Before I finish this art,I want all of you (including the mods) to prove to me how this specific artwork is stolen.

Before you complain about the fluffy, refer to this

I want all of you (including the mods) to prove to me how this specific artwork is stolen since most of my artwork is ignored except for those they can bash.


Oh boy, I can post a single piece of art that hasnt yet been proven to be stolen, this will make people ignore the literal 999 other pieces that have been proven to be stolen.

Hurr Durr - Reaction GIFs


prove it. you ignore all my other posts that you can’t hate on, so prove this one.

In fact I actually posted on your other posts and slightly defended you by saying if you were to be honest about your sources than your content could be a good remix of other’s content in a new way, but instead you’ve decided to show your pre-pubescence by making illogical arguments instead of owning to your mistake and growing.

Also, I’d like to see you “draw” this fluffy in literally any other pose than the 5 you’ve show in it.


Also, if you’re going to add a childish insult you might as well make it public instead of PMing me the same comment with an insult added on.


Before you complain about the fluffy, refer to this

I was focused on the ogre but i can draw that fluffy in other poses but that will be another post. Prove the ogre is stolen.

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Bro doing this doesn’t disprove the criticism.
You were caught tracing and got laughed at for it.
So just take the L and make original work in the future
and improve from there.

Or else just become another user that caused a scene that
I can bring up a year later.


@baileybaker2345 Don’t sweat it man. There are better places out there. I moved my stuff out from here and I’m doing better. 6 times the interactions, and barely anything non-constructive. The community is not as nice nor valuable at it seems, you might have a better time sharing your stuff anywhere else than here.
At the end of the day, the community loses if a creator stops posting, not the other way around.
Just leave the old fags fuck themselves and you do you anywhere else

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How is this artwork traced? prove it? all you complain about is the fluffy

Who are you?


Yeah, there’s other platforms out there. It’s not like this community is gonna grow big unless someone famous would promote it anyway.

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Missed my point entirely.

Good luck with this post, mods and shitposters are gonna have a field day.


got assblasted that an artist can demand deletion of abuse comments on the hugbox posts


Perhaps a newfag who can’t read a room. That’s fine, though. I won’t publish my fluffy simulator here nor collaborate with people from this community. I’m not losing anything.

they will probably call you out on the same thing as well


You working on a simulator? I’d love to see it, maybe give feedback.

Yes because avoiding criticism as an artist is how most fall into obscurity and infamy.


Man, if you could get off your high horse for a second, the community could be playing the beta of squeaky’s toy castle by now. Get a hint man, you’re only harming the community

On what? traced art? How is this traced? The fluffy comes from this

How is everything in this specific post is traced? Prove it.

You’re implying this specific work is stolen. Prove it.

I’m sorry, but I won’t be sharing any playable compilations on here. Thank owl for that and the other cool guys as well.