Before The Storm - Part 2: The Hellish Herd Ch. 7 [By BFM101]

Chapter 12: The King Is Dead…

Roarke and Boulder gripped onto Crowley’s legs with their teeth and pulled, dragging him out of the river and onto the dirt. Once he was out, the brothers stepped back and allowed Crassus to take a look at him, not that it mattered because his glassy eyes and stuck expression told them everything they needed to know.

Crowley was truly and unquestionably dead.

Crassus turned to Maggie, the mare hadn’t stopped crying since she called for help, Crassus walked over to her, a serious look on his face.

“Teww Cwassus wha happen.”

“Fwuffy nu knyo. Meet Cwowwey fow enfies, Cwowwey wan take dwink fiwst, Fwuffy heaw spwashies bu nu can see Cwowwey coz of dawk-time. Wen Fwuffy heaw da spwashie stop, Fwuffy fink dat bad fing happen, caww fow hewp.”

Crassus looked at Maggie a bit funny, an uneasy feeling churned in her gut as he stared her down. But then he turned away from her and back to Roarke and Boulder.

“Smawty swip intu wawa duwing dawk-time, it ak-see-dent, nu anee-fing Fwuffies can du.”

Roarke scowled at Maggie. “Dummeh mawe nu sabe Smawty, dis hew fauwt.”

Crassus stepped in-between Roarke and Maggie. “Mag-ee nu couwd sabe Cwowwey, dis am ak-see-dent, nuffin mowe.”

Boudler snorted. “So wha Fwuffies du nyo?”

“Gu bak tu hewd, teww dem Smawty hab gun foweba sweepies, den dee-side wha du fwom dewe.”

Roarke raised an eyebrow at Crassus’ decision. “Wha tu dee-side, Cwow am nyu Smawty nyo.”

“Cwow am stiww babbeh, tuu wittew tu be Smawty.”

“Nu matta, he Smawty nyo, dem awe hewd wules. Unwess Cwassus fink he wan be Smawty in-steed.”

Roarke sized himself up to Crassus, the yellow bastard easily overshadowed the old Alicorn, but Crassus just rolled his eyes at Roarke.

“Cwassus nu wan be Smawty, yu nu wisten tu Cwassus anee-way. Bu Cwow am stiww tuu wittew, if Woawke wan, maybe yu an Cwassus hewp Cwow be gud Smawty.”

Roarke eyed Crassus, not fully believing him, but the old stallion had done well by the herd so far so it stood to reason he would keep that going.

“Ok, Woawke an Cwassus teech Cwow be gud Smawty. Bu Woawke fink dat Cwassus twy tu be Smawty himsewf, den Woawke gib Cwassus wowstesh sowwy-hoofies. Stawtin wiv Cwassus wumps.”

Crassus fought from rolling his eyes, he wasn’t trying to be the herd Smarty and even if he was, the threat to his lumps didn’t matter as much to a ‘Nu-enfie Fluffy’, but he nodded diligently and agreed.

Crassus turned back to Maggie. “Gu bak tu babbeh, wook afta dem. Cwassus nu can teech Twavis tu be Ad-vi-suh nu mowe, find udda task fow him, need con-twi-boot tu hewd ow nu can be in hewd.”

Maggie nodded and scampered off, her frantic heart racing with every step. Once she was gone Crassus looked over at Boulder, still by Crowley’s body.

“Wha Bow-duh du wiv Smawty?”

Crassus sighed, he didn’t like thinking about what needed to be done, but it was for the herd’s safety.

“Put him bak in wawa, wet him fwoat way. Hewd need be safe, nu can hab ded Fwuffy attwact munstahs.”

Boulder looked over at his brother, and Roarke nodded in agreement, they couldn’t keep him, couldn’t bury him, and nobody would be willing to eat him. Letting the river take him was their best option. With a heavy strain on his face, Boulder rolled Crowley back into the river and let the soft current carry him away, Crassus stayed and watched as his oldest friend bobbed down the stream and turned a corner, disappearing from sight forever more.

Crassus would always regret their final conversation till the end of his days.


