If you are worried, reach out to somebody before you post. Get constructive feed back. I’ll happily read through stories or offer suggestions on artwork. Just a PM away!
Oh sure, I knwo how that is , ive lurked on the booru too.
And some things can be a bit too edge for the sake of edge but we are an HTF like off shoot of MLP
Some like abuse other hugbox or weirdbox, it’s all good.
Just don’t worry too much and never be afraid to be creative.
It looks fantastic to me.
Funny you say that… Click brought me here xD
It’s really nice when your introduction to a community is a four part Youtube series of “This is super messed up, but now I’m in to it. Anybody who goes over there, don’t be an ass, OK?” It sends a good message.
I lurked on the booru in its dying days.
Not enough bell collar on fluffies and they’re adorable
Oh hell yeah ^w^ Especially that I’ve always been into weird stuff, so this community is perfect for me