Beggar fluffy (AisatsanA)

The character belongs to @LittleBigFluffy. Made from a story “В поисках сказки” (in Russian).


I don’t see this going well. I’d wear those boots, though.


Anyone wearing boots like that and standing in that sort of pose is definitely not going to offer mercy to a fluffy. That is a stance of war and that poor oblivious feral is in the war path.


…or IS?


All I’m saying is, if a mad genius with an IQ of 400 and a robot army can’t stop a guy in those boots, that poor feral will not be spared the Goofy goober wrath.


If may make an artistic comment; the foreshortening on the right foot is a little skewed, making it looks like they’ve got their foot almost turned in 45+ degrees. If anything, the foot should be turned out, leaving the viewer unable to see the tongue of the boot from this angle.

That said, they’re being worn bloused, so I’m assuming the wearer is/was military or military inclined - perhaps they’re about to kick the fluffy into orbit with their right foot?

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I don’t think flafia is in any danger. This is a hagbox story. According to the plot, the hero, although he looks brutal, loves fluffys. He already has one and recently bought a baby. The story is not finished, but I think he will take her home.


Okay… I don’t think that I’ll translate my works into English so there is some introduction for the characters.

A fluffy name is Snowflake. She is a feral pony that live in basement with her brother, smarty friend named Bagel, and nameless babehh. These three is remains of Begal’s herd. Snowflake dream to find a good daddeh for her, Bagel and babehh to care of them. Paradox, but she is afraid of human so she can’t just go out on the street and beg someone for adopting. But one day Snowflake overcome her fear and ask one hooman for foodies and she meet the one who will change her life.

The human in front of Snowlake is Ludwig. Thanks to school and family abuse, he become sociopath. Surrounding makes Ludwig taught to protect himself, so fighting was routine for him at once. After army, Ludwig become even more harsh and cruel to the people. However, he very protective and tender to ones who can’t protect themselves, especially to fluffies. Ludwig see fluffies as reflection of himself as a child so always help them out. As Ludwig are gentle to fluffies, as cruel he is to abusers who make fluffies suffer. He like to abuse those who abuse fluffies.

I write English not very often and I’m sure that I made a bunch of mistakes so feel free to point at them. It help me to improve English skills.


Hey, it’s readable and makes sense. That’s a WHOLE lot better than some native English speakers. :sparkling_heart:


I wiw gib nummies. I’ll take one weggie, roast it medium rare and feed it to the shitwat :joy:

Nice job of spreading your hugging gospel. I could think of gory things for imaginary creatures like fluffies but I never wish violence or insult another human being. Guess your bad manners can only be surpassed by your bad manners.

Ohh… I’m so shame for my bad manners… but ok, I don’t care. I’m not a saint to be nice for everyone. I’d insulted people much more important then a random internet guy. Snowflake is my character. I putted in her a piece of my soul, she has own personality, she has a story. And I don’t tolarante sadistic moking at her. I created my fluffies to evoke feelings other than sadistic ones. However, looks like it’s pointless. But it seems that every fluffy image should evoke a desire to describe how someone would torture them to death or kill. Otherwise I wouldn’t see abusers comment under the hugbox postes.

And yeah… Sorry for your viscera, I should’n wrote about this but that’s enough for me.


Whatever kiddo. Your parents are really proud of you. Anyways none of your rants are nothing to lose sleep over. :rofl:

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So, if you and @AiasatsanA want this image can have replies curated so that abuse comments are removed.

Much more socially acceptable than going to entrails.

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She has good colours and seems polite. I’d take her in.