Roarke cried out as he, Crassus and Boulder returned, everyone knew something had happened last night but since Maggie had returned nobody knew what. Once everyone was gathered in a circle, Crassus stepped forward.

“Hewd, hab bad newsies. Wast dawk-time, Cwowwey gu foweba sweepies.”

There was a collective gasp throughout the herd, Travis looked around, seeing the stallions looking around for leadership, some of the mares had small flashes of happiness but Blossom just looked worried, knowing what Crowley’s death likely meant for the herd.

Travis himself felt… lighter, but he didn’t understand why yet.

Crow pushed forward and spat on Crassus. “YU WIE! Daddeh nu gu foweba sweepies, daddeh am bestesh Fwuffy eba.”

“He am gun Cwow, hab ak-see-dent wiv wawa, nuffin Fwuffies can du.”

“Wha dese mean fow hewd?” Crusher asked in panic.

Crassus spoke up quickly so as not to frighten them all. “Hewd stiww togetha, dat nu change. Cwow an nyu Smawty nyo, Cwassus an Woawke hewp him be gud Smawty, teech him fings he need knyu. Untiw Fwuffies say uddawise, nuffin ewse change, du wha Fwuffies had tu fow da gud of da hewd.”

Despite Crassus’ instructions he could tell the herd was struck a blow by Crowley’s death, this wasn’t like last time when Crowley killed Graham, Crowley had been building up a coup for a while before the attack so everything was ready to go the moment Graham died. To have Crowley gone so soon and so suddenly meant the transfer would be less smooth.

Worst still most of the issues would be because of Crow, the mares hated him because he was a lecherous little shit which wasn’t a problem now but once the babbehs started coming it would prove to be an issue if Crow didn’t learn how to present himself better, get the foals to trust him before their mothers poisoned his image. Right now though the issue was the stallions, specifically the Toughies, Crowley was a Toughie before he become the Smarty, he had their respect and their loyalty before he took the throne. Crow was basically still an infant, untested in battle, Crassus figured he might be able to convince a few of the stallion to give Crow a chance but Fluffies are not known for their patience.

He dropped his head and sighed, Crowley seemed invincible, and Crassus had believed that more than he should’ve. Now they were all paying the price for their lack of foresight.

Roarke led Crow away, trying to get him alone long enough to talk to him.

“Am daddeh weawwy gun?”

Roarke nodded. “Am sowwy babbeh, bu Cwassus am wight, nuffin Fwuffies couwd du.”

“Su… Cwow am Smawty nyo.”

“Yeh, bu coz Cwow am stiww wittew, Cwassus an Woawka wan tu…”

Suddenly Crow puffed up his cheeks. “Smawty am nu wittew, Smawty am stawwion nyo, nu need hewp. Smawty jus du wha daddeh du.”

Roarke smirked, expecting this. “Cwowwey wisten tu udda Fwuffies wen he hab tu, an if Cwow wan be bestesh Smawty den he du samesies. Woawke hewp Cwow contwow da Tuffies, da nu fight unwess Woawke teww dem tu.”

“An wai dey nu wisten tu Smawty?”

“Smawty nu bweed yet, nu be bwava an stwong in fight. Cwowwey was Tuffie fiwst an Smawty sek-ond, he neba wet Tuffies fight his fights. Cwow need show Tuffies dat he wan fight wiv dem, untiw den, Woawke keep dem in wine.”

Crow backed off, seeing some semblance of wisdom in Roarke’s words, though he was still pissed that the Tuffies didn’t immediately respect him.

“Ok, Smawty undastan dat. Wha ewse?”

“It gud to wisten tu Cwassus wen he tawk.”

Crow scowled. “Cwassus am munstah, wai Cwow wisten tu him?”

“Coz Cwassus am smawt munstah, an he cawe bout hewd, he neba du anee-fing tu make Smawty wook bad. Nu hab tu wistne aww da time, bu keep him cwose su he can hewp wen Smawty wan.”

Crow sighed, he’d been Smarty for all of ten minutes and already it felt like a lot more work than he expected, of course all he expected was enfies and nummies.

