What should he teach her? To make good poopies?
To not be afraid of other alicorns? To be friendly to bad colored fluffiest?
What to you guys think?
What should he teach her? To make good poopies?
To not be afraid of other alicorns? To be friendly to bad colored fluffiest?
What to you guys think?
he must teach her the most important fluffy skill ever
friendship and everything that comes with it
Good manners and the importance of being kind
With that pose, Lickie cleanies.
Given the cuteness level, learning how to avoid anime’s little sister obsession is probably the most important lesson.
Clearly he is going to teach her SCIENCE
“So, if da baww am goin wike dis, it wiww… am 'ou eben wistening?”
A funny fluffy is a fluffy thats likely to be spared by an abuser. Teach her the art of shitposting irl
Kindness in all situations
Adorable, but why does the brother have a canine tooth? Secretly a cannibal? That would give this a much darker tone. : )
“Sissie wiww know da joy of foaw’s bones cwunching in teef.”
Oh, I’m just taking the piss here, I’m sure you’re right, if its even meant to be a fang / canine at all. It just struck me that fluffies normally have flat teeth, which got me thinking along lines I doubt the artist intended.
Plus the idea of a big brother teaching his little sister how to be a cannibal struck me as funny in a horrible sort of way.
Teach her everything <3 <3
Stacking rocks.
More challenging, and no human is necessary.