Bestest Decision pt. 1 by Bunnybunnyhops

A foal lay broken in a cold alley way. If he wasn’t in such a sorry state, he would have been considered a prized foal. His coat was white, mane a dark blue with sparkling white dots. His former owner had said that if his eyes were red, he could be sold as a flag fluffy. Whatever that meant.

He never knew what he did wrong. He never had more milkies than the others. Never got more hugs. Got the same amount of time and love from his mother as the others. The only difference between him and the others was his mother called him Bestest. Deep down he know that wasn’t his forever name, that came from human mummahs and daddehs. Still in his own mind his mummah named him, and it made him feel a little more special.

Mummah made sure the fact Bestest had a name didn’t go to his head. She never allowed him to have more than his fair share of anything and told him to never call himself Bestest. It was a secret between them. He didn’t understand this. He was only a chirpy baby.

Bestest had opened his eyes and said his first word. He wasn’t the first, but he wasn’t the last either. Mummah was proud of him like she was proud of all her foals. She had picked him and have him a little nuzzle. Told him he was a good baby. She put him down and went back to feeding and giving her time to the others.

He saw another fuzzy, much bigger, shape in the room. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he had a feeling it was his for now human daddah. The smell was right.

The now daddeh had picked him up and looked him over. Bestest curled up against the warmth of the man hands. He chirped and said “Wub.”

The man laughed and tickled his bully. “Tell me baby, does your ma call ya her bestest?”

Bestest chirped in surprise, human now daddeh knew his name. The foal peeped for joy. “Bestes’, Bestes’, am Bestes’.”

The man growled. “I knew it.” He placed the foal into a box. “Go-Go, here now.” He said in a firm voice.

Go-Go walked to her owner slowly. Head low, eyes on the ground. She knew what she did wrong. She knew what was coming. “Yes, daddeh.”

“What did I tell you?” He was trying to stay calm.

“Buh daddeh…”

The owner gritted his teeth. He keep his voice low. “What did I tell you?”

“Nu bestes’ babbeh.”

“Why were you bad?”

“Daddeh, onwy caww babbeh bestes’. Nu tweat diffewent.”

The owner sighed. He knew what he had to do. He didn’t like it, but it had to be done. She wouldn’t stop otherwise. “You remember the last baby you just called bestest. Like you, I thought it was harmless, but do I have to show you the film of him repeatingly raping his own babies again. Making them his personal enfie toys. I still don’t know if them being old enough to survive is a good thing. All them are fucked up in the head from it. Bestest babies always turn bad.”

Go-Go had nothing to say. She knew it was wrong and she still picked a favorite child again. All her best babies had be bad. The last one had been the worst. She tried not to do it, but Bestest was just so pretty she couldn’t help put to pick him as her favorite.

The owner picked up Go-Go by the scruff of the neck. He picked up the box with Bestest and walked to his basement. He put Go-Go in a cage on the work table. He placed Bestest in front of her. “Give him you goodbyes.”

Go-Go held Bestest and started crying. She knew what would come next. She knew it was her fault. She had to watch. It was part of the lesson.

The owner turned on a light and pulled out some tools. “I told you what would happen if you pick another best baby. You have one more chance, Go-Go. If you fail. I’ll have Fern raise your foals with her own and you will became a foal factory.” He took Bestest from Go-Go. He place the foal under the light. He was already hating himself for what he had to do.

The owner took out a needle and thread and begun sewing Bestest’s mouth shut. It wasn’t necessary for the punishment. It just helped him sleep at night. He’s action would be almost bearable if he didn’t remember the screams.

Bestest tried to fight, but couldn’t. The man’s hand had a hard grip on the foal’s head. He couldn’t move. He to feel the needle pierce through his skin over and over. Feel the thread being pulled through until his lips became painfully tight against his gums. His blurry vision became more blurry with tears. He didn’t understand what was happening or why. Was it because he had a name. Was that wrong? Were fluffy’s only allow a name if their human mummah or daddeh gave them one? He was a bad baby! He would get rid of it. Anything to be a good baby again and to get the pain to stop.

Next he moved onto removing the foal’s eyes. Again to fight the guilt he would feel later. The eyes of the fluffy he had to do this to before still haunted him. It was best if they were gone. He pushed the eyeslids open wide.

