Bloodletting (By: MorbidMercies)

More unrelated gore!

This was initially just a random abuse doodle. I had something much bigger planned, but my laptop crashed and lost the entire file, so I whipped this up instead.
While I was making it, I kinda pictured this was a defect rarity lookalike who ended up getting sold to the meat trade for fluffy veal. No real story to it, though.


Holy fuck mercy, you are definitely hitting the nail on the head in terms of artwork!


That thing the fluffy’s in kind of makes you think of one of those baby bouncing swings

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I love the composition! I definitely look forward to seeing more of your work. :]

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Lmao, makes me picture someone shoving it to make it swing around for the hell of it

Thanks!! That means a lot! :]

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Hey, a male being punished for breeding woes for once.

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Yes indeed! Don’t see enough of that imo!

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