Biggest Poopies (Rampage)

A request I got from @iFluffybooru a while ago



Beyond anything I could imagine! You’re improving every post my brosef. Tyvm!


You’re too kind. Stop it.

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Me leaving subway today.


eef freef


Well she wasn’t wrong

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The budget space program is going weirdly


Fowebah poopies. Yu gu tu dah wittabox tu make poopies, but dah poopies nebah stop comin’ out ob yuw poopie-pwace. Yu hab tu stawt kickin’ dah wittah ebewy tu minutes tu keep up. Yu twy tu pinch yuw poopie-pwace cwosies but dat gibs yu huwties. Dah poopies gu fastew. Yuw hoomin mummah and daddah caww dah bet. Dah bet caww Fwuffy Hotwine. Hotwine hoomins caww Hasbio. Dah stowy twends on FwuffTeeBee. Yu tuwn down tawkie show appeawances. Yuw safe woom smeww wike poopies. Hoomins fowm a cuwt. Yuw wittabox am dunsies. Bowunteews awwibe wid buckets an’ shobews. Yu am compwetewy used tu dah smeww. Dah poopies gu fastew. Yu am mobed tu stepwaddew wid howe in dah top step. Dah poopies gu fastew. Dah shobewews abandon dah buckets an’ shobew diwectwy out dah window. Dah poopies gu fastew. Ciwcwe ob hoomins wid buwnie-wights fowm awound yuw housie. Wun ob dah wowkews fawws obah an’ am stuckies. Dah poopies gu fastew. A Hasbio hoomin knocks obah dah stepwaddew an’ fwows yu out dah window. Yu wand in dah poopie piwe. Dah poopies gu fastew. Dah fowce now pwopews yu fowwawd an’ upwawd. Ciwcwe hoomins gwab at yuw weggies an’ taiw. Dah poopies gu buwnies fwom deiw buwnie-wights. Dah FwuffTeeBee wibe ebent hits 1 miwwion biewews. Dah poopies gu fastew. Yu am 30 upsies in dah aiw. Dah big buwnie-wight nums dah hoomins an’ yuw housie. 60 upsies. Dah poopies gu fastew. Dah towwent undahneef yu huwt eawsies. 5 miwwion FwuffTeeBee wibe biewews. Yu twy tu cwose up shopsies but yuw poopie-pwace gu ‘way wong ago. 120 upsies up. Yuw housie gu boomsies. Dah poopies gu fastew. 1000 upsies. Yu am now twacked on wadaw. Yu twy tu change yuw angwe ob upsies but yu shud hab finkies ob dat way eawiew. Dah poopies gu fastew. 4,000 upsies. NOWAD upgwades to DEFCON 3. Ciwcwes ob buwnie-wights num yuw city. Dah poopies gu fastew. Yu hab bwoken dah sound bawwiew. 30,000 upsies. Yu nu wongew can bweabies an’ gu sweepies. 60,000 upsies. FwuffTeeBee am weportin’ on aww dah wowwd wecords yu hab bwoken. 200,000 upsies. Yu am fowebah sweepies. Dah poopies gu fastew. Yuw body gu ‘way but yuw poopies contwail wemains. NASA can nu wongew twack yu. Yu bweak dah wight-speed bawwiew an’ fwuffies an’ hoomins can nu wongew beaw witness. Dah poopies gu fastew. Fowebah.


Isn’t this a copypasta from way back when


Jesus push

Rip the people that live below this shit rocket :smiling_face_with_tear:


Yes. lol


It’s at times like this that I think this site needs a Weird poopies tag.


Houston, we have a problem!