Bestest shook as he watched something come closer to his eye. He wasn’t sure what was happening. He only knew whatever it was, was going to hurt. The object was shoved under his eye. He tried to scream and fight against the pain. He felt painful pressure around his eye until he felt it pop out of its socket. Bestest found more energy to panic. Nothing looked right and it was too much for his little brain. Then half of the world went dark. This repeated for his other eye. He was blind again.

The man put the foal down shaking. He wanted to throw up. To stop what he was doing and apologize. He knew what he was doing was wrong and evil. He had to remind himself it was necessary. It was part of the job. He had stop the cycle of bad fluffies. Bestest babies turned into the worst kind of fluffies.

The man steadied himself and he moved on to the next step of the punishment. He already done the hard part. He laid out the weaken foal. He spread out the foals legs. He pulled out a knife. He cut each of the foal s legs off in a smooth quick motion. There was no need to prolong his suffering. He sewed the wounds closed and step back to steady himself again.

Go-Go was a shaking mess. She did watched what happened to her baby. Fought not to cry out. That made the punishment slower. She thought had had been so smart, but now she realized how stupid she was. How stupid she always was. This was all her fault.

There was few more things to do. The man put the foal and mare on the floor. He hoped what the internet told him was true and the lesson would sink in. He never wanted to do this ever again. “Pick up your baby and follow me. He’s not allowed on your back.”

Go-Go did what she was told. She thought maybe if she show she could listen, her daddeh would forgive her and allow her to heal the foal with huggies and love.

The man led her to the main safe room. He separated the mares to a smaller safe rooms when they got pregnant until their foals were strong enough to run. This usually helped stop jealousy, stealing, rage deaths and accidental deaths. There were safe places for the foals to hide on the rare occasion one of the other adults got grumpy with them and tried to hurt them. Fluffies were patient and could take a lot of BS, but they had limits and will have a quick five minute fit of anger. Then go back to normal like a switch. He wasn’t sure if it was a glitch or not.

The man got the other five fluffies attention. “Everyone Go-Go has something to tell you.” He stepped to the side. “Tell them what happened.”

Three of the fluffies gasped when they saw Go-Go and Bestest. Two didn’t. They were new and been through and seen worse from one of the owners they had before. Go-Go’s mate, Flyer, spoke with a shaky voice. “Wat happen to babbeh?”

Go-Go couldn’t look at her mate. She put Bestest down. “Go-Go pick bestes’ babbeh gain.”

The other groaned and expressed their disappointment. They all knew the rule and why. Most of them knew Go-Go’s habit and hope she changed. Flyer was the most disappointed and sad. Tears streamed from his eyes as he looked up at his owner. “Daddeh, Go-Go stiww speshuw fwend?”

The owner nodded. “Yes, buddy, she has another chance. Are you willing to help her?”

Flyer nodded. “Stiww wub Go-Go. Onwy made mistake, wiww hewp.”

“Okay, come on Go-Go. There’s one more thing you have to do.” The owner put a harness and leash on Go-Go. He led her outside.

They walked a mile outside their neighborhood. People stop and stared at them, but said nothing. A dirty fluffy carrying a bloody amputee foal in their mouth wasn’t anything new. It was none of their business and they didn’t want to get invalid. It wasn’t like they hadn’t seen worse.

The owner led Go-Go to an alley. They walked deep down into it until they were at the end. Go-Go looked up at her owner with a pleading look. The owner shook his head. Go-Go felt her heart broke as she laid Bestest on the ground.

Go-Go fought not to look back as she left the alley with her owner. It was finally sinking in she should never have a bestest baby.

The walk home was slow. Both owner and fluffy felt sick. The owner hid it, the fluffy didn’t. The owner bathed and returned Go-Go to her foals. She cried and hugged them promising to be better.

After everything was done and taken care of, the owner ran into the bathroom and throw up. He finally let himself feel. Let the guilt and self loathing take over. He sat there alternating between crying and throwing up into the toilet until he was empty both physically and emotionally.

The owner eventually got up. He cleaned himself up and got ready for bed. He gave his fluffies another look over and headed to his room. He knew he was going to have a night staring at the ceiling until sleep over took him or it was the next morning. But what choice did he have?

this story came together because of random chance and the help of @Chikahiro the second part will be in the chosen box, this is just back story


Bestest never stood a chance. He wasn’t a Smarty but his owner didn’t know that and couldn’t take the risk to wait and see.

Worst still, I doubt Go-Go will learn anything


Very interesting setup!





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This is really good for a first chapter. Intriguing twist in that the owner/breeder is disgusted with themselves for what they felt they had to do as well.