“Su, wha Smawty du fiwst?”

“Gu hab nummies, bwite-time jus stawtin, Smawty need stwenf fow wata.”

Crow figured that was a good idea and went down to the main feeding area for first dibs on the morning feast, as he left he passed Crassus, giving the old Alicorn a dirty look as he passed. Crassus watched Crow as he passed, then turned to Roarke.

“Wha yu say tu Cwow?”

“Wet him knyo wha happen nyo, say he wisten tu Woawke an Cwassus, nu happy bout wistenin tu Cwassus bu Woawke teww him dat Cwassus wan hewd du gud.”

“Cwassus nu fink Woawke cawe bout Cwassus.”

“Nu cawe bout Cwassus, bu Woawke du cawe bout hewd, wan hewd du suwvive so Woawke can keep enfing babbehs wen he can.”

The yellow bastard smirked at Crassus and walked away, leaving Crassus to wonder if his unsteady partnership with Roarke was a mistake or not.

Maggie gathered some food for her children and carried it over to her nest, wanting to stay away from the other herd members for the moment. She was still on edge after killing Crowley and wanted to let her nerves calm before speaking to any of them.

“Hewe gu babbehs, eat up.”

She dropped down a selection of grass, leaves and berries, enough to satisfy all of them, with no need for a hierarchy system all four of her children were able to eat at the same time, each of them digging into the pile and happily munching together.

“Fank yu mummah.” Iris giggled happily as she took in some berries.

“Fank yu.” Betsy smiled at her mother as she nibbled on a leaf.

Tom said nothing but the grateful look on his face as he chewed on a stick to strength his teeth said enough.

Travis just nodded at her, slowly eating some grass, he still had a lot of Thinkie-Place issue to work out and even with Crowley gone, his poisonous impact on the family, and on Travis especially would be felt for a while yet.

Maggie had felt bad once she realised she was favouring some children over the others, it was a feral trait she picked up where food was scarce so parents would give some foals preferential treatment to ensure their survival over others. Once Maggie realised that being at Big Mummah’s meant that she would never be scarce on food again, she had already mentally set her children in order.

But now, after all the pain and suffering they’d been through, seeing the four of them munching happily together made Maggie believe it might all be worth it.

Of course reality is rarely that kind and Maggie heard a crack of wood behind her, she turned and saw Blossom pushing herself towards Maggie, a difficult task with her missing legs and her extended pregnancy, but the ground was soft enough at the moment to allow her some minor discomfort and she clearly didn’t care about getting dirty.

“Dummeh mawes nu finkin.” Blossom mumbled to herself.

“Wha wong?”

“Udda mawes am dummehs Mag-ee, dey fink dat nyo Cwowwey gun foweba sweepies dat hewd am safe, dat ebewyfing gud nyo. Dey nu wisten tu Bwossom, Bwossom say dat hewd am nu safe.”

“Wai hewd nu be safe nyo?” Betsy asked with a quivering voice, she had believed that Crowley’s death would mean happier times for the family now.

Maggie placed a comforting hoof on her daughter. “Bwossom onwy mean dat Fwuffies need be cawefuw, nu knyo wha happen nyo, can be gud, can be bad, bu Fwuffies be weady.”

Blossom sighed at the sight of the frightened filly. “Am sowwy babbeh, Bwossom jus see dis tuu many times nyo, fiwst wiv Gwaham takin oba fwom Owiva, den wiv Cwowwey takin oba fwom Graham, eech nyo Smawty say he wan make hewd stwong, bu dey aww jus wan be meanies.”

Maggie nodded, she’d seen the same cycle as Blossom. “Maybe fings be betta if Buwke nu gu foweba sweepies.”

Blossom looked over to The Hurty Tree where Burke’s corpse was still hung as a trophy, as if losing her front leggies wasn’t enough of a reminder that their coup had lost.

“Bwossom nu knyo, wan bewiebe dat, bu maybe it betta nu knyoin wha Buwke du as Smawty, nu wan see him be munstah wike Cwowweyow Cwow.”

