Big Adventures (by Labcoat) Part 8-12/18

I have to agree with this. No one in their right mind would want to keep anything ruined their home, give them a major bill in cleaning and extact you to be happy with it. I hope the guy leaves her and he keeps the house.

For the love of god, the fluffy is massive. I’m not shocked his heart didn’t gave out from the size alone.


What the hell makes you think it’s not HER house?


Honestly, this is all just an abject lesson in why you should never start dating someone with pets you hate in the first place, even if the pets aren’t as annoying as fluffies. If you’re allergic to cats or afraid of dogs or whatever, don’t get into a relationship involving sharing a home with someone who won’t be parted from their cat/dog/whatever.


Pretty sure it’s HER house, not his. If it was his he probably wouldn’t have let her move a fluffy in in the first place.


Got proof of such? More to the point, it’s a fucking comic. It ain’t real, mate. Plus, she’s fucking abusing him by making the damn thing that big.

Well, do you have proof it isn’t, other than “I automatically assume the male party owns everything”, and if it was his house, why would he have let her bring a pet he hated to move in with him? Also, “big” isn’t the same as obese. Charlie doesn’t look any rounder than the other fluffies, he’s moving around perfectly comfortably and not short of breath, and he looks to be taller than normal.

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That’s not how it works. You say it could be her house, that you must have some kind of proof, otherwise, I can easily say “You must’ve automatically assume the female party owns everything”. It’s easy to make straw-man statements to others.

From real world examples:
Guy likes a girl and he’d do things to make her happy. He doesn’t like dogs, but she does. He’d put up with dogs for her.
Guy doesn’t like to wear X colors/outfits, but she does. He does it to make her happy.
Guy doesn’t like X food, but she does. The guy would put up with it for her.

It isn’t that hard to this kind of relationship.

We have clear views of him and other fluffies. He’s bigger then normal size. Unless there’s something about him being a special breed, he’s basically being abused. It’s like folks on ‘My 600 pound life’, just because their loves and family brings them food, doesn’t mean they’re not abusing them and making their bodies far more at risk of illnesses and such.

Abuse comes in many shapes and sizes. Just because someone dislike one form abuse doesn’t mean another form of it is okay.

I also hope she is big into kickboxing


One room needing a deep scrub is not a major cleaning bill if you have hands


Its sad that it ended like that for Charlie and frustrating how those he helped just forgotten all bout him, typical fluffy attitude :triumph:


I’m not sure they realize his situation, other than the green baby.


If my answer more logically covers the bases as depicted in the comic, and I gave an example as to how it does, the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate otherwise. Your inability to grasp implications is not my problem.

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Oh, it’s not over. The title says this is parts 8 to 12 of 18.

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Great comic, got me all heated over imaginary people and situations lol

Charlie is JULES’ fluffy. Her property. And even though she was abusing him by overfeeding him, that has the possibility to be changed by actually having a conversation and working things out. Kev is just an asshole. I hope Jules’ discovers the truth and leaves him and that they actually find people they vibe with. Cuz this relationship ain’t it.


You was implying I was wrong, you’d have to prove to me my state isn’t true by disproving it.

I’ve reply to your statements from before. If all that boils down to ‘No, you’re wrong’, then don’t reply to me again.

So, I think we need to take a few moments to breathe and relax.

This is a comic about imaginary people and genetically engineered horse things.

While art provoking an emotional response is a good thing and a sign of quality (JUSTICE FOR MINT CHIP!), getting heated with each other over differing interpretations does no one favors.

YFWV (Your fluffies will vary).

Personally, I want Jules to find out and go apeshit on Kev, mostly because I’ve been in a similar situation regarding a pet and the amount of rage it caused in me being…significant.

But I can also see the value in a “Sometimes bad shit happens and nothing is done about it”.

Ultimately? Even if we can’t be kind to fluffies, can we at least be kind to each other?


I foresee Jules getting righteously fuckin pissed off that Kev gave Charlie away without warning and forcing him to get her Fluffy back.

I also foresee Charlie about to watch a lot of his new friends get fucked up in front of him.

Hopefully Jules takes in Charlie and the survivors, but maybe things won’t be that clean


I understand that the herd are pests so they have to go (I’d rather them not get tortured since they’re well behaved) I’m just upset with the guy for taking Charli too. I get why he’s upset but Charli isn’t a bad fluffy and just wanted to help the starving ones outside. If he is taught not to do it again and does it anyway, then there can be grounds to get rid of him. With the girlfriend’s consent of course, she’s the one who loves him.
Instead of getting yet another fluffy, the boyfriend should try to convince the lady to get a dog. They’re (slightly) less annoying


Nah shit in a carpet from one animal let alone a dirty herd of shit machines would ruin it and that’s without factoring in piss. We had a family members dog stay with us and it pissed all over the carpet because we weren’t used to the routine the owners set for it. We scrubbed at it and thought we’d cleaned it out properly, a few years later when removing the old carpet it had these rotten ass piss stains marking the underside and smelled awful.

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Bye bye charlie you fat fuck. On the opposite side though. If I had a Significant other get rid of my pet I’d be on the fucking news.