Bio Toy - Pt. 1
Call me a insane, call me a psychopath. Call me whatever you want, regardless, I know the path to make a profit, that’ll cost less; and my next idea is the most promising… I find a herd of 10 fluffies, they’re dodging my grabs in their den with huffie and puffies. They go into the cages in my lab (basement), 'cept for a lucky lil mare named #1.
I strap #1 backside down to my workbench and get started on making the world’s first fluffy toy that is a fluffy. I pick up my butcher’s knife and every creature in the room starts scree-ing like the goddamn sirens they are,
“SHUT THE HELL UP, I haven’t even cut you yet.” I yell, every fluffy is silent now, bar the one huu-ing on the table. I start cutting into the stomach, they start screaming then nearly immediately stop, I’m confused then quickly realized I had misjudged how far to cut and cut right through their spine, God damned these fragile things. I unstrap their horrified, slowly suffocating, but silent body and toss them aside, more food for the dogs.
Next one up is a nice stallion, a shade of blue,
“I’ll think I’ll name you… #2”, me saying this elicits some huus like coward- no- cowardess instead of the usual cock-sucking for your superb naming prowess, I’d almost be offended if I didn’t know I’d be causing them immense pain in just a moment.
Strapped them in, ready to go again, then the little fucker has the audacity to speak to their chagrin,
“P-pwease nice mistah, pwease nu gib nu-numbah too fowebah sweepies, numbah too wiww do anyting nice mistah asks”
“What I want is cash #2, and you’re already helping me with that, #1 too”
“Bu-buh h-how make monies by gibin fowebah sw-”
“Shut up, honestly” I say as I start splitting their stomach open, cueing their incessant screams.
I try removing as many organs as possible, the only things I’m fine with keeping are the stuff that’ll be seen on the outside, and everything needed for it stay alive. I experiment with removing the lungs, but it was only after I had removed the ones that I realized blood needs oxygen, don’t blame me it’s not like I’m a doctor. Though setbacks are setbacks and setbacks set back my mood a couple notches, so I’m not keen on fucking up again. I throw #2 into the new, silent, suffocating, corpse pile, and grab the pinkest mare I’ve ever seen in my life.
“I might just call you pinkie, #3, if I wanted to adopt you” I say,
“Nice mistah gib Pinkie nyu namsie? Huu” They shoot back, with eyes red from tears, clashing with a loving smile, makes me sick to hear.
“Hell no, I said ‘if’, your name is #3, now if you don’t scream, #3, you’ll get sketti after I’m done with thee”
“Huuhuu, wub sketti, numbah twee wiww be g-good, numbah twee pwomise”
“You better be honest”
I strap down #3 and begin cutting her chest open, it’s obvious she’s in pain too, but she doesn’t cry or scream, amazing what simply promising spaghetti will do for you. I take everything she needs to move, bones and muscles, nothing from the core, then I replace it with cotton fluff, it starts soaking up blood and turning mushy, so I just add more. The only tell that they’re alive is their rapidly beating heart, and hyperventilating lungs, oh, what beautiful sights they are, hung unnaturally out in the open. I sew her back up, glue her eyeballs in place, and finally take a good look at my work, relishing the look of complete sorrow in her dull see-places, red from crying that she cant do anymore, I put contacts in her eyes so others can’t see that sight no more. I clean her up with a bath and repeat the surgery with all of my other patients. Now to release the wrath unto them, from all of their special “agents”.
Never Seen Before, Super Realistic, Enfie Pal/Stuffy Friend! My stand’s sign reads.
There I am selling these things like hotcakes, $20 a pop, that’s great, I’ll have to make more. I’m making cash galore with just 8 of these whores. Let’s see how much I can make with 100 more.
I like alliteration and rhyming evidentially.
This is essentially what I intended this story to be, a one part story about toys who’d be alive but can’t show it. Experiencing every time they get used as an enfie pal, but can’t get away from it.
Owners are gonna be real surprised when either their toy starts rotting, or gets pregnant