Bestesh Skettis [By BFM101]

The Mare shivered in the cold rain, she could hear her three remaining foals crying on her back as she tried to find some form of shelter, anything to get out of this horrendous wind and rain.

It had been many forever since the family last ate, many more since The Mare’s special friend left to find nummies and never returned. She didn’t know what happened to him but she tried to convince herself that he was happy with a new mummah or daddeh. The alternative scared her too much to think about.

The only solace were that all her foals had started eating big nummies not long before their daddeh disappeared, it meant that she didn’t have to worry about feeding them milkies and could ease their hunger with the little pieces of food she could find while ignoring her own. Now though, it was getting too much for any of them to handle, The Mare’s hunger was taking more out of her than she expected and she’s lost one of her foals to starvation just yesterday. The family needed food, and they needed it soon.

“Mummah.” One of her foals, a red filly and The Mare’s last daughter cried out. “Nu wike sky wawa, am cowd, am hungwy, wan daddeh bak.”

“Mummah knyo babbeh, wan speciaw-fwiend bak tuu. Bu nu knyo whewe he am, need find own nummies.”

The red foal huffed. “Nu wike dummeh daddeh, weav…”

There was a soft thump as the red filly was hit in the head by her orange brother. “Sissie nu say meanie fings bout daddeh, daddeh wub famiwy.”

“Bu… daddeh nu hewe.”

“Daddeh stiww wub Famiwy, eben if nu wib us, eben if gun foweba sweepies.”

As the red filly hugged her quieter, friendlier yellow brother for comfort, The Mare smiled at her orange son for his dedication to his father. There was a reason he was the Bestesh Babbeh, the perfect combination of her yellow Fluff and his father’s deep red, easily the smartest and the toughest of his siblings. He would make for a great stallion one day, maybe even a Smarty friend if he wanted.

“Fank yu bestesh babbeh, daddeh stiww wub yu aww, babbehs need wememba dat.”

“Huu.” The red filly cried. “Bu am stiww hungwy, nu wan gu foweba sweepies wike sissy.”

The Mare felt her heart crush, despite everything she hadn’t been able to save her pink babbeh, now it looked like she’d be losing another babbeh sooner rather than later.

As she turned a corner into an alleyway, something bright and shiny caught her eye. Embedded into the wall was some contraption, it ran along the length of the wall for about 10 or so feet, with small pieces of metal jutting out but the vast majority of the mechanics hidden behind the neon pink lights and pretty pictures.

Pictures of sketti.

The Mare approached the wall, entranced by the shining lights, her intrigued only grew when she saw the sketti, there was sketti behind the wall, the bestesh nummies to save her and her babbehs.


The Mare started pounding on the wall, trying to find a way through to the fabled skettis, but try as she might, she couldn’t get through to the delicious nummies.

Had The Mare been able to read, she would’ve seen a sign about the machine reading ‘Babbehs For Skettis’, but while she couldn’t read, she could recognise that the little metal chute near the far end of the wall led to the other side, the side with the skettis. The problem being the chute was too small for her, but just the right size for a babbeh.

The Mare turned her head and picked her orange son off her back. “Bestesh Babbeh, dewe am skettis in da waww, need yu gu find dem fow famiwy. Ok?”

The orange colt nodded. “Bestesh find nummies fow mummah, nu be scawed of dummeh waww.”

The Mare smiled and lifted him up to the chute, pushing him inside and watching as he disappeared into the darkness.

At first the orange colt was a little bit frightened, he was trapped in an unending darkness with no way of knowing where he was or which way to go. Suddenly lights burst on, almost blinding him, and then the floor started moving as the conveyor belt pulled him along.

The colt let out a small scardie fart, but his empty stomach kept him from shitting himself.

As the conveyor belt slowly pulls him along, a soft female voice comes seemingly from nowhere.

“Welcome, and well done, you have been chosen to help save your family.”

“Nice wady? Whewe awe yu?” The colt looked around for where the voice was coming from.

Unknown of its audience, the recording kept talking. “Try to remember the good times, and know that by doing this, a part of you will always be with your family. On the inside.”

“Wha nice wady mean?”

With a sharp jolt, the conveyor stopped dead.

“Please stand up.”

The colt did as he was told, wondering what this mysterious lady wanted with him. Before he could react, two razor sharp blades flew past him, taking off all four of his legs in one swipe, the colt landed hard on the conveyor as it started moving again.


The colt was cut off by a strange, foul tasting foam was sprayed down on him.


