Better to light a candle than curse the darkness (by recreationalsadist)

Izzy the Human was hiking in the woods after dumping a body when he heard crying.
He walked over and saw it was a fluffy sobbing outside the entrance to a small cave.

“Huuhuu, am wowstest Smawty.”

“What’s the matter?” Izzy asked.

“Smawty’s hewd am wost in cabe and it am tuu dawk tu gu in and find dem!”

Izzy bent down and looked in the cave. Then he thought for a moment before speaking.

“Here, I’ll give you some light! That way you can carry it in with you so it’s not dark anymore!”

“Weawy?! Tank yu nice mistah!”

Izzy lit the tapered end of something kind of candle-shaped and attached it to the Smarty with a collar Izzy had been carrying for surprisingly non-sexual reasons so it wouldn’t fall off.

Izzy then nudged the Smarty into the cave with his foot before quickly walking off.

The Smarty found his herd a few feet inside the cave. They’d gone inside during the daytime and then been too terrified of the dark to move during the night. They were happy to see the Smarty again and even happier to see that he’d brought light inside with him that made the dark go away.

“Speciew Fwiend, am su gwad tu see yu!”

“Wub Speciew Fwiend, wub babbehs and hewd!”

“Wook, Smawty am bwing wight!”

“Yu bwing nummies fow Soon-Mummah?”

“YAY! Wub Daddeh Smawty!”

The herd crowded around their Smarty, their babbling so loud that they didn’t hear a hissing sound as the fuse of the dynamite Izzy had attached to the Smarty burned down.

When the dynamite exploded, it, the enclosed space, and the fact that fluffies are highly flammable meant the resulting explosion destroyed the cave and collapsed the ceiling and entrance.

Miraculously none of the fluffies were killed by the explosion. Actually it wasn’t a miracle so much as the fact that the author of this story creates worlds where all else gives way to cause more pain to fluffies. So in this case the explosion just tore off the legs of all the fluffies in the cave.

The herd was left to slowly die of hunger and thirst in the dark without any legs.

Oh, except for the Soon-Mummah. She did get exploded, but it was a fluffsplosion due to stress. She exploded and a rain of the foals that had been inside her fell on the rest of the herd.

The moral of this story is don’t let a Human use their opposable thumbs to put explosives on you.


With an entire herd in an enclosed space, the amount of methane built up from all of them farting up a storm would’ve been deadly.

Honestly you probably could’ve just given the Smarty a match and saved the dynamite.


Hmm… yes, very wise.

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