Because he have good colors. (by: artist-kun)

As with eating any animal, environment influences the quality of the meat.

In my headcanon, domestic meat fluffies are raised in controlled, low-stress environments, where the fluffy gets clean water, good food, and plenty of exercise (through play and/or easy jobs). When done right, the meat has fat marbled through it, and tastes like slightly sweet beef.

This mumma has lived for weeks, possibly months or even years, in an uncontrolled, high-stress environment, and has eaten whatever it can find. The meat probably tastes like garbage and spoiled sauerkraut.

What’s worse, she’s picked up all manner of parasites that I Do Not Want - in my headcanon, some of those parasites are extremely dangerous and could lead to mass casualty events.

So the only safe way to eat her would be to either:

(a) quarantine her for a couple of weeks as the anti-parasite treatments do their job (at which point her meat might actually taste halfway decent) or

(b) cook her meat to well done to destroy the parasites. Now the meat is safe – but it has the taste and consistency of sour, garbage-flavored shoe leather.

I suppose if I wanted I could rehabilitate her. But in her current state, I definitely wouldn’t want to eat her.


Well, I’m glad that you have standards. I mean, eating fluffies is always kind of fucked up in my book, but you still draw the line somewhere. Long as you’re drawing the line somewhere, you’re not too far gone, so you know when you’re too far gone when you’ve stopped drawing the line anywhere.

There’s characters in my headcanon who wouldn’t go to all that effort, they’d just grab fluffies off the street and chow down.

But then, they’re demons, so they don’t have standards. They don’t draw the line anywhere, they don’t even have a piece of chalk to draw the line with.

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True I cant argue with that logic but then again some ppl might not want to take a chance. Or they might keep a pillowed fluffy just as a example this will happen to if you dont listen or misbehave kinda deal or just make her a example cause to say the breeders fluffy birth beautiful foals with the best fluff but have a attitude problem so you find a example fluff because of the foals they breed


Honestly, if you’re going to abuse fluffies, leave the legs on. It gives them the illusion that they can get away.

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That’s why dudes say that legs will come back eventually


Yea true but then it also gives them false hope that their legs will grow back or be reattached given how in most canons they are always begging for their legs to be reattached sometimes a lil pain is needed to fully break down ones mind not all the time just depends on how one wants to do it


But in my headcanon, the legs coming back can actually happen.

There’s one fluffy in my headcanon who ran into an abuser, and the abuser eventually gave up when the pile of legs just wouldn’t stop getting bigger.

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Like I said, in my headcanon, they can actually get that.

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All i can say is that robot wisards are not a common headcanon


But they are awesome.

You can’t deny that with a straight face.

It just can’t be done. Robot wizards appeal to the deepest, most radical part of our hearts.

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I know I’m acknowledging your canon that’s why I said most. Like in mine they can be reattached but it will require a very dangerous procedure that depending on their own will to survive will determine whether or not they live through it or not and plus the limbs they have will be metallic partially or entirely


Break her horn off and stick it up her poopie place

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It’s too small she will just poop it out

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If part of the skull is broken off with it, it might stay

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What’s the point of sticking anything there if she is a vegetable at this point?

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Might have to get your fingers dirty cause it gonna have to be pretty deep in there to stay

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Every fluffy tear is worth savoring. And its not the brain, just the skull. If it’s a vegetable, it’s because every inch of movement is pain

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Always loved how stubby the legs are drawn. lol.

Dude’s right, blue and pink never go together, dunno what the mare expected

Yup, fuck her.