Bella watched through the window as the poopie fluffy got in the vwoom vwoom munstah with her Mummeh. She had tears in her eyes but was helpless to stop her. Gwandmummeh promised she would be back for Cwismus, whatever that was. Silently she begged Marie. Pwease. Pwease. Pwease. Take best mummah fwuffy, nuu take ugwy poopie babbeh!
Gwandmummah waved bye to Marie and Dan before turning back to walk inside. She saw the shitbag standing on the back of her couch, hooves pressed against the window. It would be pitiful if it wasn’t so disgusting. She saw her granddaughter’s face and knew she had found out how terrible her Bella truly was. She scooped up a wooden box she had on her porch and walked inside.
Reaching over she grabbed Bella, still glued to the window watching the car drive away, by her scruff. Bella saw the anger in Gwandmummah’s eyes and lost control of her bowels. “NUUU, NUU BAD UPPIES!” She sprayed the couch in a thick stream of shit before unceremoniously being dropped in the box. Then she went to the kitchen and collected the three fillies. Plopping them in the box she picked it up and started walking outside.
She knew just where to put these fluffies. Walking past the chicken coop, the sound of wingy munstuhs set off Bella riling her from her catatonic state. “Bestuhs, nuu! Pwease nuu wet wingy munstuhs num bewwa ow babbehs!” She frantically tried standing and climbing out of the box but all she succeed in doing was kicking one of her foals in the head as she failed to find a register for her hooves to grab onto.
“Here we are! Casa sweet casa!” Martha turned the box over and dropped the mare and her three fillies into the mud in front of the barn. “You’ll sleep in there” pointing at the barn. “eat the brown grassies in there, and make sure to poop out here. Be good and maybe I’ll give you blankets and sgettis”
Caked in mud, Bella’s act had dropped now. She screamed at the munstah grandmummah “HATCHU! HATCHU! WOWST GWANDMUMMAH GIVE YUU WOWSTEST HUWTIES AND FOWEBAH SWEEPIES FOW BESTES BEBBEH!” Bella wanted to charge at gwandmummah but her hooves were stuck in the muck and she could barely begin to sit up.
As Martha walked back to her house she thought to herself, “Fuck you Cindy, I won”.
Bella began to cry again as rage turned to despair, this would become a regular phenomenon for her, her fur was caked in mud. Around her, one of her fillies, the Ballerina began to cry like her mother. Spirit, stared forward in complete shock. And then there was the one she stepped on in the box, it was her favorite, Lily, and she couldn’t lift her sprained neck from the muck. Her smarty brain was being deprived of its precious oxygen. Bella would discover and heroically save her suffocating bestest smarty before she died, but not soon enough.
Well, it’s been a journey. I came up for the idea for this story from an AI generated image. I’m getting back into drawing but I can’t get the hang of fluffies. I can’t capture the insane blend of cuteness and disgust contained within each little crime against heaven and earth. Big props to all the artists on this site that can bottle lightning like that.
I have plans for sequels but nothing set in stone. Let me know what you think. Should Dakota meet his dad? Should Bella run away? Will Dakota be reunited with his sisters at Christmas? Vote now on your phones!
← Chapter 8 - First FIN