Beta testing of alternate responses (other than Like) has commenced

So far it’s an unobtrusive way to make one’s opinion known without it being an outright slap-in-the-face to the end user.
Good. That’s roughly the balance I was hoping to attain.


I do not know :thinking:.
I don’t want any squabbles to arise. Or the votes of spite.

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We’re a community of artists.
If there’s zero drama, then nothing is happening at all.
Sometimes a bit of chaos is a good thing.
It can be a catalyst for conversations and change.


We’re doing emoji’s now? God help us with the spam


Give it a shot.
Spam us
Let’s see if the system is solid or not.

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Surely the fluffy community could have come up with a better poop pic.

How’s about this?

From: Crappy dinner for the foals (carniviousduck)


Alright, I’ve made that change.


We are on the internet.

As long as there’s two people on the internet, there will be squabbles.


Oh man. I’m weirdly excited for this. My posts may wind up finding the marble in the oatmeal and get to drink from the fire hose of hot fluffy diarrhea.

Oh my god… It’s happening already! What the hell does flufflepuff even mean?!


Doesn’t seem to be an option on mobile.

You may need to shut down your browser, or even your phone, before the updates take place.

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Ah, that worked. Thanks.


I have one question:

Do that bussy squeak?

The heart eyes emoji looks a little out of place with the others imo

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you have a better recommendation?


I’m trying to think of one

:glee: is the closest current emote but it conveys a slightly different message (less love and more general happiness).


I feel like, with all the other icons having faces, more or less, that the poopie emoji needs a fluffy buried under that turd pile. Or wearing it as a hat. Might be a bit hard to convey with icon size and all, but yeah.

Upon further consideration, degrees of poopies? A post might be poopies, but another might be worthy of god damn sowwiest poopies. But that’s the late night, secret drinking, alcoholic Caneighdian talking.

Oh god… the flufflepuff. It’s happening again. :fearful:

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I like it. Honestly, beats hitting reply for a simple gif or emoji response.

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Spam? Naw. From a technological perspective, I just don’t want to see FC swerve too far into the Reddit lane with all that badge nonsense. Not sure what sort of administrative overhead that tacks on to running the joint, if any, but I hope it’s minimal.


Don’t want to be a whiny bitch, but there should be some sort of a highlight around the emoji after it was pressed :,) I catch myself wondering if I already reacted to the post or not, only to find out I already pressed it by seeing the number go down after pressing it again… and again. And again.

I’m forgetful like that, and being the kind of person that I am, which is me wanting people to see my appreciation for them, it just doesn’t help :,) I hope something can be done about this, if not then I’ll just deal with it~

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