelly, Jam, Galatea, Quicksilver and of course Hoagie, all gather together forming a fluff pile ….
“Drupal?! Maya?!”
No response.
And then you remember.
“Oh… right.”
You look down at the massive pile of fluffies .
You hear the front door unlock.
“Oh hey Štěpán. “
Štěpán and his fluffy Mammoth walk into the living room.
mammoth coos happy and joins the fluff pile.
Štěpán puts away his things and comes back with two mason jars of kvass and two plates of Bramboráky.
“So cousin, how was Day?”
You chuckle to yourself.
“Pretty standard all things considered”