Yep, that was me and Chocoball when I got him from that Fluffmart. I know I look like an eight-year old but I promise I’m not, I was just experimenting with fashion then. Had to be three years ago, and I still remember my grammy being confused at why I got the fat brown one.
He really was a big baby! I wonder if his mummah had a hard time pushin’ him out, poor guy-- but he really is a sweetheart nowadays. How time flies!
Considering how horribly foals with bad colours are treated by humans and fluffies alike in most cannons this little fluff ball totally won the game of life.
It depends on the market - small children would want bright colours, older owners would probably prefer colours closer to that found in real animals, so brown, black, white, tan, etc.
No. Into the trash or blender.
Don’t box shame, Sorrow. Abuse comments are discouraged on hugbox posts.
And that is a cute kid with a very cute foal! Look at how tubby it is.
That, and as much as I find fluffies cute, they’re all poo factories regardless of how they’re colored. Didn’t really matter to me what color he was, haha.
He really was a little tubbo. Surprising, knowing what I know about poopies now. You’d think he’d be emaciated.
Wonder if that’s why he turned out to be a good boy. Either he was hand fed (not likely) or his mummah had a good temperament too.
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I wish you were a smarty in a blender rn
Last news Florida man breaks into family house, didn’t stole anything but shaved the head of the biotoy, property damage was charged to the man. More news after hug box modern life, Arkansas edition and Chirplybloodbowl XIV.
In all seriousness, absolutely precious art and the Florida thing supposedly happened, dude broke in and shave a cat’s head
If someone broke into my house only to shave my pet’s (cat, dog, fluffy, any at all) head I think I wouldn’t know whether to laugh or have a mental 404 error!
Thank you, by the way. ^^
This poopie baby just won the lottery.
Until she gets bored of it within a few days and decides she wants a bike instead.
Then the streets will take care of it.
This is sweet. Glad he’s doing alright!
Does happen to a lot of fluffies. It’s unfortunate.
But I will have you know Chocoball is 3 years old now and is my constant companion, along with his “siblings”, Squink and Foofy.
(Sometimes, on spaghetti night, you can barely tell who’s more excited, me or the fluffs.)