Before After! (By mostlysane)

I guess hasbio intended to make fluffy my little ponies that would play with children but instead they created some pig/hamster/cow chimera that has no shred of pony dna in it, and is a biohazard that shouldn’t be left alone with children, because these abominations are 1. Disgusting having no control over their bowels 2. Demanding 3. Racist 4. Xenophobic (they hate alicorns)… do I need to go on? Kick em to the curb whenever you see one.


Actually it’s not their fault. According to the “original” lore, PETA and some protestants invaded Hasbio labs, before these were ready and released them in t he nature, then making this higly defective product spread around like a plague


Leave us out of this :innocent:


Love that it’s heaving for breath as if its own body is crushing its lungs. 10/10.


According to catholics they reject the teachings of god which is what I would call a hugboxer for those abominations.


Martin Luther did have a bit of a poopie fixation :sweat: :poop:


I was reading an analysis of his investigations of changelings and it seems he abused sensitive babies. (Burned autistic children at the stake)


Who did WHAT?

Burning at the stake would imply that they were capable of treachery, & hence had a soul. According to my sources, he advised drowning them, just as one would unwanted puppies :frowning_face: He was ahead of his times with eugenics, too.

How he would react to fluffies would very much depend on circumstances: a poneh catechism sounds fun.


Look I don’t want to play gatekeeper but

Early Hive Lore was that the bottom was exactly what Hasbio was making all the time with Fluffy Ponies. They didn’t want to make exactly MLP. They wanted something similar that spoke in a cutesy way, wasn’t “Too” intelligent and was “Small and Compact” even if it meant it had to go to the toilet more. And even with the toilet, the fluffy was obsessively clean and instinctively knew how to use a litterbox to stay clean to the point where Hasbio designed them where they get incredibly upset if there is no litterbox and “Doing good poopies” in a litterbox makes them happy.

Also Fluffies were always friendly, caring and social to a fault no matter what color the other fluffies were. There was never a racist bone in their small bodies. They only got demanding if they were spoiled and weren’t taught the word “No” by an owner. And the Alicorn issue was a “glitch” in their brains where they couldn’t parse both wings and a horn on another fluffy which left them scared. Regular fluffies could get so frightened of an Alicorn it could literally scare them to death just thinking about one. They didn’t hate Alicorns. They are utterly terrified of them

PETA raided Hasbio out of anger that a company was “Playing God”. Struck just before the first fluffies were due to be shipped to customers. And PETA released them into the wild thinking that nature itself would take care of the problem since fluffies were so weak and fragile that if predators didn’t get them, harsh weather would. They didn’t expect that other humans would simply pick them up and start breeding them or that Fluffy Ponies would find a way to survive in herds even without human intervention because Hasbio had designed them to be omnivores who could eat grass and leafs.

The hive canon has always been in a bit of a disrepair state because of /b/ and their scat obsession and justice abuse boner making it that a lot of “Hellgremlin” content was a lot of peoples first introduction. But the general basics of fluffies is that they are obsessively clean, friendly and inclusive in a world that at best treats them as a beloved pet and at worse uses and exploits them for humanities darkest impulses.


If you want a rundown of the basic/core lore, you can check the following link.
The site is a bit on the old side, but most information is still relevant and should give a good overview of terms and lore.

And if you are wondering what the Booru was … well, that’s where us veterans hung out long ago,before this site … and it’s predecessor.


Eh … trial and error and now we ton of shit rats running around