Beware of fluffy part 3 by (that1hugboxer)

The light flicks on illuminating the hallway

You stare blankly at the woman being pinned by the Doberman sized cannibal fluffy

The woman’s begging snaps you back to reality


Queequeg’s jaws are clamped like a vice around the woman’s shoulder

Your eyes are drawn to the tool bag laying on the ground beside her


The woman looks at you sheer terror


Queequeg’s jaws further tighten
Around the woman’s shoulder interrupting her train of thought with the pain of shredding tendons

You take a look at what’s inside the bag

Your face turns red with fury

The bag is filled with dozens of highly specialized Torture implements and a lock picking kit

The woman begins sobbing

“Please! Make him stop!!!”

You just smile while shaking your head

“Here’s what’s going to happen.

I am going to take each of these tools out of the bag and you are going to tell me in painstaking detail ,

What they are and how they are used “

“Please! just make him stop first! The pain is unbearable!”

You begin talking to her in condescending manner as if she was a child

“So tell me what does this do?”

You remove a large industrial “plug” from the bag and show it to her

About two hours pass and she finishes explaining the last “tool”

“How very interesting. I had no idea there was such a wide variety of ways to torture fluffies”

The woman looks at you with tears streaming down her face

“So you’re gonna call him off now right?”

You walk off into the other room

“No! No! You promised!”

You come back into the hallway

In your hands is a small wooden box

The woman stares at the box in terror

“W…what is that?!”

You smile

“Here’s a Fun fact : our state has castle doctrine”

Her eyes widen

“B…but why?!

You lean down and whisper in her ear



Can’t help but think that a fluffy mauling a person would have repercussions down the line.

Oh definitely and that’s why he got the box

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is he going to pillow a human? if he is that’s fucked up.

In a lot of pre 20th century media people kept handguns wooden boxes

Basically hes going to kill her for breaking into his house with intent to torture his pets


oh, thank god. but still though.

I love how this community immediately goes to pillowing whenever limb damage is involved


It’s like someone watched Boxing Helena and it entered the community psyche and won’t leave.