Always nice to see Carpdime work. I rather like it because most of art thinks out of the box of the norm. Plus the foals are so cute and lovable.
Just another link in the food chain… Wonder what type of impact the fluffy have on the native predators. I am think the Predators would chose the fluffies as much easier food source to get than the native wild life.
- Skolhamarr, September 4 2014
While fluffies are in general stupid some of them are smart enough to pick up common sense survival tactics like hiding their “safe pwaces”, not pooping in their living area, not making too much noise etc. That and natural selection causing the fluffies with earthy type fluff colors to survive better because they blend in easier with the foliage and dirt. They’d still die in droves but this and other aspects might allow some sort of feral population to survive.
- RexSushi September 4 2014
Where are the chicks?
- CandleWax, September 4 2014
Depiction of a fluffy pony foal in the nest of a bird, most likely going to be eaten, based on a similar skeleton close to it. There was no continuation. The archived page has some discussion about different depictions and lores regarding how well fluffies would fare in the wild. Of course, and as Rex pointed out,
It also depends on the writer.
- RexSushi
Must be the death of a lot of feral foals, considering how light fluffies seem to be in most depictions. BIrds have to regard them as a feast, the fat little things. And mummahs seem to sometimes struggle with aerial coverage for their nests. Delicious suffering without malice.
Local predators likely have a field day eating up these little dumb fucks.