Tm spat out his stick and snorted. “Cwow am just wittew babbeh, Tom am Tuffie nyo gib him wowstesh sowwy-hoofies.”

Travis shook his head. “Dat bad pwan, Cwow maybe wittew bu he hab pwotect-shun of da udda Tuffies, so wong as he wet dem du wha dey wan, dey pwotect him.”

Blossom nodded. “He wight babbeh, eben if yu gib Cwow foweba sweepies den Tuffies jus gib yu an famiwy foweba sweepies tuu.”

“Su wha am family tu du?” Iris squeaked out, still frightened by the prospect of being forced to have Crow’s babbehs.

“Be bwave babbehs.” Blossom offered. “Stay cwose tu eech udda, it hewp tu hab fwiends in dese bwite-times.”

Blossom looked over at Maggie, an apologetic look in her eye, she had treated Maggie like shit since she got back and was feeling guilty for that now. Maggie looked back at Blossom and smiled, showing there was no hard feelings.


Of course, that didn’t mean everything was so easy.

Across the way, back at the feeding area, Roarke led Crow towards the mares, Crow had been thinking and he knew exactly what his first act as new Smarty should be.

“Hewwo mawes.” He introduced himself with oil dripping from every word. “Am Cwow, am da nyu Smawty.”

“Hewwo Smawty.” The mares replied in unison, none of them looking Crow in the face.

“Cwow wan knyo sumfing, Cwow daddeh gib wun of yu enfies befowe he gu foweba sweepies, Cwow wan knyo which.”

Seabreeze tentatively put her hoof up. “Dat am See-bweeze, hab Smawty tummeh-babbehs.”

Crow stepped towards her, unnerving Seabreeze with his smile. “Yu hab daddeh’s babbehs. Dey Cwow’s bwuddas an sissies?”

Seabreeze nodded. “Hab wowstesh heawt-huwties bout wosing udda babbehs, bu pwomise tu be gud mummah tu nyu babbehs.”

“Cwow suwe yu be. Woawke.”

Seabreeze saw the shadow loom over her just before she was kicked in the face and knocked onto her back. The other mares screamed and ran away – or covered their faces if they were too pregnant to run – all while Roarke stood over Seabreeze and pressed a hoof onto her stomach.

“WAIT! Wait pwease, See-bweeze jus wan be mummah, nu wan wose mowe babbehs, dey Cwow’s bruddas an sissies, wememba?”

Crow spat. “Dey nu bwuddas an sissies, dey am com-pee-tit-shun fow bein Smawty, Cwow nu wan dat.”

Seabreeze was suddenly bursting with pain as Roarke pushed his hoof down on her tummeh, she felt bones twist, organs shift and worst of all, her babbehs move in a way they should not be moving yet.


Roarke ignored her and kept pushing, a sick fucking smile on his face as he saw the blood and spittle coughing out of her mouth. Crow turned the herd and yelled out over her screaming.


Seabreeze’s screeching reached its zenith as she felt her special-place tear open and five unformed foals burst out of her, their tiny, pink, slimy forms spilled out onto the dirt, barely recognisable as Fluffies.

“Babbehs.” Seabreeze whispered weakly as she reached out for her already dead young, her body too weak, too broken to move towards them.

Crow just sneered at her and stomped down on the first one, turning his own half-sibling into nothing than mush on the ground.

For a brief moment, Maggie wondered if killing Crowley was the right thing to do or not.

Chapter 8


“Lawful evil smarty has been replaced by… chaotic evil smarty!”


Eh Crowley had already shown his hand- he planned to make life miserable for Maggie and her babies, out of selfish jealousy. He wouldn’t have stopped until they were all dead. As bad as Crow and the rest are, the only real difference is who they are hurting first.

Given the still rotting corpse tree nearby and the constant yelling and bloodshed, its a miracle they haven’t attracted any bigger predators to the area yet. With the severe lack of young fluffies this herd is vulnerable to being swiftly wiped out once a munstah sniffs out fluffy blood.


