Two birds with one stone. My first hell gremlin. Crying. Because he wants to be pillowed. Because TV. This is my first non-controversial fluffy who is without merit. No redeeming value at all.
That reminds me… I’ve been wanting to write a story about an “incel” fluffy. People tend to be too quick to write fluffies as so interested in sex that I feel it’d be more interesting if mares were actually very choosey.
Given how often they’re portrayed as super vulnerable late term of their pregnancy? It’d make sense. And fluffy males can act delusionally entitled to sex at times.
I’d like to see more variety myself, the trope of mares throwing themselves at any stallion for babies and stallions just raring for enfies with any mare is a bit overdone. Seeing more variance in what fluffies want is good.
For the former, there were a few pics of fluffies playing videogames. I should get round to deal with them. And honestly, its a cool idea, both as hugbox and neutralbox.
A bit is an understatement and I definitely agree. People have defined fluffies as so overly basic or uninteresting that people end up wondering why people create redditheimers or “edgy” fluffy OCs, or comics centered entirely around human abusers with little to no fluffy in it.
I am considering fluffies playing Divekick (two-button fighting game). Or maybe Fantasy Strike. But frankly, some of the retroconsoles out there might do well too if the games aren’t too complicated (ie, anything after the NES/Famicom or Sega Master System).
To be fair those circumstances are only with ferals, unless youre planning to write it where a “poopie fluffy” tells his buddy the alicorn fluffy not to come to fluffy day care tomorrow
As much as I give my fluffies a bit more agency and intelligence, a fluffy pulling a columbine wpuld be too big a suspension of belief and fall into “anthro” or wierdbox territory. That said, I actually wrote an incel fluffy story, but I went into an entirely different direction with it