Birthday Art (Feat. Ebony) by PlayerTenji95


Turning 29 on the 29th! Who would’ve think it, huh?

In any case, I’m glad that I managed to make it this far; pretty impressive considering that I had no idea that I’d even make it past 18. But enough with the sentimental Sappy Stuff: here’s Ebony the Filly holding onto a jar of fermented PawPaw fruits! (It’s basically turned into vinegar with “the mother” (scoby) and the Fluffies in her herd call it “Silly Sowah Wawa!” Boy, it’s sweet, but it can make their lips pucker! :joy:


Hey, Happy Birthday, man! :tada:

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Happy Womb Eviction Day!! :birthday:


Happy Birthday Tenshi!

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Thanks so much!


Thank you, haha!

Happy Birthday!

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Happy birthday, kiddo! :martinidrink:

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Happy birthday! :slight_smile:

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Happy birthday! ^-^

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Thanks! Always good to see you around!

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Thank you! That comment made my day!

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