The colt shook the stinging foam out of his eyes and looked down in horror as the conveyor was littered with his orange Fluff, his entire coat had been removed by the medically designed foam, leaving the colt utterly bald across his entire body.

Before he even had a chance to cry about losing his pretty Fluff, the colt was hosed down with cold water, scaring him even more and leaving him a shivering, weeping mess.

“HUUU, nu wike meanie wady nu mowe. Wan weave, wan gu bak tu mummah.”

The colt got his wish, sadly, as the conveyor finally came to an end just above a bowl of plain skettis. Of course between the bowl and belt was a very sharp, very nasty looking meat grinder.

And the colt was now falling right into it’s shredding maw.


The colt farted one more time out of fear as he fell into the ripping, tearing jaws of the grinder, his bottom landed first and he was helpless as he was slowly crushed, torn and shredded. He felt everything in his body pulled apart at the seams, his stumps where his back legs use to be, his nu-nu stick and special lumps, his tummeh and all of his insides.

As he tasted boo-boo juice in his mouth, he tried to cry out one more for his mummah, but heard nothing in return. His final thoughts were confusion as to why his beloved mummah abandoned her bestesh babbeh.


A small door opened in the wall and a steaming bowl of skettis came out of the machine, The Mare gasped and raced forward, quickly setting up her foals so they could share in the delicious food.

“BESTESH BABBEH!” She cried out into the new opening. “YU FIND SKETTIS, COME BAK NYO!”

The family dug into the bowl, enjoying every scrap of the meal, the soft noddles of the spaghetti, the richness of the tomato sauce, and the sweet, tender chunks of meat that were sprinkled on top.

The Mare and her children slurped down most of the bowl, each of them fighting over who could get the most of the sweet meaty flakes, before she realised her orange son hadn’t arrived yet. She looked back into the machine, trying to make out anything in the darkness.

“Bestesh Babbeh?” The Mare swallowed a large slice of the meat. “Am yu ok?”

The silence was her answer.


Ah, foals for skettis, a true classic.


Always been the best alternative but always the mare’s stupidity sending their foals to their doom and to their own stomach.

Unknown to them they are eating their child/sibling.


Well, he very much helped his family survive…Until the mother sends in another baby in there in a day or two.

Wonder what the average time would be between setting up one of these machines and hugboxers damaging it beyond function. Just bound to happen sooner or later.


I don’t think she was stupid, just ignorant. It’s not like she was warned about these things. It’s a well designed trap for it’s intended target, and given the circumstances it was likely much harder to resist than normal.

Well done, @BFM101. I like this twist where it was the bestest that went in rather than “dummeh babbeh no wub anyhoo.”


True they dont know how to read, glad this machine never talks outside like other old models inviting mares to put their foal inside for skettis.


I imagine - and this isn’t official BFM canon - the foals for skettis machines are put in place by the government as a way of curbing the feral population, kill the kids and fatten the parents until they’re too fat to fuck.

Hardcore hugboxer likely do trash the machines they find, and then get arrested and sued for damage to government property.


Maybe have the machine add some parsley or mixed with the foal-be-gone formula on the sauce that can last longer effect not having babies.

Worst scensrio of hugboxers damaged to these machine unless it got a cam and alarm when damaged


Poopie Babbeh Skettis have been done before, I was looking for something a little different, and a little more painful.


Trick is making sure they don’t associate it with negative experiences. This machine will be associated with a lost foal by coincidence, but also helping save the life of her and her other foals. I wouldn’t push it much farther than that.


We can say base on experience the machine upgraded into this current model. The talkin machine is bit creepy how its last word bout the foal be with his/her family " inside "of them. :fearful:


I think it makes sense. It’s removing a foal, but also (perhaps intentionally) the one that can be trusted. The one that might have survival skills budding.

One almost wonders if weanling sized traps might be appropriate as well.


This was wonderful! I’ve always wondered how these things worked on the inside and i gotta say it was everything I hoped it would be. Well done.


I liked the Wolfram one that mixed in infertility drugs, seems like a more viable option


I like those too, but then folks (rightly) bring up the idea whatever you put into the fluffies (drugs, poisons, etc) will go up the food chain. Contaminate the bottom, the top suffers for it.


This was my headcanon as well. I’m thinking these machines have to be put there specifically for fluffies. It’s honestly a brilliant solution.

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Man, stories like this with unintentional pain and suffering are my absolute favorite.

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I found this.
Its the same idea