Crassus seems smart enough to realize Maggie isn’t telling the truth, along with maybe Roarke. Since he didn’t question her any further, possibly Crassus’ last conversation with Crowley had something to do with it.

Crow is acting like I expected, given his age and attitude towards other fluffies. Even though Roarke and some other toughies might back him up for now, it seems unlikely that Crow can proce himself worthy properly if all he thinks about are fucking, food and getting everybody to do what he wants them to.

Didn’t think Crassus and Roarke would form an uneasy alliance over the new leadership dynamic. It seems like Crassus would have a chance at being interim smarty if he chose to, but his age and status as a monster would most likely harm his appeal for most of the dumb herd members. A shame that he can’t mentor Travis anymore unless Crow shapes up or something were to happen that ends with someone new being chosen. Roarke probably can’t lead just because he values fucking babies the most, unappealing at best for the mummahs.

At this point murdering Crow could be a valid option depending on who ends up defending him and whoever is brave enough to oppose. Maggie could try escaping with her children again in the night, but still too risky even under new leadership.


Its possible he could’ve changed his mind. But, the bigger thing is I think he still would’ve been a better smarter than Crow is looking to be. Crow is likely going to be a puppet for Roarke, or at least ignore Crassus and simply be led on by the lesser mind.


A double edge sword, wonder how long those toughies will realized having this horny psycho lead them, he already start killing off his suppose “competitions”

He he still want that nonstop fear and scream go ahead! Let your herd cry some more and have predator all over you, you fuckin shitrat!


Crow’s idiotic attitude for non liking alicorns and expect not listening to Crassus would be his and the herd end if the toughie didn’t at least help .

Well all know that entitled brat isnt gonna be a leader born fluffy


Not liking alicorns is par for course. Can’t fault him there. If anything, between that and Crowley not caring about the two stallion special friends (names fell out of my head)? Speaks a bit higher of Crowley (even if its for pragmatic reasons).

Now, looking at the upcoming chapters?


Part 3: Love Is Strange

Part 4: The Industrial Revolution

Part 5: Same Shit, Different Herd

Part 6: Fear Leads To Anger

Part 7: Reunited

Part 8: In The Spider’s Web

Part 9: God’s Lonely Fluffy

Part 10: The Calm

Part 11: Anger Leads To Hate

Part 12: The Hard Choices

Part 13: Someday A Real Rain Will Come

Part 14: Hate Leads To Suffering

Part 15: See Clearly Now

There’s a LOT of room for growth, improvement, things to get better. And for degeneration, decay, and things getting worse. I would say we’re about to hit the storm, though.


More A storm than THE storm. You’ll understand in the next couple of chapters.


It would be nice if a predator attacked the herd and killed Crow and Roarke. Maybe a bigger herd could roll in on them and purge the bad ones.


Wouldn’t surprise me. Its too early for the biggest and worst.


Given the author, there’s every chance the new herd will be just as bad if not worse.

They could escape, find a nice smaller herd, but then doom will follow them because they’re main characters.


Yuupppp, killing Crowley was a bad and selfish move that will cause the entire herd to suffer and probably fall.

Maggie done fucked up and she has no idea of the extent.

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Well I’m not surprised who Crow’s advisers is. I don’t expect many, if any, babies to make it to adulthood. Everyone is free game. It’s going to turn into Caligula. The impossible to get uncut version.


Revenge can kind of kill foresight. Not that fluffies have much of that. As mentioned earlier, Crowley was going to keep messing with her and Crassus said that was stupid. His desire for revenge got him dead.

Now, see if Travis can figure out how cycles work and quickly. Because I think he’s going to get fuel added to the fire regarding hating Crow.


I think Travis will have plenty of fuel added to the fire with Crow. I have a bad feeling it will either be at the expense of his sister/sisters or his ass.


Both. And more besides.



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Good catch, didn’t even realise I made that mistake

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Yeeeesssss finally some one I can Love to Hate… a its so Long since Ramsey Bolton meet his end. But I Respect the choice of Siblings Murder I mean it from a Dynastic standpoint on he had a point there.

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