BloodyBoots Is Moving!

Hello everyone! :clownworld:

Short version: I will be moving to a new location soon. Not to worry, this account/profile will remain as is, it simply won’t be updated anymore. In the meantime all of my new art and project updates can be found at The Fluff Pile Discord server, hosted by @Za. He can provide the link if needed. :pizzaman:

Once the new location is set up I’ll post another update. Until then, I will only be logging in here to retrieve art as needed. If you need to message me, please do so on TFP. I turned off all notifications in here and probably won’t reply, sorry! I’m just going to be really busy this summer. :nurr:

Have a nice day! :myeh:

More Detail: I have decided to lean into a new Idea I’ve been thinking about a lot recently. I am going to create something called “The Fluffy Circus”, or TFC for short. It will be a totally new expansion on the fluffy universe. It will feature Guzbo and his circus pals opening their carnival as a whole new experience for fluffy fanatics to enjoy. :clown_face:

It will begin on May 1st, 2024. It will start as a website that will feature TFC and all its various events, features, community, and discussion. It will be different from because while this is more of an art sharing social platform, mine will be more of a entertainment venue with different interactive media. :dance:

As the first showcase on the site, I will be posting my new illustrated story called Guzbo. It’s a book that heavily dives into, and greatly expands, Guzbo’s lore, background, characters, setting, and current status. It’ll help people understand TFC better as well. :flufflepuff:

Next will be adding other features to TFC one at a time until the Carnival is complete and becomes an exciting entertainment venue for fluffy enthusiasts. :tony:

I will still refer to FC quite often as I keep up with new art and my favorite profiles, as well as being an excellent archive for fluffy art to be able to use as needed. Not to mention art commissions! :duckworld:

My projects: The fluffy fighting game and my deck of cards will be moved to my new site as features of the carnival. They still have the same timelines. More news on that to come soon! :big_caterpillow:

Thanks for reading! Take it easy out there! :martini:


Well, here is the reason to join the pile

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(post deleted by author)

What, the gay porn isn’t enough?


That’s the reason you’re there?


@Za can you send me the link to your TFP discord so I can talk to BloodyBoots

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Time to reinstall Discord, it seems.

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Well poo, this should be interesting.

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Now i have a reason to think about joining the discord but also am not sure about it.

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oh thats a shame, well i wish you the best of luck. it’ll stink not having you around anymore, but if you think this is best then i wont stop you. best of luck bootsy